~Romance Themed School~ (Under construction, making changes) [Inactive]

True love, Lillia kept wondering and mumbling monotonously. She was already comfortably seated at one of the seats up front. She didn't even dare to steal a glance at what was behind her. That's still almost a mystery to me. She stared at anything but the people in the room. She just couldn't help but wonder if she would be forcefully paired with somebody she didn't even know. Shrugging off that thought, and all the other thoughts, Lillia simply took her focus from her melancholic thoughts, and a smile crept and went back to her angelic face. Looking around for the teacher, she was supposed to ask if their lesson would start any time soon, but she decided not to do anything but be patient. Then again, she was left in her thoughts, her head swaying slightly from side to side.
Observing the large class room the students ranged in appearances. Some very formal while others quite casual, while the emotions seemed to range in extremely excited to 'rather die then be here'. He lifted up his wooden clip board which displayed images next to the name of the student. He raced his eyes down the list quickly observing if the student was present of absent, a stream of slight sadness would interfere whenever a student was not present, knowing that if they kept it up they would most likely die. Luckily however the majority were there and Leon had each student memorized already despite only looking at the clip board for a couple of minutes at least. He pulled out a lighter out of his breast pocket and lit the clip board on fire and tossing it out the window, hitting the pavement which was not flammable. He slowly leans onto his desk, giving a small grin to the class room, giving eye contact to those who looked unsure of themselves. "you see, love is like the battle between fire and ice. As the fire melts the ice with its scorching heat, the ice melts into water and extinguishes the fire, uniting the once opposites. That was only partly why I burnt the clip board displaying your names, the other reason is I would rather you introduce yourself rather than me read your name each day, as that would grow tedious. The information I would like from you is quite simple, what is your name, where are you from, what you look for in the opposite gender and just a general fact about yourself, allow me to demonstrate. Good morning dear pupils it is a pleasure to teach you all here at Aphrodite Academy, my name is Leon van bakker. I was born in Amsterdam Holland but moved to America, which is why my accent is so weak. What I look for in a woman is quite simple, someone who can return the love I offer. As for the simple fact, hm, I hate it when people abbreviate my name, I am no mr. v, nor mr v b; You call me Professor van bakker and nothing else unless of course you find me falling for you then please call me Leon." He offers a quick smile."Ah yes I am 26 years old I should add. Now your turn" Leon gives a slight pause, "well are you going to sit there or are you going to introduce yourselves, no invitation needed." Leon sits back on his chair resting his legs on the table emitting a shallow smile.
seraphina jumped when she saw the fire of the clipboard and it startled her when he threw it. she listened intensively to the their teacher who finally began to speak to them, she wasnt surprised that the teacher could possibly find someone here as well after all it was a love school. when he introduced himself he noticed that no one was really speaking up and she felt for the teacher on the first day, she wanted to give a good first push into being more social with everyone. after all they will all be together for awhile. so she looked over to kazuto and she reached over squeezing his hand gently for comfort she stood up, "good morning professor van bakker, my name is seraphina schafer." she took a small breathe and continued, "i dont rememebr much from where i came from but i do believe i came from one of our cities and for what i look for in a possible love interest is that they be kind and gentle and dont care about what a look like and simply could love me for my spirit. a fact about myself is that iam completely blind in my right eye due to an accident i had long ago..thank you" she tipped her head a bit and sat back down with a deep sigh.
Kazuto blushes at what Seraphina says and as she sits down he stands up. "Professor van Bakker, I would like to introduce myself as Kazutok-kun, nothing more, nothing less. I don't... remember where I came from. My love interest..."Kazuto looks over to Seraphina.."... are none of your concern... I'm sorry to say... but I'm 17 years old and dislike cocky people to a maximum. I guess you could say I'm excited to be at Aphrodite Academy..." he glances at Seraphina again before continuing..." but my main objective is to finish school and maybe by chance find... love." Kazuto closes his eyes as he sits down, blushing at what he had said while at the same time wondering if the girl next to him noticed his gazing eyes.
seraphina watched as kazuto went next, she wanted to make sure he felt comfortable while he spoke so she avoided looking at him to much but on the occasion she would glance up, maybe hoping to hear what kind of person he was interested in, when he didnt she was somewhat sad but thought she noticed him glancing down at her at certain points..when he was talking about love. her heart skipped and she blushed looking away once more, but looked at him as he sat down whispering to him, "y-you did good" the blush never left her cheeks but hopefully he wouldnt notice to much.
He looks at Kazuto and gives a chuckle "are you unable to explain what you look for in a woman because what you look for in a woman stands amongst us? Very well, I can live with you displaying your emotions through actions." Brightly smiles at the boy and writes down notes about the two people who just introduced themselves.
Lillia was quite relieved that the class already started. Silently, she watched to the professor in front of them light the seemingly-important clip-board and throw it away. So much for that school fund, she couldn't help but think amusingly. After fully listening to the professor and two fellow students (who seemed to have something already) introduce themselves, Lillia stood confidently, just like how she really is. "Hello," She said sweetly, giving off a little wave to everybody. She could've sworn she saw other students waving at her from the back of her eye. "I'm Lillia Rose Scarlet. I don't remember most of my memories, and I do not plan on getting them back anyway." Lillia thought about her telling everyone the truth that she didn't really want to define, or even desire a partner, but she figured that she'd probably get in trouble if she did. "I don't judge, and I look for someone who is just as so. I'm not picky at all, but of course I'd like my life to be a memorable one." She shrugged lightly, remembering that she should say one thing or fact about herself. Her smile still remained as she continued to talk. "A fact about me is that I'm not perfect. I'm a little tired of saying that to anyone who meets me and says that I am. Also, I never fall in love. I never fall for tricks and things like that. However, someone might change that." She chuckled a little, saying lastly. "Like perhaps most of the students here, I'm 17 years old. However, I believe in the saying that 'Age doesn't matter'." After giving a That's it bow, she sat.
Matthew cleared his throat and turned to face Professor van bakker. He stood up promptly and adjusted his clothing to make himself look presentable. After all, first impressions meant a lot. He looked around the classroom briefly at the other students before turning back to the professor.

"Hello everyone, my name is Matthew Winters but you can call me Matt," he began, "I am 18 years of age." His voice was clearly projected and he wasn't nervous. In fact, Matthew was an excellent public speaker. His clear British accent was understood by most and it made him sound very well-spoken. Thoughts clouded his mind as he spoke. What were the others thinking...?

"Now, where to begin... I'm a regular teenager and I enjoy sports, music and romance.~" A small chuckle escaped his lips. He kept glancing over at Yoshi, hoping she was paying attention to what he had to say. "What I look for in someone is pretty simple. Someone who is nice and easy to get along with, and someone who shares common interests."

He paused for a moment as he looked around the classroom once more, "Love, ladies and gentlemen, is a wonderful thing. You don't find love. Love finds you. And I really hope to meet someone special here." He said someone special while looking at Yoshi from the corner of his eye.

"Thank you, that's about it.~" He gave the class a small nod and sat back down.
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After the first few introductions, everything went quiet again, and Bobby realized he might as well just go for it right away, since no one else was going to. He stood up, bowing politely to the group and suddenly feeing very out of place. He felt.. too tall. He cleared his throat. "Good morning. I am Bobby Sulenson, and I'm 22 years old." He paused, and his eyes flickered around a bit before he continued.

"As most others here, I can't quite remember where I am from, I remember wide stretches of land, so I think it might have been out on the countrisde somewhere. As for what I look for in a love interest... Someone who I can trust and rely on. Who I can be myself with." He paused again, not really knowing what else to say without giving away too much information that he felt was too personal. "A fact about me... I am a very loyal person," he said. All other things that might fit this category felt too personal to relay this soon. He gave a quick bow again and sat down again.
After listening to Bobby's introduction, Alexei decided to stand up himself.

He stood very straightly, just barely inclining his head in a polite nod.

"My name is Alexei Sergejevic Smirnov. I'm 20 years old, and while I don't know much...or anything, about my old life, I have understood I'm originally from Russia, thanks to my name and accent. I DO hope to find someone I can spend my life in...happiness with here, but barring that..... I think that relationships can be built just as well on mutual trust and respect as on love; maybe even better, as love can be a fickle thing, from what I have read and seen in movies." He almost felt a blush creep onto his cheeks, as he realized he sounded rather stiff and formal.

"Ahem.... What I look for in a potential love interest is someone who can take care of themselves. I like being social and...and cuddly, but I cannot stand co-dependency. And a fact about myself..... Well. I want to become a famous toxicologist. I don't remember where it comes from, but I do have a great fascination for poisons, toxins and chemistry."

Nodding again - almost raising his hand for a salute, but catching himself at the last moment - he sat back down, folding his hands on the desk before him and looking directly at the teacher.
seraphina enjoyed listening to everyone, learning about all these new people. everyone here, well, almost everyone did seem to want to find that special someone and it touched her that these people seemed so kind. she hoped everyone would find someone, find the one they loved the most. she looked over to kazuto and felt the butterflies in her stomach, this was a good thing being here, just so long as she found someone soon..she was in her second year and only had 3 left.
Kazuto notices Seraphina and smiles to her, holding her hand he whispers. "Don't worry, as long as I'm here this year will go by easily with no troubles. " The black haired boy knew he would have to find the one he could love to reproduce and all of that crap because of the Black Death.... But right now all he was worrying about was the girl with eye patch sitting right next to him...
she liked when he held her hand but she wasnt sure if it was just a friendly gesture or not, "i hope so..i only have 3 years left before im killed. i havent found someone yet in the past. im afraid it will come to late" she bit her lip gently and tightened her grip on his hand ever so slightly, she was very glad she chose to take a seat next to him.
"Maybe you have found him already..." Kazuto whispers, but not quiet enough to where she couldn't hear.
she thought she heard him speak, "did you say something kazuto??" she looked at him curiously but trying to be a little quiet to not disturb class.
Matthew listened to all of the other students closely, clearly paying attention. It was interesting to hear what they all had to say and it was clear that the classroom was filled with individuals of very different personalities and backgrounds. Being a non-judgmental person, Matthew would rather get to know someone than judging them based on their appearance.

"I think I'm gonna get along well with these people," he thought to himself, "Hopefully, anyway."
Kazuto glanced over, "Oh, um, ehh, no, no. It must've been something else.." He whispered back.
"oh i see" she smiled at him and looked back at the teacher, there were still some students that had yet to speak. they might just be a little shy or really just didnt want to let people know about themselves, in a way she would have rather find people and get to know each other than just say it out loud but theres always time to meet people.
OOC: Hey everyone, this is just a tad announcement. I am thoroughly thrilled with the outcome of the role play. Honestly I thought this role play would be over before it would even start (since this is my first time hosting), but I have been suprised, and this has been a awesome first time hosting thus far. Since this week is the week of valentines day I have planned a couple of events, one being on February 15th at around 2:30 p.m. central time (if this time does not work for you, message me and I will change it so everyone can be on; that being said final time will be announce Thursday). As a side note, if you feel like you have fallen behind in the role play, I am here to assist. Just message me and I will make sure I find a way to catch you up :) ! This role play should only take ten minutes out of your day atleast, my posts on week days usually come after 6:30 p.m. (central time) and on week ends they can range. Thank you all for the support and enthusiasm and my next post should come tomorrow, I've been very busy today and I apologize.
OOC- My apologies, had the some work to attend to yesterday. I'll try to make it as active as possible, although I have not been completely absent, I have also been plotting and organizing the story. Without further ado, to the next post.


Leon sits his glasses down and removes the hair blocking his brown eyes, to properly expose himself to a class. "Very well done, I especially enjoy the bravery some have shown." Leon puts his glasses back on ever so slowly. "Now then what must I address next, hm ah yes. Our first set of classes." Leon opens the drawer inside his desk and grabs a white binder with a countless amount of papers, some falling out on opening. Leon scrambles onto the floor picking up the fallen papers, and reading the last one he picks up. "Hm, I was not aware of this, our first unit; to my dismay. Will be a dance unit, thus today is the day you choose your partner, choose carefully and yes your partner must be of the opposite sex." He slowly sets down the paper, trying hardest not to burn it like the clip board, he was was kind of a pyromaniac on some days. "If you have any questions, or if any of you pretty girls just want to talk, please feel free." He puts on a gleaming smile, trying to be as friendly and engaging as possible, god knows when was the last time he taught students.
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Alexei just barely frowned. Dancing? With whom?

He looked around the classroom, trying to see if any of the girls there seemed like someone who would dance with him. He did not eve know if he COULD dance; he certainly had not done so since his memories were taken away...

The eye-patch-girl was apparently taken already.... So was Yoshi, it seemed..... Alexei was, unfortunately, not interested enough to try to compete with Matt when he himself had only been ignored when he tried to speak with her earlier.

He looked at the last girl.... Lilia Rose, wasn't it? A horribly sweet name, he thought. Her name made him feel the same as the wallpapers in the classroom, but he thought of Shakespeare; "What's in a name? that which we call a rose

By any other name would smell as sweet;

So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd,

Retain that dear perfection which he owes

And he decided that he'd approach her anyway. She seemed pretty enough. He hoped that, when he came to know her, he'd find that her insides were nice as well. .......Her mind and personality, he meant, not her innards, he had to explain. To himself.
Bobby frowned and scrunched his face together in a worried expression. He had for some reason not thought of the fact that there might be an un-even number of girls and boys. His face was warm with worry now, and he peered around. Seraphina seemed definitely taken by now, Yoshi did as well, she was at least very animatedly caught up in the conversation with Matt, and... Alexei had just approached the Lillia person.

He had a sickening feeling that he should probably try to intersect one of these "couples" or whatever to call it. It was a bit early for that, he thought himself, but... Maybe he was more old-fashioned than these people. Bobby was not a very confrontary person. And it would seem he was simply too slow for this entire process. If this was any indication, he was likely to be without partner when his time-limit ran out. It all suddenly felt incredibly pointless. What was he even doing here?
A dance, huh? Dancing... certainly wasn't one of Matthew's strong points. But he was willing to give it his best go. With of course, Yoshi, who was his romantic interest. He looked at her as the professor was talking. He was hoping to dance with her and saw this as an opportunity to get close to her and maybe get to know her better, too.

Before we continue the story any further, I must ask who is still with us. If you have quit that is completely fine, I just need to know who is still going to post; this is just to let me know how many of each of each gender we need. That is if we need any people at all.

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