Rominov School for Vampires

Evangeline knocked on the door to Ms. Rominov's office, wondering if she could be allowed in now. No one was outside waiting with her, and she hadn't been paying attention, so she didn't remember if anyone was inside at the moment, so she knocked and spoke, "Ms. Rominov? It is me, Evangeline. May I come in? I need to get my classes and such straightened out."

Hannah blushed a bright red at getting pinned, but when he leaned into her neck, she inhaled sharply and tilted her head out of the way. She had been taught to do so, to never fight such an action. After he plopped down next to her, she furrowed her brow, "If you want you can feed from me. I have a rare blood type, so it would taste extra sweet..." She blushed more, not sure how to act, since he wasn't quite human or vampire, "If you want to I wouldn't fight you on it. I am used to it."
Ana heard a knock at the door. "Come in," she called, and the door pushed open. "Evangeline? What a pleasant surprise. I knew you were coming but had no idea that you were already here. Please, come in." Ana gave the girl a small, friendly smile. She still didn't show her fangs, but the smile was as familiar and friendly as the one she'd given Nicolai earlier, not like the ones she gave other students.

The Rominov line had known Evangeline's family since the very beginning. Since the King was the first Vampire ever known to exist, he had essentially created the Rominov's and the other main bloodlines. Katiya Rominov was one of his direct descendants, making the Rominovs almost as high as the King's family, but not quite as royal. Any of their children would always be welcomed with open arms at the academy.

"I see that you don't have Hannah with you. That's odd; typically the two of you are inseperable. I hope everything is okay?"
Castor was unsure of what to do at this point in time. He had heard of a school for people with needs like him. When he reached the school, he decided that the best course of action would be to pay a visit to the office of the school's administrator. Looking around, his highly acute senses could smell the delicious scent of human blood... but in some remote corner of his brain, a feeling of repulsion to that smell was also present. Although his subconscious was basking in the pulse of human blood, the deepest recesses of his mind told him not to engage. So, with a sigh, Castor adjusted the estoc he had sheathed at his hip, shifted the position of the ornate katana on his back, and proceeded to what seemed to be the administrator's office. However, once he'd arrived, he found that the door was open, and the headmistress seemed to be conversing with another student, a young girl.

Suddenly, at that moment, all pretense of his need for human blood was lost, and his mind screamed for this girl's blood. Castor restrained himself, but when he did so, he was instantly afflicted with a searing pain that seemed to tear into the fabric of his being. His body sought the girl's blood more than the humans' blood, for whatever reason, but his mind didn't want to take part in any such activity. Castor was brought to his knees at the foot of the open door by this feeling, and an awful retching from his stomach caused him to cover his hands. To his horror, he was coughing up what seemed to be human blood. Even worse, the smell of that very same human blood that is supposed to be his sustenance was making him even more ill.
"Oh yes. She is fine Ana, just exploring the campus. Oh, wait, I suppose I am not allowed to call you Ana whilst here?" Evangeline said and smirked, then went up to hug her tightly before sitting in the chair on the other side of her desk, "You haven't visited in such a long time. Father was worried that all was not well, and has missed your company greatly. I have missed your company! Hannah and I have been so bored without you or your children visiting." Evangeline sighed, relaxing in her chair as she thought, "I wonder how the other kids will take to me... They are sure to know me, or if not, then they will smell the scent about my blood."

She grabbed a puzzle off of Ms. Rominov's desk, and started to solve the handheld thing, "So... Will I have any odd classes? You know how your family has the mind thing... or is it an emotions thing?" Evangeline paused, trying to figure out the puzzle idly, "I wonder if I will develop anything of the sort.... what do you think? I mean... you know my father. He is scary strong, and expects so much of me." She placed the puzzle back on her desk, now solved, and put her hands in her lap, looking at Ms. Rominov.

Evangeline looked behind her at the boy coughing up blood in horror and immediately stood and went to his side, but was unsure what to do. She hovered by his side, looking at Ms. Rominov for guidance.
Ana smiled and hugged the girl, listening to her talk. She seemed concerned about developing her powers, and the headmistress did her best to reassure her. "Something will become stronger, whether it be an element or combat skill. Your pure bloodline, like ours, will also help you develop extra powers. It usually won't happen until adulthood though, so there's no need to be discouraged. Right now just focus on the basics and eventually it will come naturally by itself." Anastasiya gave her a content smile, glad to be catching up, when there was a commotion outside.

Ana glanced into the hall only a few moments before Evangeline noticed the boy. She followed the younger girl at a more relaxed pace, never one to show signs of distress or unease. She kneeled by the boy as well, and realized what he was coughing up was human blood. He'd had some recently, and seemingly a lot of it. She didn't recognize the boy per se, but he did seem vaguely familiar somehow. She knew she'd never seen him before but felt like she should know him. She began by emitting a calming aura, hoping to help him rest and stop coughing so much. Only after he relaxed from this fit would she be able to help.
As much as Castor wanted to feast on the blood of the girl, he was able to keep himself from pouncing on her. Matters were not made easier when she went to kneel next to him. However, it was the final straw when the Headmistress, apparently also a pure blood, kneeled with the girl. Castor's instincts overrode his mind's pleas, and pounced on the girl. She was petite and not very strong. But, Castor felt a curious burning sensation in his hands, although his blood fervor distracted him from worrying about it. 'NO! I will not drain this girl. Enough have died. ENOUGH!' he thought to himself.

Luckily, he seemed to get himself back under control. He lurched backwards from the overturned girl and crawled slowly back, resting his back against the wall. He put his hands on his head and took large, heaving breaths. "Please... don't come any closer... I can't stop myself again... I can't... stop..." he said, panting from the exertion. He felt a continuous calming aura being emitted by the adult. 'She stayed quite calm through that ordeal. Perhaps the choice of attending this school wasn't a bad notion.' he thought. Speaking to the surprised girl now, he said, "I'm sorry. I'm not quite sure what happened, but I mean you no harm. " Half-chuckling and half-panting, he continued, "Although, that is quite the self-defense mechanism you've got there. My hands will be feeling that one for a bit." Just then, he was stunned to see that his hands had healed already. "Or not." Turning to the Headmistress, he said, "Thank you for the help. It is my intention to attend this school. However, I must inquire: Are there many more pure bloods in attendance here?"
Bram moved his hand toward the side of her head and gently flicked it. "I'm not a vampire and nor do I wish to be. Thank you for the offer though that was..." he brought his hand back to his face and tapped his finger on his chin while he thought about what he should say. "ummmm...... really sweat." He smiled at her from ear to ear. a sudden jolt to his brain happened as Bram thought of something "Hold on one second." He leaned up from the bed and laid across Hannahs waist as he pilfered through his bag on the floor. His eyes never leaving the bag as he moved clothes and bags and small boxes around in it. "Ahhh here it is." He pulled out a small white box he slowly retracted from on top of her and laid back down on the bed next to her he removed the white lid and set it on the bed. Inside of it was a thin sterling silver bracelet that reflected everything around it. He stretched his left arm towards the ceiling as the sleeve slowly slid down his arm. There was the exact same bracelet on his wrist. "It came in a set of two and I didn't have anyone to give it too... until now." He tilted the box towards her letting her get a better look at the bracelet. "I would be honored if you would have it. As a symbol of our friendship." He smiled at her. This bracelet like my own monitors the wearers location and their vitals and sends the information to our server for me or any other knight to monitor. The Order gave me two just in case i lost mine and needed to replace it. If you take it I will know where and how you are doing. Anywhere you are I can and will find you, and I will save you. I cant tell you about this but please take it Hannah...
When she had gotten pinned, Evangeline reflexively started burning her attacker's hands. Once he had gotten off of her, there was no emotions in her eyes but anger. She was almost instantly on her feet, crouched down close to the ground. Her hands each had small balls of fire floating in them as she glared at the boy, "Touch me again like that and this defense mechanism will be sure to make you blind and unable to have children." As she was speaking, smaller balls of fire appeared, floating above her head in her livid state.

Evangeline looked at Ms. Rominov and sighed, standing as she extinguished the fires, mumbling something about a child with no control. She moved to the far wall of the office, leaning against it as the boy regained his control, "I know people like my blood, but geez. Have the decency to ask first." She smirked, trying to make light of a situation that made her extremely uncomfortable.

"Awww!" Hannah said loudly and nearly tackled him, hugging Bram super hard in happiness, "You have no idea how sweet you are to me Bram! It is so shiny and pretty!" Before she hugged him to death, she pulled away, but not before kissing him on the cheek. Hannah took the bracelet in her hands and looked it over, a big smile on her face, she saw an inscription carved into the inside of the bracelet in what she assumed was Latin, something she didn't speak at all. "Sanguis acetabulis mori est necesse, ad protegendum humanitatem... What's that mean? I can't understand it."
"Hmmm I don't know... I don't speak whatever that is or can read it." He frowned at her then with a slow start he asked her "Do you like it?". Bram lied he knew what it meant The Blood Suckers (vampires) must die, to protect humanity. "By the way you cheated!" Bram yelled at her trying to take her mind off of the bracelets inscription. He laid below her still looking up at her from being tackled. I wish I could have met you before The Order before your slavery... I wonder if we would still be friends if not for this. Of course we would what am I thinking.He smiled up at her looking deep in her eyes his .own eyes flickering like candle light
Ene watched in awe as the two harmonized together. She assumed that the song they were playing probably wouldn't sound good with the piano, so she just sat and watch, enjoying this moment.
Headmistress Rominov was just as shocked as Eva when the boy attacked her, but it was over just as quickly as it happened. Evangeline stood farther away from the boy, who now crouched against the wall. He asked something about Pure Bloods being in attendance here at the academy. Although she figured he couldn't see her motions from where he was, Ana nodded. "Being Rominov school, all Rominovs attend this academy, including my own two children. However, I will tell you now that they are both more than capable of handling you if you attack them like what I just saw here." She lied a little, knowing Liliya probably wouldn't fight back against him, but her voice sounded stern enough that the fib was believable, and she hoped he wouldn't do the same thing to her children.

"You just attacked a Pure Blood Royal, daughter of the King. Normally that would be something for which we could have you immediately evacuated and put on trial for. However, I can read minds and emotions, and..." She paused for a moment, letting some coolness return to her voice. "I can tell that your intentions are good. Evangeline," she turned towards the young girl. "He did not mean what just happened. I can't see in his mind what caused him to attack you other than bloodlust. Why he chose you, I'm not sure. But from the pure blood comment," she looked back at the new student. "Just.... Watch your actions. I can only forgive you for so many of them. If you will kindly wait out here until I'm done with Eva's file, I will be glad to help you."
Hannah looked down at him and kissed his cheek again, hugging him tightly to her, "I love it. It's so sweet..." After a moment she released him and tried it on, a perfect fit. "What do you think?" She said, smiling at him and twirling the bracelet with her other hand.

She looked around at the room, her blue eyes beaming happiness, "What now Bram? Do you want to keep talking here? Or do you want to meet Evangeline...?" Hannah said the second with caution, knowing he'd hate her, but also she knew he couldn't kill her. At least not yet, "Whatever you want to do."

Evangeline looked at the boy, "Kudos to startling me. I thought I was safe from attempts on my life here, so I had my guard down. Simply bloodlust or not, do not do so again or you will greatly regret the choice. You are lucky she is so kind. Most would be harshly punished for even attempting a grab at a pure blood, let alone a royal." Evangeline sighed then and her eyes softened, "We can be friendly though, had you really meant no ill intent by it. Perhaps at some point I could even offer a cup to you, for it would not be straight from the tap so to speak. I would not trust you by my neck. However, I do understand bloodlust, and do not hold it against you whatsoever. If you ever need help, and Ms. Rominov is not available, find me and I shall attempt to assist." She moved back to the chair, sitting in it, and turning it to face everyone else.
"It looks great Hannah." He watched her twirl the bracelet with a slight smile as he enjoyed every second of her happiness. "I don't mind meeting her." i'll have to do it eventually... He smiled as he slid out from under He moved next to her. "Come on lets go" and laid a small peck on her cheek. He stood up from the bed and straightened his jacket. Slid his hand into his back pants waist and felt the cool silver exterior, making sure it was still there. "Well hurry up." He clapped at her as a joke to mush her along. He then slid his hand into his right pocket and felt the cold steel of his butterfly knife in his hands. A smile creaked on his face. as he made his way to the door un clicked the lock and opened it. Holding it open he waited for Hannah
Ana motioned the boy to a seat before moving back into her office with Evangeline. "Well, now that THAT ordeal is over," she started. She moved her slender fingers across her keyboard and a nearby printer started up. "Sorry it's a bit last-minute. I got you into some basic magic classes. I heard from your father that you have an interest in combat, so I put you in a novice fighting class as well. The students there are all younger Combat vampires, and should be only slightly above your level. Being an elemental magic Vampire, you'd have difficulty against students your own age, therefore this is probably the only combat class you'll be able to take. But I thought you might enjoy it, so have fun in it while you can." Anastasiya smiled. "If you'll excuse me, I have quite a few appointments left to keep. It's a very busy day today, but maybe over the weekend we can do some catching up." Ana handed Evangeline her schedule and room number. "I'll talk to you soon, dear."
Hannah stuck her tongue out at him as he tried to hurry her, then stood, curtsying as she passed him through the door, "Thank you Bram. I am happy someone remembers manners toward women." She looked at him, then she led the way, making sure to keep pace with Bram, "So. What sort of classes do you have? I wonder if you have any with us! That would be so neat. I'd get to hang out with you and look pathetic in combat class... oh wait... Evangeline does magic. That means she probably won't have a combat class. She does love to fight with her daggers though."

Evangeline nodded, "No problem Ms. Rominov.... It sounds so odd to call you that. Ah, well. Formalities as such can be dropped over a weekend, and we can chat as friends once more." Young or old, Evangeline still saw Ana as a friend, more than a principal, "Thank you so much for putting me in a combat class. I am sure I will love it. You know how my Father is. He expects me to be both like he is one day, and tries pushing me to that. Ridiculous. He is almost like Ang the Avatar from that one human show. He knows it all... the show off. Later on, maybe when I am around a thousand, maybe I will be more like him ability wise. Just maybe."

She shook her head, and stood, "Sorry I am keeping you. I shall see you again soon." Evangeline walked up to her, and hugged her tightly before strolling out of her office and the administration building. She didn't get far before she saw Hannah and another boy who were talking. Evangeline waved, "Hannah! I finally got my schedule. She put me in magic and in combat. Isn't that great?!" Her voice began loud, calling out over the distance, but it quieted as she jogged over to them, a big smile on her face.

Hannah looked at Bram, "Nevermind. I guess she does have a combat class." She shrugged and looked at Evangeline, who was looking between the two of them, slightly confused on the situation. "So, who is this?" Evangeline questioned towards Hannah, "You two seem so buddy buddy. I'm happy you found a friend!" Before Hannah could answer Evangeline's eyes widened, "Oh! Oh my gosh. I am so sorry. I've forgotten my manners. I am Evangeline Aeternus. It is a pleasure to meet you." She curtsied as she said that, looking Bram in the eyes.

"He smells weird Hannah," Evangeline said suddenly, now looking back at her. Hannah furrowed her brow, "Well..." she began, but Evangeline cut her off with a wave, "I don't care why. It is none of my business. I just felt like mentioning it. A slight attempt on my life back there has made me a little thirsty, so scents are all the more prevalent. No worries though. I should be fine for now." Evangeline looked at Hannah and smiled apologetically, "I am sorry... but later, would you mind...?"

Hannah smiled softly, "That should be fine Evangeline. You know I never turn you down." Evangeline frowned at that, "Yes... but I do not know why. I wouldn't be mad if you did. If you weren't in the mood, or if you just didn't want to. I would be fine with it. You need to stop feeling so obligated, we aren't around my pompous ass of a Father anymore." Hannah looked down, "I know. I'm sorry..." At that, Evangeline rolled her eyes and put a hand underneath Hannah's chin, bringing her face up to look at her, "You have nothing to be sorry for..."

She let her face go, and Hannah continued to look at her as Evangeline continued speaking, now to Bram again, "Sorry about that. To explain, my blood is very potent, as you can smell. Being a pureblood and a royal... blah blah blah... I am sure you have heard it all before, and probably know who I am, yes? If not it is ok, it would mean fresh introductions is all."
Brams eye met hers sternly his happy presence had all but vanished from when he was talking to Hannah. "I know who you are, Lady Aeternus. And it seems that the stories about you are true, too be in two classes." Bram raised an eyebrow. "I smell funny because i have been around Hannah." the thought of her taking blood for Hannah drew him to concern... And to a bitter sense of hatred towards Evangeline. He moved his hand in his pocket and felt the cold knifes He decided against doing anything now so he would not endanger Hannah. Bram gaze directed at Hannah with a sad expression on his face. "Now that you are back with your master I will return to my room. It has been pleasure Hannah." Bram bowed to Hannah then looked at Evangeline expressionless and with a blank face. He slowly began to turn to walk away I cant be around here right now... Sorry Hannah.
Hannah frowned but didn't know what to say. She knew why he was upset at Evangeline, but she didn't want him to go. Evangeline however furrowed her brow, almost offended, and turned Bram back around to face her before he could get too far off. "I don't know who or what got your panties in a bunch sir, since you haven't even been polite enough to tell me your name, but I am not her master." She shook her head as Hannah gulped, a little nervous what either would do.

"She is like a sister to me. Not some plaything like my Father wanted her to be to me. I drink from her and her alone, and let only myself drink from her to keep her safe. I only trust myself with her. If she didn't want me to feed, she could tell me and I would respect that decision, but she knows I need to feed eventually to keep myself alive and functioning. Master I am not, friend, and perhaps sister... that I am," Evangeline released his arm then, and sighed, trying to calm her temper.

Hannah spoke then, stepping between Evangeline and Bram, and faced him, "Bram, you don't need to go. We should see if you two have the same combat class, and work out where that is." At first Evangeline raised a brow, but then nodded, "That sounds like a good idea Hannah. If you are so willing... Bram... I would not mind. I apologize for stopping you as I did. Her being seen as such a lesser bothers me so much though, it is a nettle in my side."
Bram got angrier and angrier as Evangeline spoke His head slumped down slightly his teeth slightly grit his hands clenched tightly his muscles flexed... "Can she... can she really say no to you... Bram muttered quietly since Hannah was in front of him she could probably hear but he didn't care.

You make it sound so easy that she is doing this because she wants to. Have you ever thought of setting her free. You call her your sister when she is actually is your beloved pet. YOUR DAMN DOG! If she said no over and over again what would she be to you... nothing! you have not once thought of her first, it is always yourself first and her second... her feelings mean nothing to you. You know she will never say no to you. She doesn't event trust you enough with her getting hit by your father. You dare lecture to me one more time and ill kill you b*****. I care about her more than you ever will. IF YOU REALLY DID CARE SET HER FREE!

Bram slowly regained his composure, His slid his hand into his left pocket and pulled out his class list and handed it to Hannah as quickly as he could trying to hide his anger. Evangeline couldn't know he hated her, but her thinking he is a jerk is fine with him. "Hopefully we are." Bram forced a smile that was as natural as could be... he was getting better at this. "I would love to get to see Hannah more." This was not a lie. Now all Bram needed was Hannah's voice to sooth him before he did anything rash. He looked at Hannah hoping she would do something.
(If only she could see his thoughts xD )

Hannah looked at Bram with concern as he muttered, and frowned, wondering what happened exactly that caused so much hatred in him. She looked back at Evangeline, who seemed genuinely confused. Evangeline heard him mutter something, but couldn't understand it, and Bram seemed so upset and tense. "Did my complaining really bother you so much?" Evangeline said, a frown on her face as Hannah stepped to the side, Bram's list in hand.

"Evangeline?" she said, reaching her hand out towards her, "May I have yours to look at?" Evangeline obliged, at this point extremely curious if they had any classes together. She looked at Bram, "Is there any way I can apologize? I realize that wasn't the best first impression, and I feel bad about it Bram." Hannah glanced up at him, then back down to the schedules, and smiled.

Hannah looked up at Bram, "You have the same combat class as Evangeline. I think you are probably better than the class, but Ms. Rominov probably just doesn't know your skills yet and wants to be safe." She looked down again, trying to see any other similarities.

Evangeline smiled at Bram genuinely, "A class together. Perhaps we wi-" Hannah interrupted, "Two classes. I think you have English together too." Evangeline raised a brow, "You like literature then? Rominov knows I am adept at that sort of thing. Poetry is one of few gateways into a persons soul. I absolutely adore it." She held a hand out to Bram in an awkward gesture, hoping he would shake her hand, "I hope we get along."

Hannah cleared her throat after a moment, "Let's find that building." She hooked Evangeline's arm on her left, and Bram's on her right, so at least they wouldn't be too close to one another as she pulled them in a direction, hoping it was the right way. "But, Hannah?" Evangeline said, "We don't know where it is. At least I do not. I have been only in the office," she turned to Bram, looking across Hannah, "Do you know?"
Bram had eased up at the touch of Hannah and her words. He avoided the look he knew he was getting from Evangeline and looked forward trying to ignore it. He let out a sigh "Sadly I do not know where the building is." Bram would be stuck with the princess of vampires in two of his classes... He then thought about getting to see Hannah everyday. A slight smile crept across his face at the thought of this. "I am probably no where near the skills of you Evangeline so Ms Rominov was proper putting me in a class with such a genius vampire to watch." He knew she hated the special treatment he deduced that from what Hannah had told him. "Maybe we can have a duel later. So I may learn a thing or two from thee Evangeline Aeternus." These were all lies and what Bram thought were things to take stabs at Evangeline. Hannah would probably sense my ill intent behind these things... She's going to probably hit me or glare at me.... But the brat will probably think just mindless flattery from a lower class vampire. He forced a smile and looked at Evangeline trying to avoid Hannah's wrath.
Evangeline blinked, and stopped, "Well, for one lets not run around in circles. Second, I am a fire user... I can use my daggers, but I am not combat specialized, no matter how much my Father wishes for me to be both. I can hold my own against a novice... but..." She held her hand out slightly, and a ball of flame appeared, hovering slightly above her palm, "I like this best." She extinguished it, closing her fist, "I would not mind a spar though. It sounds like it could be fun actually. I'd be the one learning though. All you would learn is how much of a weakling I really am with blades."

Hannah moved her hand down to hold onto his own when he said this, her brow furrowing again as she looked up at him. Evangeline couldn't see their hands together, not like she would care either way. Hannah wasn't mad at him, just concerned really. She hoped he could tell that. She wanted to have him be at ease, and just try to be friendly to Evangeline. Though she knew it would probably never happened, she hoped regardless.
Bram looked at Evangeline "Tomorrow they will probably have us duel to test our abilities then partner up based on skill level. Well have our duel then." He smiled A duel I will lose I cant draw to much attention to myself by beating a celebrity. I'll lose on purpose and just be the guy Evangeline Aeternus beat with my name never touching peoples tongues... its perfect. Bram squeezed Hannahs hand playfully doing a lot of short quick squeezes. Bram moved his other hand and lifted a few locks of Hannahs hair playing with it slowly. "So is Hannah going to be by your side all the time?" he let her gold locks fall back down gently to her shoulder. He knew that she was sold, but he was hoping to find out something more. He kept his other hand out of Evangelines sight still holding on to it. I wont let you have her. His eyes still watching Evangeline.
Hannah smiled, thinking about Bram playing with her hand and hair. She rubbed his thumb, thinking about how precarious the situation was at the moment. She hated it, and it made her feel stuck in a void, somewhere in the middle where she would die inside either way. Evangeline looked around then, and stared at a large building, "That is probably the building. I don't see where else they could have fights. Magic class is probably in a similar... or maybe even the same building." She looked at Bram and smiled, "If she wants. She is here for school, as far as Ana... I mean Ms. Rominov is concerned. She is in the same classes as I for protection, though for combat and magic, I think she'd want to hang back a little and watch."

Hannah nodded in agreement and squeezed Bram's hand, then began to move again, now towards the large building, as Evangeline continued, "I tend to stay by Hannah's side as much as I can. No, not because I am a lush or something stupid like that. I just worry for her, especially at home. Every time I left her alone, she got hurt by my Father, or another noble. It upset me, and I got mad enough to the point where I really wanted to kill my father." Evangeline sighed heavily, "Dagan is a bane, not a boon. He causes such turmoil for being so old and 'powerful'. He... he will hit Hannah. Can you believe that Bram? I mean... she can't even defend herself... It seems that the beatings have ceased for now, yes Hannah?"

Hannah nodded nervously and looked at Bram for a moment before turning to Evangeline with a smile, "Evangeline... you don't need to bore him with this... I am sure he doesn't care, yes Bram?" She held tightly onto his hand, wanting desperately to change topics.
"It must be hard to watch Hannah all the time." Bram said as he looked at Evangeline. Still holding Hannah's hand tightly in his. I am sorry Hannah but I can not stand for how your master treats you she makes it feel like you are a burden to her. She keeps you around because she pities you... SHE THINKS YOU ARE WEAK! DEFENSELESS! You are stronger then she will ever be... all the suffering all the pain you endured everything... She is the one who is weak not you... She knows how often your father beats you and all she wanted was to kill him... thats not good enough! if she wanted she could stop him! you are her play thing her pet she chooses when to care about you! she does it to make herself feel better then the rest of these monsters. You were wrong Hannah no matter how hard they try they will always remain monsters self endulging beasts, believing themselves superior to us. Hannah I wont let you be around her longer than you need to be.

(short response but depending on what she says it could get fun)
Evangeline smiled, "Not at all. I don't literally watch her. She is free to do as she pleases. I just keep her within range to protect her the best that I can," she paused, "That sounds a bit awkward... She and I watch each other. I am a vampire of course, so I notice things she doesn't, and she is human, so she notices things I do not. She is part of what keeps me sane, as odd as that sounds. Without Hannah, I would have probably become a lot like my Father..."

She sighed and held onto Hannah's arm tighter, "I know it sounds really dorky and sappy, but I wouldn't be who I am today without her. From bloodlust to anger issues, I would be so... lost... for lack of a better word." Hannah smiled softly at Evangeline, "You are much too sweet Eva..."

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