Roommates! [Inactive]

"Well then, we are both agree on something for once." He stated, "are u coming in eri?" He asked

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Miki sat on her bed. She loosened the bow around her neck. She grabbed a tank top and sweats. She walked to the bathroom and changed. She pulled out her laptop and sat on her bed, pulling up the drawing from yesterday.
''Don't mind her, she's always on the computer..'' he said to Eri. ''Is there anything you want to do?'' he asked not really inspired.
"Not really, no. There's not a whole lot to do when your roommate is MIA," Eri replied, wondering where Greg was. "Got any ideas?"
He thought hard not knowing what to do when u chill with a friend, ''Well living room has movies and I got a PS3 so...'' he proposed looking in his closet with practically nothing but wrapped boxes.
"It's not like we have anything better to do, so sure," Eri complied. She wasn't a pro at video games, but she's a fast learner.
He took his ps3 and headed to the living room. After plugging all the cables, he passed her a controller. ''Ok got, Black Ops, FiFa14 and racing games.. which you want?'' he asked slightly more excited .
Miki wondered what they were doing. She poked her head downstairs. Her ears perked as she saw the Ps3. She stole on of the other controllers and sat next to Eri.
"Ooh, let's do Black Ops. I've played that one before actually," Eri said almost to herself, picking up a controller.
''Well look who just came out from her world~'' he said laughing. He took another controller and sat on the sofa. He entered the multiplayer game ''Miki, do you know how to play?'' He asked.
"Yes. I'm a nerd. Is that even a question." Miki said. She looked at him like he was an idiot. She was mentally preparing herself for the game.
''Ok! Not trying to offense missy here'' He said lifting his arm defensively. He started the deathmatch and had the first kill''HEADSHOT!'' he screamed
Kyle was leading the game obviously, but the girls surprised him. ''dayum~, never thought girls could be this good.'' he said mumbling.
"Face it. I'm good." Miki said, concentrating on the game. All of her other senses fell away as she focused on the game and only on the game.
Eri snuck around and continued to shoot people down. She loved these types of games for some reason. Miki and Kyle seemed to enjoy it too, and it ended up being a lot of fun.
Kyle was being Killed by Miki 5times in a row, '' Well, if you would FUCKING STOP CAMPING! I WOULD OF!'' he said shouting and getting pissed because of it. He changed gun and R2 to get the semtex, he threw it over the bushes and stuck to Miki's soldier. " BOOM! DIE! DIE! DIE!'' He shouted almost doing a victory dance . (PS: I just described me)
"Stop being a baby." Miki said, getting back in the game. She grabbed a sniper rifle and found a perch. She spotted Kyle from far away. She raised the gun and snipped him.
While Kyle and Miki had been talking, Eri had found Kyle's avatar and snuck up behind him, killing him as he spoke of their potential alliance. She burst out laughing. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it." She grinned at Miki.
''Traitor..'' he simply stated sulking. He threw his remote on the sofa and went to the kitchen, grabbed some Ice cream and sat back next to Eri not caring if they killed him anymore. He continued eating the ice cream from the pot.
Eri frowned when Kyle suddenly stood up and strode into the kitchen. She paused the game and set the remote on the couch, following after him. She saw him eating some ice cream and grabbed a spoon herself. She glance at Kyle and twirled the spoon in between her fingers. "I'm sorry for my betrayal, Kyle. I promise to side with you next time," she amended, hoping that he knew she had been joking earlier.
He pointed his spoon to her, ''Is that an eternal promise of faithfulness?'' he said with a serious tone but eventually faded into chuckles. He had fun with her, she was different.
Eri laughed and dug her spoon into the carton and took a bite. "I will be forever faithful," she quipped dramatically, swinging her spoon in a fancy fashion.

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