Rominov School for Vampires

Nathan shakes his head and unclenches his fists. His hands were still shaking and he was paler then normal. "Y-you're right. I'm very sorry." He holds out his hand " Nathan Marshall." he eyes the boy standing behind Hannah Hmm, I could take him more then likely. I need to get away from this hunger. I need something to distract me. His eyes flick to look at Evangeline he looks at her up and down his eyes taking in every detail he could Not particularly muscular I would think that she practices magic. He continues studying her intently taking in everything he could by her physical appearence. Like what weapon she use if any at all. She would probably think He was studying her for a different reason. Maybe a little bit of both he smirks to himself
A click from a gun as cold steel arched toward Nathan's face from the side Bram had moved to. He had a look that would frighten most beasts of the night. The hammer cocked back from his thumb as it rested ready to purge this ilk of Satan away from this world. A smile crept on Bram's face as he eyed the little vampire. "Leave" gritting his teeth in anger Bram said it in a tone that was not to be trifled with. She is not food and if you ever touch her again I will make another hole in your head to compliment that stupid mouth of yours. This was all for Hannah... Evangeline's tiny intervention would mean nothing if it didn't leave an impression. Do not TOUCH HANNAH. The silver gun glinted in the moonlight as it stayed unwavering in the calm hands of a killer with the intent to kill.
He nodded gratefully at the Headmistress. 'Finally, somewhere were I can make some progress.' he though with satisfaction. Taking the schedule and thanking the Headmistress, Castor walked out of the office. He was aware that the Headmistress had just announced that curfew was soon, but he wanted to take at least a quick look around. As he walked, a nagging feeling from the deepest recesses of his brain kept pestering him. The message came from a place further into his psyche than even his thirst for blood. It was simple message: 'She is wrong about you. You are not normal... you are not a vampire.' However, Castor pushed aside these thoughts as random, wandering thoughts due to his lack of meaningful interactions with others. Just then, he ran into a group of students who seemed to be having a bit of a spat. There was the pure blood whom he'd inadvertently attacked, another vampire, a boy, and a human girl. He decided to stroll over to see what was going on.
Nathan's eyes flicker red as he pulls out his knives and looks at Bram "Very tough. Hide behind a gun. Well if you want to see if you can pull that trigger" Nathan points towards the gun with one of his knives "Before I slip this." he shakes one of his knives "Inbetween your second and third rib and put this one" he shakes his other knife "Under your sternum and use my teeth to tear your throat out then by all means make a move." Nathan growls inhumanly and steps towards Bram the gun now against his forehead "Pull it." his eyes were now a dark red "Pull it!" he growls and grips his knives until his knuckles turned white "I won't touch her." Nathan motions towards Hannah "But you. You I will hurt.We can settle this now or later. Your choice Leech."
Evangeline rolled her eyes, "Okay okay. Will the two men with way too much testosterone please calm themselves?" She backed Hannah up slightly, making sure she was far enough away from the two if a fight really did break out, "Might I remind you both that there is no killing on campus? However, I know Rambo here much better than you Nathan. Not by a lot, but enough that I will stick up for him, and not you." She paused then continued, "So, lest you want to get expelled newbie... Stop!" Her voice almost shook with authority, showing her heritage for once not just through her blood's smell.
Nathan looks at Evageline and frowns "My apologies miss." He sheathes his daggers and looks at Bram "Next time she won't be here to protect you." He looked at back to Eva "I'm very sorry." He frowns and looks down for some reason he really wanted to make her like him "I hope you don't hold this against me." I can hurt him later. Calm nathan. Calm.His hunger was more and more powerful as time went on "As much as 8I hate it I need to feed. " he looks back towards Evagelline "Will you um. P-possibly show me where I could grab some food?"
Bram eyed Evangeline for a moment before breathing out a low sigh "No... she wont be here to protect you." He clicked the hammer back into its resting spot then placed his silver pistol back into the waist line of her pants. "She is a Royal and has been around many vampires. she stopped it because she knows I would have killed you.... Stop me if I am wrong Princess." Bram shrugged. He looked back at his would be assailant "Don't think you are all High and mighty new blood, I can see your marks. Your fangs are new, little pup. Be careful where you bare them." Bram placed his hands and his pockets and looked up at the sky. This school has more and more idiots with each one I meet. Staying sane and not killing anyone is going to get harder and harder. He sighed heavily then looked at Hannah with a small smile.
Evangeline nodded curtly and looped her arm with Nathan's, trusting Hannah and Bram to be safe with one another. She pulled Nathan off hard in the direction of the acting cafeteria, where the feeders were. Bram was right, he probably could have killed the boy. As she walked him, she glared at him, "That wasn't wise of you. You have been a vampire for how long?" Evangeline shook her head, "I know you are thirsty. I don't hold it against you. You just have to be careful, else you won't last very long in this world. My blood... you can smell it yes? I am a pure blood, and a royal. I have seen my father, King Dagan, deal with many a newblood. You do not want to end like them... If you want to have me teach you about control, and about our culture, I can." By this time they were at the cafeteria, where most of the feeders were still around, but you could tell everything was slowing down. Could she consider this a priority case and get to cut the line? He was new after all. Evangeline paused outside of the building, and motioned towards it.

Hannah looked wide-eyed at Bram, "Are you ok? I thought you were going to kill him..." She held his hand, finding comfort in his fingers, knowing he would have killed the boy if Evangeline hadn't stopped him. "I'm sorry about that though... if I had been paying more attention, I could have avoided him bumping into me, and then he wouldn't have been tempted." She felt bad, but Hannah never really did like newbloods much. The newly turned tended to be a bit quick to snap, and it scared her.
Nathat smiles and looks at her temporarily finding comfort in being with someone "Yes. Yes please. I really would like that."he smiles largly and looks at her "I hate feeding on people I can still remember her. I-I killed her. My only friend and she died. Because of me." He frowns and look around at all the innocent people. "They l-like being fed on?" He shakes his head "I'm not sure if I can do it."
He looked at Hannah with a smile. "I was going to kill him." He grabbed her cheek in his hand. The soft plush skin slid gently along his hand as it found its resting place "It's not your fault Hannah... Don't worry you know, I wont let anything happen to you." He wrapped his other hand around her back sliding across her dress then with a gentle jerk towards his chest he pulled her close hugging her gently in his arms... If that boy did anything to her... he would have killed Evangeline as well, for saying she would protect Hannah and failing to do so. "Come on lets wait for her, as she helps the runt." He linked her arm in his and they began walking to the cafeteria. She wanted him and Evangeline to get along, so he was trying to make an effort for her. It may be a farce but at least he would try. He looked at Hannah her bright blue eyes glimmering under the moon her light peach tone glowing in the light.
(What happened? Adaline almost ran into Hannah, but then apparently it didn't happen? I'm going to pretend that it didn't happen. I'm assuming you guys just didn't see my post. It's fine, I'll just post it again with some changes.)

Adaline was really excited. She knew that she probably shouldn't be quite as excited as she was, but she couldn't help it. She was excited. Adaline had not been in a school for a long time. She had attended primary school and had begun her first year of secondary school, but as soon as she began her transformation into a vampire her parents took her out of public school and home schooled her. She was over-excited to the point of being jittery, and Alexander had to remind her several times that she probably shouldn't run in the hallways. He had good reason to say this, as she found out when she almost ran into someone. Or rather, a two someones (Bram and Hannah). "Oh, sorry!" she apologized, after abruptly stopping in front of a girl with long golden hair. "I wasn't watching where I was going!"

(Poor Hannah, keeps getting run into!
xD )
Evangeline rolled her eyes again, but felt sorry for the boy, friend dead. He didn't answer most of her questions, but that was ok. "Come on," she said and pulled him along again, cutting the line, because he was a newbie she didn't exactly trust. Evangeline felt a little bad for cutting everyone, but they really didn't have time for it. She came up to a desk and started speaking, "He is thirsty, and I am fine." Her fangs, in reality, ached, but she refused to feed on anyone but Hannah, "He is a newbie, but I will make sure he stops in time if he can't control himself."

After a moment, a young boy came up to them and motioned them behind, assuming they didn't want to feed in the open. Evangeline followed, pulling Nathan along as she did, "You'll be fine Nathan. If you aren't sure about your control, count to ten, and at least pause, making sure that the human is ok." The boy stopped in a small room and shrugged, "You ready dude?" The boy tilted his head to the side, bearing his neck to him as Evangeline nudged him forward, bitting her own lip.

Hannah walked beside Bram, "I was surprised though, she actually got assertive. She hates getting that way with people, to make them seem lesser." Hannah looked ahead at the Cafeteria and sighed, "Did you really get so concerned that he would try to drink from me?" Her voice got quieter and she looked down, "I feel bad for the guy... how scary it must be for him to be suddenly so different..."

She suddenly got bumped into again and sighed loudly and heavily, turning to see who it was this time, "It is fine... What's your name? My name is Hannah... and yours?" For once she was actually getting kind of annoyed, did no one here look where they were going?
Nathan plunges his fangs into the boys neck and keeps drinking one two three four five six seven eight nine. Nine. Nine. Nathan keeps drinking not being able to control himself. He starts to pull back but starts to feed again god I can't stop. I need help. Nathan almost knocks the now weak boy over
Evangeline hisses through her teeth and flicks Nathan in the temple a little harder than she should have, "Stop it. You are going to hurt the boy." She pulled Nathan and the boy apart, careful of the fangs, and held the barely conscious boy, her own fangs tingling but she ignored it, "Clearly you have a long way to go until you are safe around humans." Evangeline leaned down to the bite marks in the boy's neck and licked them, tensing as she did so. The wound began healing before their eyes then and she huffed, looking away, avoiding eye contact.
"Savvanah I'm so sorry!" Nathan pales as he realizes who's name he had just said "Oh god." he looks down then at Evangeline "I'm sorry. Will you please teach me how to better control myself" he looks at her pleadfully "I need a lot of help." he looks at her "Can we meet up tomorrow maybe?" he frowns
Bram's eye twitched in annoyance... "You have got to be shitting me..." He breathed. He turned to look at the girl who had bumped into Hannah he was annoyed and angry this time. It wasn't the girls fault but this was the third or fourth or fifth time he had lost track. He slid his hand in his pocket and grabbed his butterfly knife in his hand ready to slice their new clumsy oafs head from her neck if she made a move on Hannah. "you little whelps are really starting to piss me off..." he muttered quietly. He was not happy about this nor should he. He looked at Hannah almost half pleading for her to stop him from killing this poor girl. This school is full of the blind and the idiotic... do they just accept anyone with sharp teeth.. Bram started questioning the schools motives for bringing in these worthless specimen.
Savvanah? Evangeline thought as she looked at Nathan confused, then she shook her head, "Yeah... I can help you... Are you combat or magic? I have both classes, so its no issue, but maybe we could work a little on it in those classes?" Evangeline sighed and looked at the boy in her arms, then stood, still holding him to her chest. "I'm off though, you can handle the walk to your dorm? Curfew is soon." Evangeline then walked out of the small room and spoke to the people at the desk for a while, explaining that the boy is alright, before setting him down in a chair and going off to find Bram.

Hannah squeezed Bram's hand, calming both herself, and hopefully him, "Hello Adaline. Yes, I am a human. Evangeline's personal feeder. Why were you in such a rush? You should probably watch where you are going more..."
She completely ignored me that.... b!&$%.. "That's it.... i'm gonna kill her." He said very calmly as he looked at Hannah. He took a step forward but the grip on his hand from Hannah pulled him back... He looked at Hannah "tsch...." clicking his teeth as he looked a little above Hannah. "Fine..." his shoulder slumped down and he let out a sigh.... He didn't have to hear what Hannah would say. Her hand on his was enough to know what she would have said so he just finished all the sentences for her without her saying a word. He looked at this Adaline person in bewilderment, she truly has no manners or tact not even introducing herself to him or noting of his existence since she never used a plural. Do none of these new bloods know manners? atleast pure blood vampires have manners and some sort of pedigree these new bloods are just terrible...
Nathan sighs and walks off down the hallway stupid stupid stupid. Nathan enters his dark dorm and walks into his room. He throws his pillow across the room and sighs slinking into bed "Way to go Nathan, you idiot." He sighs and covers his face with his hands, taking a deep breath he stand up and slowly crawls onto the floor into a push up position he starts his nightly work out even though he was already exhausted
After a short while, Evangeline spots Bram, Hannah, and two others, "Oh god..." she muttered to herself, wondering what has happened now. She walked up to all of them and looked at Bram and Hannah, "What happened?" She looked then at the other two, and wondered if there would be another issue with blood, "Is everything ok?"
Natha gets an idea as he wipes sweat from his face. He sprints down the hall until he finds Bram and the others "Hey! Rambo!" Nathan said Rambo reffering to Bram "Tomorrow. Combat class. You and I." he yells down the hall as he walks closer and closer to the group "If that's of course okay with you." He looks at Evangeline "Oh sorry am I interupting?"
"We have got another Rude pup here." Bram shot a glance at Evangeline as she approached his arms now crossed in protest. At being denied the chance to exact capital punishment for her offense to Hannah. "She bumped into her, then made the observation that she is a human. I was going to kill her but Hannah stopped me." Bram spoke to Evangeline like an equal something new to him. He lowered his head as He grumbled to himself "I should just kill her and be done with it." He then watched as Evangeline stood between him and Hannah. The smell of blood was on her mouth, His eyebrow raised at this as he looked at the ridges of her mouth a little residual residue of blood still on it. He glared at her losing a tinge of respect for her. then tapped his finger to his lip to mimic where the drop was. Don't let Hannah see you fool, or else it will make her upset.
Evangeline tilted her head confused, then her eyes widened as she realized and wiped her lip, "Oh! No no! Newbie here," she began and pointed at Nathan, "Almost killed the feeder, and I had to lick the wound to make sure the kid didn't bleed out. I didn't like it, it made me more thirsty than I already am. You can even ask Nathan.... who, by the way, needs to calm his tits because yes. He is interrupting." Evangeline glared at Nathan, and sighed.

Hannah looked back at the others and her eyes went big, "He almost killed someone?! That would be very bad! He could get severely punished for it..." Evangeline nodded, "That's why I stopped him, the kid should be ok though. I left him near the reception desk there after explaining what had happened."
Nathan's face turns red and he stops walking "Erm sorry." he looks down and steps next to Evangeline "Didn't mean to interup i just needed to find him" he jerks a thumb towards Bram "Before curfew." He turns to Bram and he bares his fangs he mutters quietly"Sorry Evangeline." He frowns slightly and steps back a bit "By the way I need to talk to you either tomorrow morning or later."

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