Roommates! [Inactive]

"Hi Miki. That's really not a very nice human you've got in your room. I hope my roommate isn't a human. Are they all like that?" She turned to the one who'd made the married couple quip. "Hello! Who're you? Is that human your friend?" She asked solemnly, shuffling back a little.

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Eri smiled at Beatrice. "Hey, I'm Eri. And yeah, that's Greg. Human, but a nice one," she remarked while pointing her thumb at Greg beside her. "From what I have gathered, he's not an asshole."
With all the commotions next doors, Julie had already acquainted himself with earplugs. He almost finished packing, though. He occupies himself with a ball of yarn as he wonders when his roommate was going to show up. Although he did finish unpacking, all of his stuff were left everywhere and weren't organized into the closets and shelves provided, though he was courteous enough to only make a mess only on his established side of the boundaries. He juggles the ball of yarn in the air with his tail as he awaits his roommate arrival.
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"Yay! Hi Greg. It's nice to meet you. If you're not like that other human, what kind of human are you?" She put her head closer to him and gave a little curious sniff.

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Greg was disgusted with what he had just witnessed, he saw Eri with 2 others nekos. Problem is they were all kind of cute. As he thought this something came to mind am I a furry or something? When he heard that Eri said he wasn't an asshole he felt kinda of happy. However he cheeks were blushing again with the new girls he has just met. Then one of the girls quickly sniffed him and was completely embarrassed. When she asked him a question he quickly replied "I'm just your average guy I guess." He quickly bowed "my name is Greg moses and its an honor to meet you all." This is when he realized he did the bow thing again.
Bea giggled. "I like this human." She told the other two nekos. "He turns funny colors and is really nice!" Half-jokingly, half-trying to return his odd little human gesture of respect, she bowed back, her black pony tail flipping over her head and accidentally whacking him on the head, not that she realized. They were all a bit too close together.
Eri smirked at Bea's comment, leaning against the wall and shoving her hands in her pockets. Even though she was a Neko, she wasn't very quirky and bubbly. This is simply because she used to spend so much time with her human friends back home. It was something that might stand out on her, but she didn't mind, really.
Miki smiled. "I'm probably going to go back in. This is going to be a long day..." She muttered, fishing out her key. She opened the door and walked inside. "You can't lock me out if I still have my keys." She said, returning to her game.
When he felt her ponytail hit his head he quickly rose up to see that she was also bowing. He kind of got a little embarrassed cause he could tell that this was probably the 1st time she had seen anybody do this. He then began to smile at this. I think I might love spending my next few years here. He started to giggle when the other girl walked back into her room. This is also going to be very interesting.
As Miki returned to her dorm where the irked human resided, Eri opted to return to her dorm and grab a bite to eat. "I'm headed back to the dorm, just FYI," Eri mentioned to Greg before strolling down the hall and making a beeline for their dorm fridge.
Fuckk, i thought she didn't have them.. , Kyle turned his chair around now facing Miki. He folded his leg one over the other and intertwined his fingers placing them over his knee. '' I was finally able to finish my software, thanks to the silence that I created by shutting the door behind you. '' he simply stated still annoyed by her antics.
With her new friends quickly dispersing, Bea thought about returning to her own dorm room, just in case her roommate had come back, but she wasn't a patient creature and opted for exploring instead. "I'm going to go look around!" She told Greg brightly. "Do you want to come with me? I don't know where anything is!"
"And I was finally able to show what an asshat you are to our neighbors." Miki said, turning to him. She had a devilish smile on her face. She turned back to her game and started tapping the keys to the rhythm again.
Greg was surprised when Bea had asked him if he wanted to join her on her little exploring trip. He was a little shy since he had just met the girl and he hesitated a little. "Um......sure I'll join ya. Do you know where you wanna go?"
He was ticked off but Kyle simply smirked and prolonged his way of speaking ''Thank you dear, I reallllly appreciate your concern.''. He walked towards his box of organs and closed the door behind him not wanting to see her anymore then needed. Anyway, he had to bring this to the science teacher. She, the teacher, actually payed extra money for him to provid does rare items for dissection later on in the year. He didn't mind making extra money even if it meant 'helping' some teacher out.
"Nuh-OPE. Not at all. C'mon, let's go." Snatching his wrist, she dragged him with her off down the hall, in the opposite direction Eri had gone. She wasn't looking for anything in particular, she just wanted to see what the dorm looked like. More importantly, she didn't want to wait for her roommate. Maybe she'd meet them if she kept moving around
(sorry for the late reply)

Ryuu stumbled into the school grounds half asleep, "why does it have to be so early" he mumbled. Slowly walking further he entered the school building, "Ryuu here, may i have my keys" he said looking up at the lady. She handed him the keys and he slowly walked towards the dorms dragging his feet as a zombie would. Ryuu walked past a few doors noticing three people in a room talking, he continued towards his dorm.
He felt as though she had nearly ripped his hand off with how hard she yanked. At first he started to stumble because she was going to fast but he eventually matched her speed. As they were walking together he saw the cafeteria "Do you wanna grab a bite to eat?"
After snacking on some pineapple she had packed in the fridge, Eri roamed back out into the hallway and noticed that Bea and Greg had disappeared from where she had left them. In their place, the rude human stood with boxes stacked in his arms. Eri's nose scrunched in disgust when the pungent smell reached her. "What the hell is in those boxes?" she asked in a sharp tone, mostly due to the fact that the odor was overwhelming Eri's senses.
"Yup! I'm kind of hungry. But then I want to ask the desk if my roommate's come yet, can I?" She looked at him pleadingly.
Kyle looked from the side to see the blonde eavesdropper. He stopped mid way and frowned at her, '' Business, now move

before i walk over you.'' He said walking towards the stair. He couldn't see them and would probably fall if he didn't watch his step very carefully.

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This pretty much showed Greg's number one weakness. He could never say no to a girl. When she had asked he began to blush. "Sure I don't mind."
Ryuu looked at the girl, "Nothing of importance, clothes, food, books the usual" he said while walking past her. Ryuu placed the box on his bed noticing the bed next to the window had been taken, "oh man come on I wanted that bed" Ryuu said glaring at the other bed, "guess that's life though" he mumbled as he unpacked his clothes and belongings.
Eri pursed her lips at his response, but her annoyed expression disappeared as swiftly as it had come and was replaced with a smirk. "I'm so scared," she said in a bland tone, but stepped out of his way. What he couldn't see, though, was that she had placed her foot out for him to trip over.

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