Roommates! [Inactive]

'' What kind of Psychopath would even think that!?'' He shouted,

This girl seriously ticked him off. Not only was she getting into her territory but she would stand up to him. No one stood up to him not even the principal. He started unwrapping the boxes one by one, making sure he wouldn't destroy his precious merchandise. The first box were only some clothing items from big companies, the second box was out of the ordinary, more like what seemed like gadgets with clocks on them but the third box was the oddest of all. He didn't take out anything from it, but the smell of death filled the room. '' Ok guess, i got everything..'' He said to himself. He closed the box immediately after since the smell made him want to puck. Gonna have to bring this to the science lab before it rots, or else goodbye money..
Although relieved that he had only surprised her and not made her uncomfortable he was still nervous. "Well I'm glad I wasn't someone you didn't want to be around." His stomach began to growl, he then pulled out some candy from his bag and began to snack on them. He eventually looked back to Eri "Do you want some?" He could still feel himself blushing but he thought he might get along with this girl.
Miki sniffed once and plugged her nose. "I have no qualms with what you do but if you stink up the room, then I do." Miki said, her ears flat against her head. "I have a sensitive nose you know." Miki said, her tail swishing back and forth in anger.
As Eri unloaded food of her own into the pantry and fridge, she turned to eye at the candy Greg had in his hands. "Oooh, sure. I was just getting hungry. Thanks," she said, taking a small handful and popping them into her mouth.
'' No shit, I figured with your ears. Half-cat right? Must be fun being able to wash up just by licking yourself?'' He laughed out He then took the two first boxes and placed them in his closet, as he was nearing to grab the third box, he stepped on the dark haired girl's tail by accident '' Oh...Oopsy, my mistake hun.'' He simply stated smirking at her and not taking his foot away after basically putting all his weight until he picked up the box.
Miki hissed, barring her fangs. She growled, glaring at him. "Don't call me hun, asshole." Miki said, her fangs showing.
Kyle laughed at her showing her fangs , '' Well, You have very little influence and will not change the way i talk, princess ∽ '' He lifted his foot from her tail. He grinned and finally decided to leave his box a little bit longer in his room , after all he wasn't the one with a sensitive nose. He could resist a few more minutes of this dead organs in his room.
Miki grimaced and turned back to her manga. She was so irritated. She flicked her tail across her bed as she began to read, calming down a bit.
He was happy that he had made up for his earlier 1st impression. "No problem if you need anything just ask." He said this with a smile on his face. He was still blushing however he wasn't that nervous anymore.
Eri returned Greg's smile with one of her own. "Right back at ya," she quipped, taking her empty bags and placing them into her closet. She was pleased with her work, and was relieved that it hadn't taken her very long. Her ears twitched at the sound of hissing down the hall. Eri grinned; it appeared that someone didn't receive the roommate they hoped for. She considered roaming the halls to see if she could meet some other people, and maybe some Neko's like herself, and followed through by opening her door. "I'm gonna take a walk, I'll be back soon!" Eri said behind her shoulder to Greg.
He couldn't handle the sound of those high pitch voices singing. After getting her irritated, Kyle's roommate decided to blast Vocaloid music to the fullest. It had been more then 10mins and he was about to pierce his drums just to stop hearing those holograms. ''For god sake, close this annoying music or I will break your Ipod with no remorse.'' He simply stated glaring at her instead of his computer.
Miki smiled and turned the volume up, thumping her tail to the beat of the song. She began to sing the lyrics to "Two Breath Walking" that was currently playing on her iPod. She was having fun, watching him grimace.
As Eri roamed the halls, she neared the dorm where the hissing had come from. She snickered as the two roommates yelled back and forth. She knew that sometimes roommates could disagree, but she hadn't thought it would be that bad. The sound of Vocaloid music reached Eri's ears, and she cringed slightly. Her sister had loved Vocaloid, and Eri personally preferred other genres of music.
If she wants to play it hard, i'll show her who play hardest. He stood up from his sit hitting practically anything interfering with his walk. He neared on top of her slamming his arm against her pillow. '' I warned you.'' He simply stated and unplugged her Ipod. He walked towards the door and opened it wildly prepared to throw the Ipod with all his strength and so he did, making it shatter against the door across of them.
Miki looked at him, utterly appalled. "Disgusting animal." She muttered. She picked up the remains of her Ipod and threw it in the trash. She re fluffed her pillow and grabbed her tablet. She then sat down and turned on osu! on her computer, plugging in her tablet. She started playing the game tapping the keys to the rhythm super fast.
Eri had ducked when a boy around her age opened the door at a frightening speed and threw an object at the wall behind her. The Vocaloid music came to an abrupt halt, and as Eri looked into the dorm she realized that was probably an iPod. She gaped slightly at the one who had thrown the iPod, and muttered, "Wow. That escalated way too quickly."
'' I could be more than animal if you don't watch it.'' He shouted inside of the room. He looked at the girl with blonde hair in front of him who seemed like she was eavesdropping. He eyed her more then necessarly, an other Neko.. Damn he hated that race of snobbish half-cats. He leaned on the door frame and sighted to calm himself down, '' Is there anything you are searching for?'' He asked trying to creep a smile but failed miserably.
Greg was also very interested after he had heard telling down the hallway. It had been awhile since Eri left so it couldn't help to check out what was going on. He eventually found Eri outside the room. He was about to call for her until he saw the door swing open and saw a small object get thrown at the wall behind her. Eventually a fellow human was now standing in front of her with his fake ass smile. He quickly ran over there to try to prevent anything bad from happening to his roommate.
Bored with waiting for her roommate, Bea skipped through the halls. Noticing a not very happy room, with two annoyed looking people standing outside. She stayed away, watching and waiting in the shadows.

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Eri stood up slowly, unsure what to do in this situation. She was curious to know why the remains of an iPod were still scattered along the floor, but Eri pushed the thought away. The human who stood in front of him didn't look happy, even when he plastered that smile on his face. Overall, Eri wasn't getting good vibes from him. She brushed her hands on her jeans and glanced at him. "Nope. I was just trying to walk through the hallway without getting nailed by an oncoming electronic device," Eri replied smoothly.
Miki finished her song and looked out in the hallway. There were a bunch of people standing outside. Her roommate was currently blocking the door. "Move asshole." She said, shoving him aside. She smiled warmly to the people outside. "Hey. Nice to meet you!" She said, quite happy.
Ope. That was her cue, as far as Beatrice was concerned. She bounded forward and stood in front of the other neko with a smile. "Hi! I'm Beatrice. Who're you?"

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Kyle was fuming with anger and was about to burn the whole room apart. Miki being quite outside of the room, that was his opportunity to lock the door behind her, and she didn't have her keys.Perfect.. he thought. He then pushed with his foot Miki out of the door and Immediately slammed the door . '' Good Luck getting in bitc h!" He shouted. Kyle finally had peace of mind, he wore his earbuds and continued working on his computer.
To Eri's surprise, two Neko appeared in what now seemed to be a little circle near the doorway. She smirked at Miki, who had called the human an asshole, and couldn't help but like her already. She was about to introduce herself when the human shoved Miki outside and locked the door. Eri rolled her eyes. "You two bicker like an old married couple. I might have to sleep outside if you make this much noise all the time," she said lightly, hoping the tension between Kyle and Miki wouldn't escalate any higher while she was present.
Miki chuckled, glad she had kept her keys in her back pocket. She hated that bast*rd. For all she care he could jump out the window. "Name's Miki, and as far as I'm concerned his name will always be asshole." Miki said, looking at Beatrice.

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