Roommates! [Inactive]

Kyle opened the door and exited the campus discreetly for no one to see them. They got to the bus stop and ,fortunately, the bus was already there.

They passed their season card and got to the terminus. ''So where exactly is it already..?'' he said out loud thinking.
"You have no idea where were going?" Miki said, looking at him. She was amazed that he actually had no idea where they were going.
''Well, I have an Idea but I don't actually know the whole city by heart! '' he stated, eyebrow twitching and his hand clutching the map in hands.
Eri rolled her eyes and glanced at the bus driver. "We're stopping at the Aquapark, so if you could drop us as close as allowed, that'd be great." She turned back to Kyle and Miki with a shrug.
"Sorry for being irritating then." Miki said, looking away. She flicked her ears as she glared at the wall.
'' GOOD! At least you figured!'' he said looking the other side. He noticed the waterpark being in front of them, he excitedly pointed in it's direction, ''OYAAA, we're almost there!'' he shouted
Eri pursed her lips as the two fought again, and felt like a third wheel but not in a jealous way. She looked in the direction that Kyle had been pointing towards, and saw the park get larger and larger as the bus approached.
Once the bus stopped, he grabbed on Eri's and Miki's hand instinctively and pulled her out of the bus, ''Come on let's go!'' he said cheerfully. Somehow he felt excited to go, even if it was a usual spot he stayed to chill around. Maybe because he had people with him.
Miki's angry face lightened a bit as she re adjusted her grip and started pulling him along, running in front of him. She started getting excited and she smiled. "Come on!" she yelled.
They got to the entrance booth, Kyle went to the booth and payed for the three of them. He grabbed the three tickets, ''Here ya go.'' he said while passing the tickets
Miki grabbed her ticket and proceeded to run inside. She was really excited now. She started hopping up and down.
Kyle started putting sunscreen, even in such an easy task, he would miss many spots. ''Stupid cream,'' He said trying to reach his back to apply it. He grew tired and threw the sunscreen in his bag, ''Too bad, i'll have burns.''
Miki applied her sunscreen, not missing a spot. She flicked her ears and tossed her sunscreen in her bag. "Come on, lets go!" She said, smiling. She was anxious to get going.
Eri had applied sunscreen back at the dorms, so she waited patiently for her friends. Once they were done, she ran for the nearest attraction that didn't have a lot of people.
''Oha!!! Wait for me!!" Kyle shouted running behind Eri. He finally reached her panting, he wasn't much of an athlete despite his quite shaped body. ''Urg...why..couldn't ya..wait...ooff'' he said looking at the big attraction in front of him. It was huge and small rafting boats were descending the cascades, it looked kind of dangerous and scary.
"Looks like so much fin!" Miki said, looking at the tall slide. She started jumping up and down. She was so excited for this ride.
Eri smiled and went with Kyle and Miki up to the ride. She glanced at Kyle, and he seemed to be slightly afraid of the intimidating ride. "Scared, Kyle? Not as though as I thought," she teased, climbing the stairs to the top of the line.
''Pardon me? I'm not scared, slightly worried for you guys. Ya know..maybe you could slip and fall from this height.'' He said trying to hide the actual truth. He wasn't really scared, he just didn't like much heights, something that haunted him from childhood.
"Well then come on! I'm not afraid." Miki said, grabbing his hand and tugging him to the line. She wasn't letting him escape this one.
Eri and the others made it to the top of the line. She watched as a trio hopped into one of the rafts and plunged downward into a water tube. She grinned at Kyle and Miki. "Our turn," she said, stepping into the raft.

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