~Romance Themed School~ (Under construction, making changes) [Inactive]

Bobby absentmindedly ran his hand over his hair, and suddenly realized how unkempt it was. He had forgotten to brush it. He nearly groaned out loud, why was he such a scatterbain? His annoyed thoughts were interrupted by someone speaking to him. Another boy, shorter than himself and with brown hair.

"Hey," he said, slightly caught of guard. "I am also a first year, my name is Bobby Sulenson." He gave an equally brave attempt at a smile as well, and opened his mouth to ask what he was thinking about this whole ordeal, when suddenly the voice they had heard earlier emerged from the speakers.

"One minute? We better get moving," Bobby said, assuming Alexei would tag along with him. He threw a glance around at the others, lingering slightly one one of the girls, but shaking it off quickly. There was no time for that now, the teacher was waiting. He headed off towards the classrooom, following the crowd of the others and hoping they would all find it allright. He noticed that the hallways were all a bit.. too much for Bobby's taste, but he supposed it was like that to make them feel more at home, or more romantic, or something of that nature.

When the tall dark haired boy entered the classroom, he had to stop for a minute just to survey it. It was... Extravagant, to say the least. It was not something Bobby would ever go for in his own decor if he had a choice, he supposed it was.. Charming in some way. He wasn't sure what way but... The fountain was rather beautiful, he had to admit. But it seemed... It didn't seem much like a classroom. He spotted this guy who had talked to the girl with the eyepatch earlier, sitting at the back. Bobby decided that he was going to overthrow his own need to sit further back, and sat on the front row,
as she heard the announcement she sat up noticing as the other students started to move, she attempted to walk a bit quicker to as to not get stuck in the crowd. voices were all around whether they be full of excitement or full of uncertainty. as for herself she wasnt quite sure, she adjust her hair and fixed her uniform before walking into the the classroom. it was beautiful and the aura it gave off felt passionate and calm, she couldnt help but stand there and look around as some other students were doing. but while looking around she noticed the boy, kazuto she believed from from earlier and she thought about sitting near him but they really had only talked once and she didnt know if it would bother him.
Kazuto looks over to the door and watches as another student with black hair walks in and. The boy looks over the room and sits in the front. Who sits up there... Wondered Kazuto to himself. As he waited for the other students he noticed the teacher standing about oddly not doing anything, he looked like a normal teacher to the boy so he just ignored his suspicions. He hears footsteps from the doorway and looks over to see Seraphina standing there looking about.

"Seraphina, come sit over here." Smiled Kazuto as he waved for her to come over.
while trying to find a seat that wouldnt make her feel to out of place she heard kazuto call her over, she was somewhat surprised but walked over to the seat next to his. "h-hi, you dont mind me sitting next to you?" she tucked her skirt under her butt and sat in the chair carefully putting on a kind smile.
Kazuto smiled at her as she looked over to him. "Not a problem because were friends now, right?"
Alexei did follow Bobby inside and stopped and stared. It was about as far from his own tastes as it could possibly be, but he supposed some of the girls would find it romantic. He did like the sound of the fountain, the sound of running water had always been something that calmed him as far as he could remember. He decided to sit somewhere in the middle, forcing himself to be more social than was comfortable for him.

He saw the girl, Seraphina the unknown boy called her. She was quite beautiful, even he could see that. But as she already seemed too focused on the dark haired boy at the back, he turned to eye the doorway instead. Surely, the minute had to be up soon, couldn't the class just start?
Having a brief look at his students they looked like a descent class, he certainly had experience teaching so he had no fear but the subject. Some where definitely older looking than others. He caught the attention of a small black haired boy who had seemed to already been hitting on a couple of girls already. He looked at the class as a whole shuffling his paper around and clearing his voice preparing for a speech, "alright class we shall start soon, it seems we are just missing some students. So all sit down and socialize in the meantime."

OOC: We are currently waiting for the other people to post, so they do not fall behind :) .
she tilted her head to the side some and smiled more happily, "yes i believe we are" she managed a small laugh and looked over at their teacher, he seemed a bit off to her but she was sure everyone here has gone through something due to the black death and what not. looking back at kazuto she thought maybe to get a better conversation, "so what do you think of the school thus far?"
*Kazuto blushes a little as she looks back at him. "Eh, well I suppose it's not too bad. Never was one for school so I'm just hoping it will go by fast. But the classroom is quite different as well as the actual school in a whole. What about you?"
boys were cute when they blushed, thats just something she always thought, "well ive never been to an actual school but i know this one is quite different from others back in the cities but i think the attire of the place is for a purpose. some of the students here seem nice to so i think i could make some friends here as well" taking another glance around the room as more people came in she noticed two other boys that seemed to be friends and she thought it was good that people werent just scouting for the opposite sex .
"I see. Well even if neither of us find any more friends, we'll still have each other right?" Asked Kazuto as he puts one of his hands behind his head, embarrassed.
New student Matthew was making his way to the school. He had overslept and was running quite late. Punctuality meant a lot for Matthew and he was almost angry with himself for being this unorganized on the first day. The male panted heavily as he ran from his house, which was just a few blocks away, while carrying a heavy rucksack containing stationery and notepads.

"I-I can't... be... late!", he muttered under his breath. The sheer determination on his face said it all. After a few minutes of panting and effort, he finally made it to the front gates. The sight was incredible. He looked around at his new surroundings for a brief moment and stared in awe. A quick glance at his watch made him gasp and he remembered that he was late.

Matthew ran once more, heading towards the classroom of Professor Leon van bakker.
she laughed and nodded, "ya i believe so..due you remember what town you were from if you dont mind me asking?" she wanted to get to know kazuto since they were friends and maybe she will get to know everyone else in class eventually. this school was starting to be much more than just a chance to save the population .
"Oh well..." Kazuto stops and thinks back, remembering a couple of things... including the town name.. But he decides to keep it a secret. "No I don't, though it would be nice to know one day. How about you?"
she shook her head, "sadly i dont but i believe it was in a city..i remember alley ways and lots of cars..thats characteristics of a town is it not?" she frowned a bit at the uncertainty of her memories but knew there was not much she could do about it but try and make some new ones. "but i guess its not all to bad..im making new ones and..i remember good things"
Matthew stopped running as he got near to his destination. He kept looking around at his surroundings and examining them closely.

"Hmm, I wonder where everyone is," he said, "Probably in class."

The halls were long and beautifully decorated. This wasn't just any regular school. He finally arrived outside the classroom and stared at the door for a brief moment. For the first time, he felt somewhat nervous about going in. He didn't know what to expect. What the people were going to be like or what the teacher was going to be like. He took in a deep breath and picked up the courage to open the door.

Matthew entered Room 201.
her one good eye opened slightly and her cheeks grew red, "i-id like that" she smiled at the boy shyly she couldnt tell if he was simply being friendly or maybe he liked her a bit but its a little to early to tell for now she just enjoyed it. "oh, by the way kazuto how old are you?"
"Ah, I'm 17." Said Kazuto as he blushes once again. "How about-" he stops as the door flies open and a boy enters the classroom.
the boy that entered the room seemed winded and tired like maybe he was lost or late but at least he found the classroom alright. without looking back at kazuto much she replied to him, "im 19, seems im your elder hm?" she teased at him and looked back smiling.
Matthew looked around spotted Kazuto and Seraphina. He waved a hand as he walked in.

"Er, hey...! I'm the new kid. My name's Matthew but you can call me Matt," he said with confidence. He gave a small smile and looked around for seat to take.
seraphina looked over at the boy named matt, "hello matt its nice to meet you my names seraphina. are you enjoying the school thus far?" she smiled and watched as he kinda reminded her of herself when she walked into class, unknowing of where to go that would fit her comfortably.
*Kazuto blushed and looked down while ignoring the boy who called himself Matt now after Seraphinas comment... "No, your only two years older..."
"Seraphina, huh...? What a nice name.~" he replied. Matthew's smile widened as he glanced over to Seraphina. "It's nice to meet you. And well, I've just literally got here so I don't really know what to expect."

He took a seat at a desk away from the two. "So, we're talking about ages, huh? I'm 18 years old."
Instantly jealously hits Kazuto as they boy Matt is a year older then him. Don't worry Kaz, yes she may be beautiful and pretty nice to talk too but it's not like she likes you anyways. Don't worry about it big guy there's other fish in the sea! Kazuto thinks to himself.

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