romantic Zombie Apocalypse [Inactive]

Orion sighs again and makes his way to the bush. Raising his bat he pushes aside some of the bushes to peer inside. He pauses for a moment. "It's a puppy." he said blankly as he leaned down and picked it up.
''Oh a puppy!!! It's so cute! can we take it home? can we ? can we? please Orion '' she talks to him while she is in the bushes,

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/puppy.jpg.bf9e68fb6969f5085e35114a7d7526f3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18315" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/puppy.jpg.bf9e68fb6969f5085e35114a7d7526f3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"Stay quiet we don't want to attract too much attention" he says as he sets the puppy down, it pawing at his feet.
''can i name him..? I will care about him and i will go for walks with him... it's just so amazing it is so cute..'' blushes and walks out the bushes
"I don't know if we can take care of a dog and ourselves." he sighs. "Besides you don't know anything about dogs." he says a he pats its milky white fur
''I can take care of him.. I promise... We can't leave him alone , his owners probably are zombies now...'' Mayuu hugged the puppy, '' i won't let him die.. if you want you can leave me and him here...''
''you are so mean.. you won't have enough time to care about him... can't we both have him.. like our little child? '' she laughs and plays with the puppy
"sounds good to me." he said with a slight blush on his face. "Come on we should get back." he said as he began to walk back, the puppy following him
He nodded, and gave her a nervous smile. "Let's focus on staying alive, on keeping our family alive, yeah?"
''yeah'' she nodded and followed him, the puppy was following them too.. it seems like everything should get better now... she wasn't psychically stable as she was actually feeling happy from this whole situation.. finally she could be with Orion and they created small 'family'
She sighs and shifts impatiently as the bushes shuffle around her. "Uhh.. Guys." she says into the line of trees.
Mayuu blushes and says to Ryuko ''you know me and Orion created the family.. now we need to protect each other... now I need to become strong'' Mayuu started to run alone to the nearest shop, she was actually very fast when she had a good reason to run..
"Mayu don't just run off!" he sighed and looked to Ryuko. "C'mon I'll explain later" he said as he ran after her, the small white dog at his heels
Mayuu sees the group of zombies , but is fast enough to just run between them ''nobody will need to risk for me this time!!''
Orion stops short and grunts as he swings his bat, clearing out the zombies in front of him. "Dammit Mayu, you can't run ahead like this!"
Mayuu looks behind and see the Orion.. ''what a stupid guy.. if he will fight with them he will get surrounded!'' she decided to return and help him,
Orion starts to finish off the few zombies that are still around. "Mayu! Do NOT run off like that ever again!" he yells
''Im sorry .. but I don't want to be useless any more! we are now the family... I love you.. and I want to protect you , like Ryuko... ''

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