Roommates! [Inactive]

Miki looked at Aris. She paused for a second. She flushed a bit. "First cute roommate, score." Miki mumbled.
Aris peeked his head out in the doorway. "Well, if you ever need some hope or fitness, come talk to me!" He said with a smile. He unlocked his door and threw his luggage on the bed before locking the door again, and sliding down to the floor against the wall. Keeping the enthusiasm up was hard, but he had to keep it up. He looked up at Miki. "Sorry, what?" with a smaller smile than the overzealous one earlier.
When inside his room, Charlie shut the door and began to unpack. He was extremely neat, and put all his clothes away in the dresser, and then put some things under his bed. He sighed as he unpacked a box with a lock, and put his hand to his chest, feeling the familiar shape of the key around his neck. Sighing, he hid the box in his dresser, and then took out his medication and put it beside it. He sat on his bed, and put a poster of his favourite band, Get Scared, on the wall.
Conner stared up to the top of the dorms, mouth open. This was it, he missed the first day, or however many, but he was here at last. He had two duffle bags over each shoulder, one filled with books and clothes, the other filled with some more clothes and his cat, Gypsy. Gypsy stuck her head out of the bag and looked right at Conner "Meow". "Shh, Gypsy, your not even supposed to be here. You just have to be in there for just a little bit longer then I will let you out." Conner whispered quickly to his cat before pushing her head back down and zipping the bag up enough so her head couldn't get out. Taking a deep breath, Conner walks into the dorm, and hurries to his room to let Gypsy out.
His smile widened. "Alright. Whatever you say." His smile faded when she facepalmed however. He didn't like it when people inflicted pain on themselves. "Please don't do that again.." He said, but realizing that he let his own demons flow out, he put a smile on again. "Sorry, can you remind me what day it is?"
"Ahh, Sunday. Miki said. She smiled. "We have the day off. If you want to grab something to eat, I can go with." Miki said.
Charlie walked out of his room, mobile phone and keys in hand, he locked his door, he wasn't very trusting. He looked at Miki and Aris. Miki had a slight hand print on her face, and he wondered why, but he didn't ask. He smiled at them both.
As Conner got on the same floor as his room, he saw his first obstacle, people. They might not like cats, or they might just enforce the rule, but either way they may not like Gypsy being there. So, he did what he thought was right and walked past them as if he didn't have a cat in his duffel bag, and maybe looking like he had something he wasn't supposed to.
Charlie looked at the guy who walked past him, he smiled at him, trying to be friendly, trying to make friends like his aunt had told him to. "Morning," he mumbled as the guy walked past.
Aris dodged out of the way when his roommate came along, apparently in a real hurry to get into his room. As a response to Miki's question, he put a hand on his stomach, and said "Yeah, yeah, I'd like that. Let's go eat something." He got off of the floor and sent a glance over his shoulder at the new guy, saying "Go'morning."
Charlie looked at the two and realised he was standing there awkwardly between their conversation and outing, and nervously walked downstairs. He went to the kitchen, and grabbed a stick of cucumber, he cut it up into small slices and put it on a plate.
"I don't know, I'm not familiar with the surroundings. You lead the way, I'll follow." He held out an arm for her to grab if she felt like it. "Sorry, I didn't hear your name back then. Something on M?"
"Hello." Conner said to the both of them. "Um, I still need to unpack. So... see you later." with that he hurried off. But just as he reached the door, Gypsy somehow managed to wiggle her head through the hole. Panicking a little, he shifts the duffel bag so they couldn't see it, gave a nervous smile, and slipped into his room. What he didn't plan on, however, was that he had a roommate. "Alright Gypsy, you have to behave for this person, or hide if you have to." Conner said to his cat as he opened the bag all the way to let her out.
Charlie walked upstairs with his small plate of cucumber and past the two people from earlier. He smiled at them again, but the second his back was on them he stopped smiling, opened his door, shut it, and locked it. He sat down on his bed and put the plate of cucumber on the desk.
Miki grabbed his arm and yanked him down the stairs. It had been forever since she had a friend. She ran out the door to the bus stop, hopping on the bus to go downtown.
Charlie turned on his music, loud enough so it wouldn't disturb anyone else too much. He sat and ate some cucumber while leafing through a book from his suitcase.
The girl didn't respond, instead she grabbed him and pulled him with her, all the way through the house, and out on a bus. Aris laughed, he had had a few friends that were really energetic and got things done, and he had really like them, so he'll probably like this girl too. He sat down next to her, and said "Alright, alright. I'll just call you M if you don't want to tell me your name." with a genuine smile on his face.
"Miki... I like that name. Not as extravagant and boring as Aristide. Guh. That's why I want people to call me Aris, or Tide, anyway." He looked out the window. He liked the view of cities, they were... Nice. Well, most of the time anyway. He, of anyone, should know that the sunlight didn't spread through every alleyway.. He stopped himself before going further down that train of thought, as it would only make him gloomy. He turned back to Miki. "Alright, Miki, where are we going?"
Gypsy seemed to understand what Conner said, but she just stared at him. Hoping that she did understand, Conner walks out of his room to say hello properly to the people, but no one was there. "Oh." Conner said when he saw the empty hallway. 'Well, perhaps I can go for an explore.' Conner thought to himself as he walked off to explore the dorm and it's surrounding area.
"Were going to a teriyaki place downtown." Miki said. "They have great food." Miki said. She loved teriyaki.

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