Roommates! [Inactive]

He didn't want to use his father's money to buy the dress, it felt wrong somehow. He prefered using his money that he worked for. He paid using his debit card and gave the bag with the dress in it.''Here you go, a gift from my part.'' he said cheerfully and winked at the girl. Wouldn't mind seeing her in it again. he thought
"What a gentlemen," Eri mused with a smile, recalling how he looked in the suit. She took the bag and hooked it onto her arm. "So, what next? Anything else you want to do?"
'' Gentleman indeed,'' he said seductively as a joke, ''Ice cream, feel like eating some.'' pointing at some random ice cream place with a terrasse
"Yeah, ice cream sounds great! It's hot today too," Eri replied. She and Kyle walked over to the ice cream shop and Eri ordered herself two scoops of cookies n' cream and coffee on a cone.
Kyle ordered a single scoop Menthe and Chocolate ice cream with a sprinkle waffle as a cone. He looked at her's, ''Can i taste it?'' he asked, ''I always took menthe chocolate, but.. that cookie thing looks delicious.''
Eri nodded and held the cone out for Kyle to try. "As long as I get a lick of yours," she replied, glancing at his sprinkle waffle cone with a smile.
'' Yeah sure!'' he said leaning towards her. He grimaced at the taste of the coffee cone,''Blark, I like the cookie one. But the coffee is gross.'' he stated trying to take away the awful taste from his mouth with the cookie ice cream.
Eri took a taste of his ice cream and scrunched her nose a bit. "Coffee ice cream is wonderful," she debated with a smile as she stole another lick off his ice cream.
''Sorry to deceive you, but no. Coffee is gross overall.'' he said chuckling. He sat on one of the swinging chairs in the terrasse. The weather was gorgeous and the sun was going down.
Eri didn't want to be left standing awkwardly, so she decided to sit with him on the swing, finishing her cone. She watched the sky turn pretty colors like a paint canvas and smiled. "Sunset is pretty."
Kyle finished his ice cream, " yeah, i like those kind of sunset. They remind me of good memories with my mom.." He said with a sad smile

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Eri smile faltered slightly, remembering her own family, but shook the thought away. She didn't want to soil the pleasant moment with a flash from the past. "Yeah, me too," she said thoughtfully.
Kyle stood up from the seat. "Today was fun, I like ya." He said giggling and smiling like a child while stretching upwards.

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Eri stood up as well, smiling at Kyle and then turning her attention back to the sunset. "I had fun too, and yeah, you're okay," she teased, grinning.
"Pardon me, i'm more then okay," he said joking around. They exited the ice cream terasse to the parking lot. It was starting to get pretty dark. He gave her the black helmet but then hesitated,"humm...guess you could not wear it in one condition."

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Eri trailed behind him and glanced at the helmet in distaste. Her ears perked up when Kyle said she didn't have to wear it under a specific condition. "And what might that be?"
"Well, maybe a kiss in the cheek?" He said playfully but eventually blushed realizing what he just said, he tried covering his own slip ,"thats a joke a joke haha, its actually an advice, hold tight for you not to fall.." And he sat on the motorcycle trying to hide his blushing face.

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Eri smiled, and as she prepared to mount to motorcycle, planted a kiss on his right cheek. "I saw that," she quipped.
Kyle blushed furiously. She had mounted the motorcycle and just the contact made him burn up even more. He was mostly surprised and uncomfortable, he kind of liked it. Those emotions were unknown to him. he started the engine. ''hold tight'' he said finally riding off to the dorm.
After seeing his expression and blushing herself, Eri held on tight as she was told, and enjoyed the ride home. The city lights looked especially pretty at night. Eri closed her eyes and relished the breeze in her hair until they arrived back at the dorm.
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The engine roared before finally entering the school campus. He parked his motorcycle at the same place as this morning. He closed the engine and relaxed a bit on it not moving, he was still blushing slightly, thank god for the road or else he would of been consumed by his own heat. She was still pretty close to him. It felt uncomfortable on his part, he never really felt this feeling and he didn't know what it was. He sighted Incognito...
Eri pulled her arms away from his waist and demounted the motorcycle. She smiled at him. "Thanks for letting me go without the helmet," she said lightly, toying with the vehicle's handlebars.
Kyle looked at her hand playing with handlebar and then at her purplish orbs, ''oh, no problem. I was just worried this afternoon because there was traffic and wouldn't want to lose you or anyone in an accident.'' he said smiling.
Eri met his blue eyed gaze with her purple ones. She blushed, and looked away. How was he suddenly having this effect on her? "Yeah, safety first I guess," she said softly

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