Roommates! [Inactive]

Beatrice was a small girl, but she'd grown up with vampires and vampire nekos, she couldn't afford to be weak. It was all play to her. She giggled as she bounced off one person's back, spun through the air and landed on someone else's head. Before he could react, she'd tumbled off, giving her victim a small, playful bite first.

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Kyle could see what Beatrice just did from the window, he had no idea vampire-nekos existed. The bell ring and everyone exited the classroom. He was the last on to leave. He took his stuff and shoved it in his backpack while exiting the classroom. He went to his locker and looked at his schedual humm, guess we got english next.
Miki walked into English class. She walked to the window and sat down at the nearest desk. She looked out the window.
English was his less favorite course. He simply found it boring, he lazily walked in the classroom. The desk were placed weirdly, there was 4desk facing each other. He recognized one of the girl in his class, his roommate. He sat right in front of her, ''Why hello darling, missed me?''
Miki groaned, turning around. "What do you want asshole?" She asked, clearly very irritated. People around her stared in astonishment. Miki heard someone whisper, "Did she just call him what I think she called him? Wow, she either has a death wish or some serious guts.". Miki smiled. Guts was one way to put it.
''Well, whatever is your name, just telling you that this teacher never changes place. Let's hope we'll have fun this year.'' he simply stated leaning his hand over the desk. He had malicious eyes, in all honesty, he just wanted to make this year pass fast and have as much of entertaining events.
Miki groaned and shoved his face back. "Your such a hopeful dreamer. That will never happen. Not with an ass like you." Miki said. She turned around and faced forward, crossing her legs as the bell rang.
He grabbed his arm and pulled it quite roughly, he leaned near her ear. ''Listen to me now, you don't have to be this mean do you? Especially after I did something nice.'' he muttered as the bell rang. He sat back on his seat, both of the seat near them were empty. Probably because of their bickering. The teacher proceeded with the Role Call, a few people were missing. Especially the ones from the Neko Dorm. He finally heard the name he was craving to know, Mariki Merente.. he looked straight ahead at the girl smirking and finally looked back at the teacher.
Miki raised her hand. "Present." She said. "Although I prefer the name Miki." She said. She sat back down and waited. She finaly herd the name Kyle Wardan. She turned around to her compadre behind her.
He smiled sweetly knowing that as much as he craved to know her name, she also did. Obviously they would since they didn't stop hating on each other and not even knowing each other. He coughed trying to get her attention, ''Mariki-Chan, is it. Nice name, why would you prefer Miki? Ashamed of it?'' he half heartedly whispered for the teacher not to hear them.
A vein popped on the left side of her forehead. "Chan is something you do not get to call me." Miki whispered very angrily. "I am not ashamed of my name, I was reserving my name for someone who was closer to me. Of course now that is ruined."
The minute Beatrice walked through the door and realized nobody from her dorm was there, she sighed. Fighting had been fun, but it didn't look like this class would or could be nearly as interesting. Still, maybe she'd make some new friends. She somehow always managed to. Reassuring herself with that thought, Beatrice smiled and was resolved to enjoy herself for the rest of the day, before she had to go back to her sleeping beauty of a roommate.

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Since the teacher was out talking to an other student who seemed late, he took that opportunity to soundlessly get closer to her , like very close. He whispered in her ear, ''Well Mariki~ We could always be very close once in the room.'' he snickered. He wasn't particularly interested in those kind of activities, but only wanted to steer her emotions. She always seemed to react to his comments which just made is much much more amusing.
Miki flicked her ear, hitting him in the nose. "Shut up you dirty perv." She said, thrashing her tail. She growled a bit, and kept facing forward.
''Grrr look at you getting all aggressive.'' Kyle said playfully rubbing his nose. ''And perv wouldn't be the word. More like a man with burning desires.''
"Hold your man urges or you'll end up in the emergency room." Miki threatened. She swished her tail back and forth, hitting his shins. She began thumping her foot up and down.
''Don't worry for me dear, I control them pretty well.'' he simply stated. Her tale was hitting him pretty hard now and he didn't like it much. He stepped on it, ''Hold that tail of yours still, i might cut it during your sleep.'' he said sitting back on his place before the teacher returned to class after punishing the late student. A lot of them were late since it was the first day.
Miki hissed under her breath, her ears drawing back and her tail fur poofing up a bit. "Then don't step on my tail." she said, irritated. She yanked her tail out from underneath his foot and placed it on her lap.
''Don't hit me with it and I might not chop it.'' he glared at her. The teacher started talking about a legendary writer, shakespeare, who attend this specific school.
Miki glared at him and faced front. She watched the teacher drone on until the bell rang. The students got up and moved to there next class. Miki walked down the hall to there required class, building bonds.
Kyle just looked bored at his schedule, what the hell is this load of crap? No books were required and the classroom was actually the auditorium. He never had this course and so didn't know what it was. He walked to the auditorium and walked in the room.
Miki walked in to the class room. It looked more like a theater than a classroom. She took her seat and hopefully Kyle wouldn't sit near her.
He was the last one to enter the classroom, he looked over the room and to his great surprise Miki was there. He sat behind her and started playing with her ears since the teacher wasn't there.
Miki twitched as she felt something touch her ears. She twitched when she felt it again. Someone was rubbing her ears. She wanted to slap him, but it felt so good on her ears. A small purr escaped her as he stroked her ears.
He was holding his laugh back desperately when he heard her purr. She looked so at ease and vulnerable. He continued stroking them just to see what she would do.

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