Roommates! [Inactive]

Kyle waited in line, nervosity rising up, just now some fat man had tripped and lost his swimsuit in the water. Quite an embarrassing sight.
The trio finally made it into the water and Eri motioned for them to paddle out, and then stand. She grinned widely as she caught the first wave, balancing as if she had done it all her life.
Miki was starting to get the hang of this sport. She hadn't done it before and for her first time was doing reasonably well. She furrowed her brow. Kyle and Eri sure were close. They both liked to surf, and they both seemed to get along well. She was starting to question everything, losing her focus on the board. She immediately lost her balance and fell into the water.
Kyle was on his four limbs, hesitating before standing, he was concentrating but he just couldn't stand on the board without making it shiver to the sides uncontrollably. How the hell does she do it? But after analyzing her stand he finally stood on it.
Eri swam back into the water and smiled at her friends. "Don't think, just surf. C'mon!" She paddled her board in between theirs and showed them how to stand on the board correctly without falling off so easily.
Miki stood up next to Eri, shaking a bit, but staying balanced. She smiled looking at the water. "This is actually kind of fun." Miki said, standing on the board.
''I think I got a hang of it,'' he said. Then he smirked and looked at Eri ''Told ya it was easy.Ain't that much hard~'' but as he said that he tripped and hit his head on the board. He was dizzy and fell several time trying to stand back up .
Eri burst out laughing as Kyle slipped off the board. She got down onto her knees and reached out for his hand to help him back up.
As she was pulling him back on, Eri had lost her own balance and tumbled into the water with no grace whatsoever.
Miki frowned. She no longer felt like spending a day at the water park. She felt more like a third wheel. She only barely managed to stay on as she though.
Kyle didn't have time to regain his balance when Eri fell. He was pulled by her arm and ended up on top of her in a very suggestive position. He was still confused from his hit and just didn't understand what just happened.They ended up descending the attraction and out of it in the safe zone.
Eri coughed a bit from inhaling some of the water, and rubbed her eyes in attempt to remove the water pooling in them. It took a second for her to realize that Kyle had somehow ended up on top of her, and if it were possible Eri would have been blushing from head to toe. Fortunately, that was not the case. Her cheeks tinged a pink color and she looked up at Kyle. "Um, are you okay?"
Kyle head was pounding and he tried lifting himself up from Eri. He tried talking,''Iz gushz i amss.....'' he trailed before losing consciousness in the process.
Eri frowned as Kyle lost consciousness. She peeled him off of her and rolled him onto his back, unsure of what to do. He must have hit his head pretty hard.
Miki got off her board and exited the ride. She held her head low as she walked out, feeling defeated. She had a horrible pain in her heart. She gave the board back and sat on the bench, her head I her hands. 'Maybe I do like him?' She though, holding her head. Seeing them together broke her inside. She figured she would get over it eventually, that it would pass, but it never did.
After a second of searching, Eri found Miki. "Hey! We need to get Kyle back to the dorms. He is out like a light, and I don't think he'll wake up for a bit."
"Ok." Miki said, lifting her head. She walked over to Eri and stood by her. "You want to carry the legs or the feet/' Miki asked.
"I'll carry his legs, you carry his arms. If that doesn't work, we can switch," Eri suggested, walking over to Kyle's feet and lifting them up with ease along with Miki.
Miki lifted his arms and started walking to the entrance. They walked out of the gate, earning them some strange looks from the employees. They walked to the buss stop and hopped on the bus.
Luckily the bus ride did not take long, and the girls carried Kyle into the dorm and tossed him on the couch. "Well, that was a fun turn of events, i guess," Eri said oddly.
"Yeah, I guess...." Miki mumbled. She was starting to lose her head. She needed to start thinking strait again.
After they put kyle down, Eri moved into her room to change into some shorts and a t-shirt. Her hair was still damp, but she let it be at this point and walked to the kitchen to grab some food.
Miki went to her room and changed into sweats and a tank. She sat on the arm of the couch, perching herself up there. She sighed loudly, staring at him. Her brain was a jumbled mess at this point. She sighed again, looking out the window.
Eri returned to the couch with an icepack and paper towel. She put it where Kyle had hit his head and relaxed on the chair beside the couch. "HE should wake up soon."

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