romantic Zombie Apocalypse [Inactive]

Orion leads the way out of the building and spots Rulo struggling with a group of zombies. Hesitant Orion stood for a moment before sprinting over and smashing the zombies across the head with his bat. "Are you OK?"
She nods as she glances up at him. She pushes herself off the ground with her bat and begins to help him fight off the undead.
She looks to where he is looking but quickly turns back around to push back an approaching undead.
''i don't know how to drive...but i can show where it is .. i knew that receptionist had a small white car with four seats.. we could take someone else but i dont know if anyone else survived'' Mayuu blushed..
Orion turned back to spot the car. "I can drive, just get in the car, both of you. I'll be there in a second"
Orion nods. "Then your driving I'm going to find a medical kit." He sprint's off into the school for a moment
//Let me change that before anyone else replies 
She nods and hesitantly runs to the car. Hopping in the front seat she grabs the steering wheel frantically looks out the windshield.
Orion came back outside, covered in blood. He ran to the car and hopped the back. "Either of you have any ideas of where to go"
''it will be hard to drive through the main streets.. I bet there is massive traffic jam.. we need to get there through the forest or something like that...''
She nods and shifts the car into drive. "I can handle that." she says as she slams on the gas pedal, making the car lurch forwards, toppling over the undead and running over them.
''Orion.. i am afraid..'' whispered Mayuu while looking through the window at zombies.. ''is this how the world will be now?''
Grunting she plows through the city, avoiding the main roads. Making a sharp left turn she swerves off road and into a nearby forest.
''umm how long will it take to get there?'' asked Mayuu while blushing and looking at her acidic gun.. she used so much of acid that now she will be able to stop maybe 3-4 zombies.. she needed to construct something better...
"An hour.. IF we don't run into any... 'traffic'." She says, swerving constantly to avoid trees the undead and and anything else that got in her driving path.
"Listen just slow down." Orion says as he puts his head in-between the driver and passenger seats. "Id rather get there alive"
"You wanna get there safe or get surrounded by those things and killed?" she says gesturing out the window to the undead.
''i feel scared Orion-san .. it feels cold.. and the whole situation...'' Said quietly Mayuu while started to cry softly..

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