Roommates! [Inactive]

Kyle moved away her hand and looked the other away, ''Easy to say, I live in the same room as her.'' he said, but he seemed a lot more calmed and breathed normally.
"I'm not even gonna try and risk that, no way!" He laughed, but hoped that Eri's comforting would make him feel better. Charlie looked at Alex. "I just can't believe you're so young, like, forgive me for going on and on about it but your height man!"
Alexander laughed, too. He gave a small sigh afterwards and leaned his head back on the wall. "Heh, yeah. It's fine, I get it often. If it's not my height that makes people think I'm older then it's my maturity and knowledge when it comes to certain topics. I don't really see the latter, but whatever."
"Just try your best to ignore her okay? You can sleep in my room if that makes things easier." She leaned against the counter, waiting patiently for his reply.
Charlie's stomach rumbled again. He listened intently to the sounds in the kitchen, not much anger coming from there. He stood up and dusted himself off. "Do you mind if I talk to you later, I have a situation to address" Charlie laughed and pointed to his stomach, then walked towards the kitchen.
"That's fine." Alexander said watching Charlie for a second as he walked off to the kitchen before returning to leaning his head against the wall with his eyes shut.
Charlie walked into the kitchen and towards the fridge, trying to avoid eye contact with Kyle, but smiling at Eri. He opened the fridge and rooted around until finding the smallest apple. He put it into his backpack and grabbed a bottle of water, then closed the fridge.
Kyle sighted, ''I'll try,'' he said starting to eat his Cereals. The fight had made him pretty hungry, he didn't like fighting but just something in him made him lose temper and people didn't understand that. He was grateful that she was comprehensive. At her suggestion, his eyes widened and all tension eventually disspated, '' I actually have the honors to sleep next to My lady for another night?'' he said playfully.
"If you promise to keep your temper at a down low," Eri said lightly with a smile, grabbing a bagel from the pantry and toasting it. She poured herself some orange juice from the fridge and took a sip, then buttered her bagel. She saw Charlie walk into the kitchen, flashing him a smile of her own.
Miki sighed, still siting on the tree. She contemplated weather she should tell him, but now would not be a good time. She sighed and continued looking at the sky. She climbed down and sat on the swing set.
He looked from Kyle to Eri. Charlie put his backpack on his shoulder, then walked outside. Seeing Miki on the swing, he decided to go over and say hello. As he walked, he noticed she looked a mixture of sad and angry, again. Maybe she was like this all the time. When he neared her, he spoke up. "Hey, Miki right? You okay?"
Kyle sighted finishing his bowl and drinking all the remaining milk inside, ''Promise.'' he said smiling at her. He washed his dishes and looked up at her,''Ready to go?'' he asked placing his backpack on one shoulder.
Eri nodded. "I gotta go to fighting class first, so I'll see you in english I guess," she said with a smile. She grabbed her gym bag and proceeded to the door, waiting on Kyle.
Kyle jogged towards her, '' can you do does courses. They are so demanding.'' he said exiting the dorm with her. He could see Miki and Charlie talking next to a swing. He intertwined his fingers with Eri's and shrugged the anger accumulating inside of him.
"Yeah, fine." Miki said. She slung her backpack over her shoulder and started walking to class. She walked in, placing her bag on the floor. She wasn't keen to talk to anyone, but sparring would probably help her anger
Eri shrugged as they walked to their classes. "I'm pretty competitive, and I prefer physical activity rather than sitting and listening to a lecture for 50 minutes. They came upon the gym, and Eri smiled. "This is where I leave you. Don't get yourself into trouble or manage another trip to the nurse's office," Eri teased.
Charlie went to potions, even though he had no clue what was going on in that class. He figured he definitely would change to something else. Why had he even taken potions anyway? The whole class sucked, and they didn't even make anything, just took notes on different ingredients.
Kyle just snickered "yeah don't worry, i won't". He walked out of the gym waving at her and directly went to the far back of his mystical creature classroom.

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Miki walked up to the biggest guy in class. She was still angry. She started sparing with him, and in a few minutes time, her was lying flat on the ground.
What the hell was Charlie even writing down, was what he wanted to know. Snarg root and mulvic berry. He didn't even know how to spell half of this crap.
Conner woke up, bleary eyed and hair a mess. Suddenly, his eyes shot open, he was going to be late for class! Quickly getting out of bed, and nearly knocking Gypsy on the floor, Conner almost flies into his school uniform, puts on his backpack with his books and ran out the door. Stopping by the kitchen to grab something to eat, Conner runs out the door with some bread in his mouth. Jumping benches and tables, vaulting railings, Conner rushes to mystical creatures 101. "Please tell me I'm not late." Conner said a bit out of to the person closest to him once he got there and took a seat.
Alexander sat up and walked to his class, Care for Magical Creatures. He wasn't sure what to expect but he enjoyed animals and taking care of them as it was so he figured this class would be for him. That was soon found out to be false as when he thought magical he wasn't thinking too far and wide. They would be learning about things from feeding salamanders, to calming down will-o'-the wisps, and even caring for Oni. It would be troublesome, but he figured he could get it under control quickly. At least the first lesson was easy, which was the previous lesson mentioned of feeding salamanders. This was quite an easy task as you just had to feed them anything hot, be it spicy or something literally burning. It came at a bonus that the salamanders were actually ice cold to the touch on the outside, unlike what he had always heard about the magical type of salamanders. Seeing as how the professor instantly put them into work he thought this class wouldn't bore him quite so easily.
Charlie excused himself from class saying he felt ill, and went and sat outside. He didn't know what he was gonna do with himself now, but everything was better than potions. He got out his book from his backpack and sat and read that while he waited for other lessons to begin.
As Conner was feeding the salamanders, he was struck by a thought. "Why is there skin cold?"

"Well, it is because there skin is an extremely good heat conductor. Now, you would think that that would mean the skin should be hot. But have you ever heated up an iron pan? It takes ages for it to get hot, but once it does it stays hot for a while. But like most reptiles, salamanders are exothermic, they can't keep themselves warm. Because of this, they live close to or even in areas like volcanos and hot springs. We do have heating pads for the, but it also helps when they have something warm in them, which is why we are feeding them things like embers and chili peppers."

Conner soaked up the knowledge like a sponge. This was why he came to a school, to learn.
Korin had been awake for several hours having had a nap yesterday afternoon, but decided to show up late. There was too much ruckus going on this morning and didnt really want to be a part of it. He walked into the empty kitchen and helped himself to an orange and a bagel. He didnt bother to toast it, he just bit into it and stuffed the orange into his bag and made his way to the gym where they hold fighting class. Hed spent the greater part of the morning familiarizing himself with the school. He got to the gym and watched the others grapple and didnt see anyone stand out. He lit himself a cigarette and thought about his situation. He already was a good boxer, had a brownbelt in judo and a blackbelt in ju jitsu. What did they hope for him to learn here? What he really needed to learn was how to maximise strength and speed to be able to combat what faced him outside of this place. He took one last drag and flicked t e cigarette in the grass before going into class

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