Roommates! [Inactive]

''Do whatever you feel like.'' he simply stated leaning more on the tree. He unwrapped his cheese and bologna sandwich and started nibbling in it not finding the appetite yet.
Miki looked over the edge of the roof. She saw Kyle and Eri down below underneath a tree. She frowned and took out her chopsticks and began eating.
Eri sat down in the grass and took the top off of her spaghetti bowl she had hearted up moments earlier. She grabbed a fork from her bag and started twirling noodles onto it. "So, the first day of school isn't even over yet and you've already made a trip to the nurse's office. There must be some kind of record,<" she mused, taking a bite of her pasta.
He looked the other way around to not be more embarrassed then he was. Just remembering that moment made him red. '' Headache .'' he simply stated munching on his plain sandwich. He didn't want to say how and why he had it. It was just too dumb and he had a reputation to keep. He looked back at her when he felt the redness dissipate.
A smirk crossed Eri's face as he looked away. She assumed it was to avoid embarrassment, because Eri knew how he got the headache. "I heard about your stupendous fall, you know. I wasn't too worried though, you seem to have a hard head."
He snickered at her joke. Usually he would storm at the person, but he didn't feel like she was being critical and saying it in a mean way. '' Real funny Joke, seriously.'' he said, ''Why don't you crack them up more often in class? Maybe it would make it more interesting and less boring, just maybe'' he simply said. He wasn't use to being social since high school, people always either avoided him because of his allure or his rude way of talking. Either way, he didn't care. Most people just annoyed him.
Eri shrugged, and took a sip of her water. "I guess today I was kind of in my own world. I tend to either zone out or doodle, but I'll put effort into entertaining my peers when I can from now on," she quipped, smiling as she took another bite of spaghetti.
He slightly smiled but very briefly. As soon as it came, it only faded away in a frown. He had just dropped his sandwich on the grass, but on the muddy part of it. He grabbed it not sparring one second more (5s rule). He lifted it only to see the ud that sticked to the bread, it grossed him out. ''For fuc k fuc k sake!'' he shouted while throwing his sandwich in frustration. He wasn't usually clumsy but today was an exception, an annoying one.
Miki watched Eri and Kyle talk. She wasn't entirely sure how she felt when Kyle and Eri talked. She wasn't necessarily angry, but not necessarily happy. She sighed and laid back on the roof. The breeze was making her feel relaxed, but she was still a bit uneasy.
Eri flinched when Kyle yelled in frustration, and watched him throw the sandwich. She grimaced slightly. "Not exactly your best day, I suppose," she added, hoping she sounded understanding rather than rude.
He just sulked and cursed under his breath. He hated how everything turned against him today, 'Karma's a fking bitchh' he thought. He simply noded at her statement. He closed his eyes and frowned his eyebrows when the loud groan came from his stomach. Just as expected, ''God must hate me..'' he mumbled under his breath.
Eri tossed her lunch bag at him. "You can have whatever's left, the spaghetti kind of filled me up already," she suggested, taking a sip of her water and adjusting her position to sit on her stomach.
He didn't care what he looked like right now, not that he cared. He was hungry and wanted to eat, he always came first in his list.He simply took the bag of chips and some juice box from her lunch box. He sipped on the drink and easily threw it in a garbage can that was around 3 meters away. ''Swish! " he amusingly said laughing geanuantly forgetting that the girl was there.
Eri took a bite of the apple she had taken from the bag before she had given it to Kyle. She saw Kyle's expression open up slightly, and smiled a tad before looking around. Her ears twitched at the sound of a bird chirping in the branches above them.
He looked at her eye curiously, she was one of the only neko that he could handle. He was always interested in them and just where they came from, but all of them were just so energetic or simply clashed with him. ''Why do your ears flick? How far can you ear?'' he asked
Miki watched them continue talking. She started frowning. He looked like he was starting to like her. She felt sad inside. Maybe this stupid guy didn't bother her as much as she thought. She closed her lunch and started heading for her next class. She put her lunch in her locker. She took out her bag and walked to the next class.
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Eri's attention turned to Kyle as he asked the question about her ears. "Sometimes it happens when I hear something startling or interesting. I can hear pretty far, but I don't really put it to use unless I need to, or just out of sheer boredom. I normally just make everything I hear blur together, if that makes sense," she replied, suddenly conscious of what her ears were doing.
Kyle shrugged. She didn't look like she was in touch with her senses. The bell had ringed and PE was next. He wasn't particularly good at sports but he wasn't bad for a human. ''Well, i've seen you in all of my class, you have PE next?'' He asked undusting his pants.
"Yep, that's what my schedule said," Eri replied, picking up her stuff and throwing it away. She hoisted her bag on her shoulder. "We better get going so we aren't late."
He nodded and shoved his bag over his shoulder. He walked side by side with Eri not caring that the others were either glaring or surprised. He only glared back and entered the Gym .
Miki sat inside the gym, her tail swishing back and forth. She was still slightly depressed. She twitched her ears, not noticing anyone else around her.
Eri took notice to some of the people glaring at Kyle, and she frowned. She didn't think Neko were hated that much here. She pushed the thought aside as they entered the gym just as the bell rang.
The gym turned teacher explained them the sport they would be doing for the next few classes, Volleyball obviously.. he thought face-palming himself. He let them choose the teams which only made it worst, he only stood there, pretty much above everyone as his fellow comrades rushed to find their teams.
Miki watched everyone scramble to find teams. She sighed and stood up. She was never good at finding teams.
Because Eri didn't really know anyone else, she looked over at Kyle and said, "Want to be on the same team?" She wondered if he even knew what volleyball entailed; Eri had played herself for many years and loved it. It had been a while so she might still be rusty.

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