Roommates! [Inactive]

Kyle sat next to her and started the game, "Well, last time was just luck dear~" he said wiggling his eyebrow and then concentrating on the chosen track.

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Even though she started in first place, Eri fumbled with the controller and lost her lead to Kyle, who won the race. She leaned back against the couch nonchalantly. "I let you win that one," she lied.
Miki whipped her eyes and climbed down the tree. She walked down the path to the house, her tail dragging behind her. She sighed and opened the door.
Kyle chuckled, " hahah someone doesn't want to admit defeat" he chuckled,"just admit it im good?" He said relaxing on the sofa.

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"Fine, you win," Eri admitted with a shadow of a smile on her face, laughing. She raced him again and nearly beat him, but Kyle pulled out another win.
Miki walked past the happy "Just friends" and up to her room. She pulled up her laptop and started watching some anime. She sighed and wrapped up in a blanket and started the episode.
Kyle just laughed,"who's the man now!" He shouted in triumph trowing his fist in the air. He then saw Miki walking throughout the door , "hey miki!..." But she didn't look happy and just eyed them enviously. He immediately retracted when she continued to walk up the stairs not giving a response, he then looked at Eri,"why don't you go talk to her," he said out loud. He kind of felt pity but he didn't know her that much and they weren't really close for him to just cone up to her after thinking about it. And to add up he was a guy.

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Miki curled up closer against her blanket. She was watching some anime about romance. She was almost certain that she was that poor character who fell in love too, but ended up crying. She curled up even tighter.
Eri heard her crying, and her ears twitched. She glanced over at Kyle and winced. "I'm not exactly the most empathetic person, but I can try to help," she suggested, standing up from the couch and walking to her room door. She knocked on it lightly. "Miki? Hey, you want to talk about it? What's up?"
Miki looked up from her laptop. "Sure, I guess." Miki said. She didn't move from her abode, seeing as she was to upset and to comfortable.
Eri walked quietly into the room and closed the door behind her. She smiled encouragingly at Miki and sat cautiously on the edge of her bed. "So, you want to tell me what's going on and how I can help?" she asked softly.
"Not much to say, don't quite know myself." Miki said, looking out the window. She sighed. "My brain has ben all jumbled since I stepped foot in this room." She said, flopping her hands on her knees.
Eri nodded. "Well do you want anything to eat? I can whip us all something up for dinner I guess, if you're hungry?"
Miki held her knees. "Not that hungry." She said, staring at her toes. She sighed and looked at her laptop, not knowing what to do.
"Well, if you need anything, let me know, okay?" Eri attempted, feeling like she's stepped out of her comfort zone. She isn't normally a very serious person, and hasn't exactly been wherever Miki was right now emotionally. If anything, Eri felt like she was useless and just awkward. It was worth the shot, though.
"M'kay." Miki said, burying her face in the blanket. She heard the door shut softly behind Eri as she left. Miki lifted her head and stared at the things across from her, all Kyle's. She looked at his "Domain" as he called it. It was relatively clean with dark colors. Very different from her multi colored side of brightness. She sighed and turned back to her anime.
It was around 12:00pm, and he was hungry. He didn't feel like cooking or wait to eat something crappy like pasta. He closed his ps3 and stood up stretching. ''I'm up for some mcdonalds..'' he stated to himself .
Eri walked back into the living room and ran a hand through her hair. "She's not really telling me what's up, but I tried my best to help," she told Kyle.
He looked back, ''Well, is she planning on staying there all day or go eat? Cause i'm craving a big mac.'' walking over to her and leaning his weight in one side while folding his arms together.
"I offered her food, but she said she wasn't hungry at the moment," Eri replied with a shrug. She shoved her hands in her pockets with a sigh, her stomach grumbling. Eri hadn't realized how hungry she was herself until now.
He sighed,''So much drama...and we don't even know why.'' he looked at his watch, ''It's 12;10, you doing anything today?'' he asked at Eri curious.
Eri shook her head, leaning against the wall casually. "Nope, I've got a pretty boring and blank schedule. What about you?"
He stood straight,''Nope, It's been pretty quiet this days, so i have a lot of time in my hands'' , he walked to the door,''Wanna go hang out n the downtown? I got my motorcycle so should be easy to get back here early.'' he stated with a smile surfacing in corner of his mouth.
Eri smiled slightly, and took a piece of gum and put it in her mouth. "Yeah, sure that sounds like fun. Never been on a motorcycle before," she mentioned, following him to the door.
He went to the school parking lot, there was a lot of cars but just a few motorcycle. He spotted his in the corner next to the exit. It was a red and black mitsubishi sport moto with a few tuning. They got there and he gave her a black helmet from the cupboard inside the seat. ''Here you go!''. He didn't wear one and sat on the motorcycle starting the engine. He waited for her to sit behind her

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