romantic Zombie Apocalypse [Inactive]

Rolling her eyes she grabs a can of fruit from the cabinets. "I'll go out tomorrow to get gasoline for the generator." she states
Orion scratched the back of his head. "We can if you think you'll be scared." He looked over. "Do you want help?"
"Nah. What would happen if one of you didn't make it. The other one would be devastated. No one will be sad if I don't make it, so I'll go."
''I want to sleep in one room with you.. what if zombie would attack me? '' Mayuu blushed and felt a bit jealous... ''we shouldn't let you go alone anyway.. you bring us there. Now we will help you.. tomorrow we will go with you for the gasoline...''
She tsks and wipes at her eyes. "Losing someone to those is like losing a lung. You cant live without it. This is the last chance I'm giving you to back out.. If you still wanna go I suggest you spend as much time together as possible." She says softly as she walks up the stairs to her room.
Orion walked around the large room and found a door, opening it he found a large bedroom and flopped onto the bed. "We're not letting her go alone."
''yeah I know.. we need to help her as much as she helped us...'' Mayuu kissed Orion in the lips and said ''I'm very tired.. can we go sleep now?''
She closes her door softly and grimaces at the pictures on her walls. Walking around the room she studies all the pictures and smiles sadly before curling up in her window bed.
// Yes please \\ 
Yawning she sat up from her bed. She looked out the window and sighed, dreading the day ahead.
Orion awoke groggily. However he looked down to find Mayuu huddled close to him. With a groan he stood and retrieved his shirt. Going to the kitchen he sat down in a chair and waited.
She fixed her glasses and re fastened her short hair with bobby pins. She threw on some tight clothes so the undead would have nothing to grab if she needed to escape from something. She threw open her closet and grabbed her gun. She grabbed a picture from off her desk and stuffed it in her pocket before jogging downstairs.
Mayuu woke up alone in the bed , so she runs around the house to find the Orion.. she heard noises from the kitchen and saw him there ''well you made me scared.. im glad you are fine'' then she looks at Ryuko and says ''Hello, how was your night?''
"I'm going to the city. You can look around a town that's near here." she says, sipping on her juice.

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