romantic Zombie Apocalypse [Inactive]

"Mayuu Do you remember that old zombie movie we say a few months back?" He asks as he sets the bat to Katy's head
''no, it's fine for me.. at the end only you are important for me.. Katy wanted to hurt you so she deserved to have her head smashed by your baseball bat... I wouldn't forgive myself if she would do anything to you... please just do it quickly'' Mayuu wanted to sound cold and confident, but actually she was totally confused..
Orion steps between Mayuu and Katy, not wanting her to see her friend killed. Raising the bat to Katy's head he took a large swing. A sickening crunch and snap follows as Katy's body is flung to the ground. "You ok back there Mayuu?"
''I am fine.. I will be fine as long as you are with me.. nobody else matters'' Mayuu grabbed Orion's hand and said ''we should move.. it's getting worse and worse, if we will stay there for long they will surround us...'' Mayuu blushed and look at the Orion
He squeezed her hand tightly for a moment and began to pull her down the hallway. His bat slamming into the few, now zombified, classmates they ran across he headed to the parking lot. "You know how to hotwire a care Mayuu?"
''umm never tried it before'' Mayuu blushed, but she didn't want to be useless '' I didn't try but on our way to the parking we will go next to the reception.. I guess someone there , even if a zombie... someone could have the keys and a car'' She was shooting the zombies with her acid gun as they were running through the hallway,
Orion stopped and redirected his way to the reception. "I'll keep a look out and you try to find some keys. Make sure they're dead before you search them." He begins to kill and hunt down the zombies around them
Mayuu jumped through the desk that was separating her from the receptionist body.. ''oh she will have the keys '' when she was looking through the jacket suddenly the zombie jumped out from behind and she started to scream ''please Orion ! help me'' she was screaming but the zombie was almost there and if he would be able to lean down a bit he would bite her right now.
Orion jumped over the desk and body slammed the zombie as fast as he could."Mayuu, the acid!" he screamed as he held the zombie down.
She shoot the zombie in the eyes.... ''but this acid won't kill him...'' she took the fire extinguisher that was in reception and she crashed the zombie's head few times... she kept doing it even when he was already killed.. just to release the fear that she needed to keep inside her...
Orion sighed and let go of the zombie's arms. "Thanks Mayuu" he said breathing heavily. "Did you find any keys?"
Ryuko runs from a few zombies as her wooden baseball bat shakes in her hand. She covers her ears as the grunts of the dead drift through the air.
''Im sorry.. I couldn't find the keys..'' Mayuu felt bad about this.. she felt so useless for Orion.. ''but we can still look somewhere else, right?'' Mayuu smiled cheerfully to hide her true feelings..
"Don't worry about it darlin, we'll find a way out." He slowly stood and started to look around the room, checking around the few nooks and crannys where they could be hiding
''yeah.. i will try to help you escape from this place..'' Mayuu started to look for the keys in the bodies ''oh there is the receptionist's handbag!'' she found the keys there ''oh Orion I found them!'' Mayuu shouted cheerfully
She screams as she is tackled by a member of the undead. Tightening her grib on her bat she desperately tries to push it off.
Orion shushed her. "Don't be too loud Alright?" He squeezed her close. "You've done fantastically, let's go find her car Alright"
Mayuu heard the screams and followed them , this time she won't let anyone die .. She saw Ryuko surrounded by the zombies and started to shoot them in the eyes with her acidic gun.. ''oh no my acid is finishing, please run away!''

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