Roommates! [Inactive]

Miki couldn't resist. She started purring. Her tail swayed happily as he stroked her ears. 'Damn you.' she thought.
This was too much for him to bare, he clutched his stomach while laughing. Just the idea that to calm a neko was simply with a stroke of the ear made him crack up more. Weak point..
"Shut up." Miki mumbled, her mood quickly turning fowl again. She hissed at him. She hated the way he laughed at her weakness.
He breathed loudly to calm himself from this outburst, he still felt like laughing but an intimidating men came in front, he kind of scared him since he was around 7 foot tall with very pale skin. The man introduced himself as their teacher and proceeded by explaining the course and what they would do all year long.
"This course is about trust. As you may have already seen, some of us are not like the others. We have had this social divide for most of our lives. Now the leaders see this as a weak point, so we created this school to reinforce the bond between humans and non humans. You all shall receive a partner. Here are the partners...." The teacher trailed on till he got to there names "Kyle and Miki" he announced. Miki paled and face palmed. "Why?" She groaned.
Obviously they would end up paired up. It didn't even surprise him at this point. He just leaned back on his sit and waited for the teacher to proceed with the bonding exercises.
"Alright students. I need everyone standing. We are going to do a few exercises. First, face your partner. Second, place the balloon between you and your partner, suspending it without touching it in between you to. The object of the game is to not droop the balloon and to turn all the way around and sit down. " The teacher said. Miki groaned and stood up, taking a balloon.
Kyle followed Miki, he wasn't too sure of the exercise. He took the balloon from her hand and stood in front of her frowning. This was embarrassing for him . He waited for his signal.
Miki walked closer, feeling the balloon press against her stomach. She saw the suspended balloon. 'Now let go and we have to turn all the way around." Miki said, a light blush tinting her face.
He put pressure on the balloon with his stomach."this is the most ridiculous exercise i've heard of." He stated turning rapidly wanting to finish with it.

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Miki began to turn, the balloon sliding around her midsection as she moved. She turned a full 360 as Kyle did the same in the opposite direction. She smiled. "At least we haven't dropped it..." She muttered.
''Well I would pop it, but don't know how that freak will grade us, don't want to fuck up my perfect score because of this latex air balloon.'' He said grabbing the balloon and taking it off from in between them.

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Miki smiled, thankful the exercise was over. She sat in her seat, with nothing to do. She stated twitching her ears, waiting for something to happen.
The teacher then explained the next exercise they will have to do with there partner. They will have to discuss on there future plans and what they expect on doing this year. Kyle was bored, he wasn't planing on interacting with her or even talk but since he said he will grade them with their interaction and the context of what they said, he simply sighted and proceed with the exercise.

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"I plan on living life to the fullest, or as full as possible with a deabeat roommate." Miki said, her face strait and very serious. She hated the way he mercilessly found her weak point, curse those ears. She flattened her ears to her head.
He looked at her annoyed, "idiot, living life to the fullest is easy to say. He asked for details, open your ears. Aren't they sensitive to anything?'' He stated ready to blow her head if she made him grade lower. "As for me, I plan on becoming a Journalist or businessman. For the time being, i'm trying to survive this crappy school and go to a human college." He stated rapidly and talking lowly for no one to hear him except Miki. He never talked about his futur, it pissed him off that he had to especially to her.

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"Well then... That was a surprise." Miki mumbled before continuing. "I want to become a writer or an artist." Miki said. "I love to draw so that would be a good career I guess."

(I'm checking in. Night!)
''What is a surprise dumbass?'' He asked. His frowned and his eyebrow twitched in annoyance. He folded his arms waiting for an answer, what was surprising? For him to think of the future? To know what he wanted to do?
Eri had been sitting behind Kyle and Miki, and rather than eavesdropping their conversation, opted to doodle in her notebook. She could hear them talking about careers of some sort, and above them the drone of their teacher giving a lecture Eri knew nothing about.
"I expected you to say you wanted be a black market dealer." Miki said, smiling. She laughed at his face. He was pouting. She pinched his cheek.
Kyle snikered, ''well i am, obviously. Thats what i meant by businessman.'' . He winked at her, the course was almost done and he could see the teens preparing to leave. He noticed the girl from last night,what was her name again..Eri?
Miki began to pack up her things. She slung her bag over her shoulder and looked at Kyle. "Undoubtedly we have the next class together...." She mumbled...
'' It is such a pleasure~'' he said with a fake smile. He opened the theatre door and looked at her eyeing her ''Well, ladies first I guess~''
Miki walked though the door, not saying a word. That man didn't even deserve her insults. He was to low for that. She continued walking although it sounded more like stomping.
He liked annoying her. She was always so overreacting. ''My pleasure Miki-Chan~'', His next course before lunch time was Introduction to supernatural. A pretty interesting class in his opinion, he walked to the class and just sat in the far end like always. Miki and Eri walked in later.

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