Roommates! [Inactive]

Greg put his hand behind his head and gave a little awkward smile "I sort of tripped in the cafeteria. I was hanging out with Bea and I tripped when I was getting my food." He was a little more embarrassed seeing on how stupid he must have seemed.
Miki grumbled and sat opposite him, as far away as possible. She ate bites one at a time, watching the angry roommate in front of her. She smiled and continued eating, seeing his angry face.
Eri laughed and smiled knowingly at Greg. "You humans are accident-prone today," she mused at the door way, recalling Kyle's fall from earlier. "I'll be in the living room, just let me know when you're done," Eri added before sauntering into the living area and plopping herself on the couch.
He finished his plate almost leaking the remaining sauce on the plate. Kyle stood up, placed the plate in the dishwasher and poured some water from the Tap and drank half of his glass. He then walked towards black neko girl and poured half of the remaining water on her, ''This is from before,'' , he walked towards the Living room where he noticed the Blonde Neko, he threw the rest on her, "And this is from this morning!''. He laughed evilly and walked back up to his room .
Miki grimaced. "Should have known he would get revenge." Miki muttered. She whipped her face. "At the least it's not ice water." Miki said, standing up and clearing her plate. She washed the water from her glasses and walked back upstairs. She opened the door and walked inside. She grabbed another tank-top and another pair of sweats. She went to the bathroom to change, then walked out again and continuing to draw.
Kyle didn't know what to do and took his computer and started watching a movie putting it on speakers. He was kind of tired, probably because of the boredom. He positioned himself on his stomach and watched the movie silently, engulfed in his own world.
Miki watched him take out his laptop. As usual, he insisted on having the volume turned up and the speakers on. She looked over at his movie. It looked interesting. She walked over and leaned over his shoulder to watch.
Kyle snickered at her action but instead of bickering with her instead, he just moved over to give her space to sit. He didn't like the idea of being nice but was too tired to think of rude remarks or even talk.
Miki sat next to him and started watching. It was a good movie. She smiled and continued watching with extreme interest.
Greg was curious on what she meant by that. What did she mean us humans are accident prone? At least I'm not only one having a bad day. He began changing until an idea struck his mind. I should probably get to know the humans here to. I'll do that after I get ready. He began to wipe his face with some wipes he brought with hi. He then changed into some of his nicer clothes and combed his hair in hopes in making a good impression. "Alright finished, I should go tell Eri that its good for her to come back in. And maybe Ill meet some other humans afterwards." He walked into the living room to tell Eri that she was good "hey Eri you can come back now."
(Sorry for the late reply. My alerts didn't message me)

Jasmin sighed as she finished unpacking all of her things, disappointed that her new roommate has not shown up yet. "Well this sucks.", she mumbled under her breath before laying down in her bed bored. She laid in her bed for a couple of moments before jumping to her feel a great idea popped in her head.' I should go get something to eat. That always makes me feel better'nodding to herself at her suggestion Jasmin grabbed her wallet, and ran out of her dorm room.
"Cool," Eri replied, having finished her salad and eager to have something more appetizing. She was always hungry, and despite her excessive intake of food, her athletic build remains slim and agile. She stole a glance at Greg, who had cleaned himself up after his fall in the cafeteria. "You cleaned yourself up nicely," Eri observed, taking a bite from the apple she had snagged from the kitchen.
Greg began to blush when she had said that but also gave a warm smile "Thanks! I do try my best." Greg then began to walk out of the living room in hopes of finding other people. I really hope the other humans here aren't like that one guy.
As the movie neared the tragic end, Kyle's eyes watered but obviously he wouldn't cry in front of the girl. He sat back on his bed, it was kind of awkward having a cute girl on his bed and not even knowing her name. Even if he was mean naturally, he was a man, and no matter what they would always be interested to cute little neko girls. He shoved those ideas away when he remembered her attitude towards him, she would always be labeled as the psychopathic katana freak.
Miki watched, her eyes feeling moist. She tried to swallow all her tears. She would not cry in front of that jerk. She tried to push all thoughts of sadness out of her mind. He ears twitched, trying not to cry. Her tail swished back and forth as she watched until the end. Miki sat up. "'That was a good movie." Miki chocked out, trying not to cry.
As Jasmin journeyed through the dorms she realized she has no idea where the cafeteria was. 'Oh man. Maybe this was a bad idea' she thought panicked trying to find her way around. After a couple minutes hopelessly walking in and out of different hallways she spots a guy with short brown hair and brown eyes. "Excuse me!" She called out to gain his attention. "Can you show me where the cafeteria is? I'm lost" she asked while at the same time blushing red in embarrassment.
''Yeah, my sister proposed it to me a while back..'' he said looking at her intensely. A smirk creeped out when he saw a tear fall, he bent out and wiped it from her face. ''Well aren't you a sensitive Neko!'' he said laughing evilly. ''Too bad your annoying and a bitch, or else i would of fallen for ya hahahah!'', he rolled on his back crouching her stomach.
Miki's face darkened. She lifted her fist and promptly slapped him across his face. She hissed and went back to her bed. She lied back down and began to draw again, ignoring the senseless jerk next to her.
Her slap didn't hurt much and he found it amusing, ''So, did I hit a soft spot or what?'' He said winking at her. Obviously, she got mad which just made him crave more of her reaction.
Miki growled. Her ears flattened against her head. "NO YOU DIDN'T YOU ANOYING BASTARD!" Miki yelled. She growled again, barring her canines.
Now his day was complete. The reaction and her face was priceless, he just stood up with a huge smiling plastering his face. ''I'M PRETTY SURE I DID!'' he screamed joyfully while poking her baring teeth .
Miki swatted away his hand. She turned away and re adjusted her glasses. She shoved him away and continued drawing. "Bastard...." Miki muttered.
It was a pretty deceiving way to turn their 'Conversation' down. After losing interest, he simply stripped down(not the underwear) his clothes to wear his simple pyjama consisting of a black pair of short and a white t-shirt. He started reading one of his books that was laying on his bed and slipped inside his bed covers.
Miki closed her laptop and plugged it in. She took a shower and came out with a towel around her neck and in a tank-top and shorts. She turned off her light and slipped under her covers, her tail poking out of the blankets. She fell into a deep sleep.
Icefox11 updated Roommates! with a new update entry:


Hey! Everyone needs to pick an elective class. The elective choices are fighting class, potions, mystical creatures 101, the care of magical creatures. You can only chose one.
Also everyone has a grade. The Freshman are 14-15 year olds. Sophomore are 15-16. Junior are 16-17 and Senior is 17-18.

Please put it in your character sheet!
Read the rest of this update entry...

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