Roommates! [Inactive]

Kyle was bewildered. No one, and no one would ever ask him to be on his team. He simply nodded and walked next to her seeing that Miki was having a hard time too. He sighted and felt bad..just a little. He walked over her and grinned, ''Well look at you being all moody and depressing! you ain't gonna find anyone like that.'' he said
Miki's ears flattened against her head. "Yeah, I'm practicing being you." Miki said. She grimaced. "I'll just join your team." Miki said, standing next to Eri.
Eri smiled lightly at Miki, but didn't want to provoke her like Kyle often did. "Alright, seems like all the other groups are three each, so this is good."
''Well, you are doing a horrible job being me.'' Kyle stated. The teacher then showed them the basic and made them practise in team for the time being.
Miki sighed. She hated PE. Mostly the choosing teams part. She grabbed a volleyball and bumped it to Kyle.
He received the ball in the head, ''OUCH! What the hell is your problem!'' he said pouting and preparing to throw it back at her forcefully
Eri watched with partial concern but mostly amusement as her two friends bickered again. She observed that Kyle was tempted to throw the ball back in Miki's direction, but knew that Miki could defend herself well enough against her roommate.
"You were supposed to hit it. Have you never played this before." Miki said, glaring at him. All the feelings form before were gone. He was surely an asshole. She was prepared to catch the ball provided he throw it.
He was fuming and practically on the verge of putting all his strength on that throw but he decided otherwise once an Image appereared in front of him. His face drew of all colors, ''Katana...'' he mumbled and passed the ball to Eri.
Eri's ears flicked slightly. She raised her eyebrows at his katana statement, but decided it wasn't the best time to ask for an explanation. Eri bumped the volleyball to Miki since she knew how to play more than Kyle did.
The ball was way to high so he jumped and set the ball. He wasn't really good, but understood the basic. Unfortunately, the ball was sent to the other side of the gym because of his strenght. He didn't feel like getting it because of laziness. Tho the bell rang announcing the end of school, he just left it there not caring that someone else will have to pick it up. 
He went to his locker and shoved his books inside and finally exited from the building and walked to the dorm.
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Miki grabbed her bag and walked out of school. She walked home, hoping that Kyle wouldn't follow her. She walked to her room and opened the door.
As soon as the bell ran, Eri rushed to her locked and then straight to her dorm. She changed eagerly out of her uniform and into some jean shorts and a tank top. Once she changed, Eri strolled into the kitchen to get something to eat.
He was already in the room changing into a pair of black shorts and a white T-shirt. Half Nude, Miki ended up walking into him. ''Oh well, look at you peeking at me.'' He stated wearing his shirt.
Miki flushed and shut the door with a bang. She leaned against the door, sliding down the outside. She sighed, sitting down on the floor.
Seeing that she had nothing better to do, Eri decided to go see what Miki and Kyle were doing. She strolled over to their dorm and saw Miki on the ground against the door with a frustrated expression on her face. "Everything okay, Miki?" she inquired cautiously, recalling what Kyle had said about katanas and knowing it probably had something to do with Miki.
"Men. Just, don't ask." Miki said. She still had her head in her hands, cheeks tinted pink. She took a deep breath to calm herself.
"What did Kyle do this time," Eri asked. She smiled slightly, and noticed her cheeks were a brighter shade of pink than usual.
"He didn't do anything." Miki said, still red. She exhaled, trying to calm down. "That was horrifying." Miki said.
"Horrifying as in you were embarrassed or he did something stupid?" Eri attempted once more. She wasn't entirely good at this kind of thing.
"Horrifying more than stupid." Miki said. She shuttered at the thought of what happened. "Horrible." Miki said.
Kyle walked to the door and opened it for Miki to come in, but to his surprise two girls were hanging outside his door and Miki was only stating horrible.'' My body is perfect just saying." He said opening the door wider.

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Eri's ears twitched as she refrained from laughing. "So that's what was so horrible. Did you see him shirtless or something?"
"It is not." Miki said. She walked past him and in the door. She set her bag next to the bed. "I hope I never have to see that again." Miki said.

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