~Romance Themed School~ (Under construction, making changes) [Inactive]

she felt that kazuto didnt really want to talk much to matt but she patted his arm if that would make him feel better, she didnt want to see him upset or unhappy, "well..this is kazuto and im 19 years old but unless he wishes to tell you i wont speak his age" she smiled back nervously and looked at the fountain the way it flowed soothed her nerves. "i think the school is quite wonderful from what ive seen"
Kazuto feels the warmth in her touch and squeezes his teeth together, not trying to enjoy the feeling too much otherwise he would blush. "Sup, Matt right? Nice to meet you, I'm 17."
Yoshi quickly jogs the class, realizing she had been irresponsible and had lost track of time. She enters the classroom just a matter of seconds before the time limit and takes a random seat, not to far back, not to close. She smooths out her orange-red hair and makes sure her camera received no damage during her quick pace. Yoshi's bangs fall into her sight, but she puts her camera at higher priority than seeing the others around her.
Matthew peered over to Kazuto as Seraphina spoke.

"You're 19, huh? Nice. And it's nice to meet you Kazuto... You don't have to be afraid of me, I don't bite," he said calmly. Matthew began to unpack his belongings and placed them on the table. Initial impressions of the two ran through his mind.
"i figured when i came here id be older than most but...id hoped it wasnt to big of a deal and besides i only just turned 19 so i wont be 20 anytime soon" she smiled over at kazuto hoping he wasnt feeling to uncomfortable, she noticed one other girl come in and it was nice to see another female.
Kazuto gave a dirty look to Matt. "I wasn't afraid, I just wasn't paying any attention to you so don't think the wrong way guy." Kazuto looks over to the door where a girl runs in and sits into a chair.
"Right, right..." He scoffed with a grin at the dirty look and dismissed it. Matthew turned to the female who had just entered the room. His eyes immediately widened slightly at the sight and he could feel his cheeks heating up. Her bright hair color instantly caught his eyes and he thought to himself. Wow, she's beautiful.
she looked worriedly at kazuto, she looked at how matt looked at the new girl and took this as her chance to turn away from him and fully towards kazuto, "you ok?" she squeezed his hand gently and looked at his face directly making eye contact
"Ah, yeah. I'm sorry I'll apologize." Kazuto stands up and walks to the side of where Matt was standing. "Look, I'm sorry. It won't happen agai-" Kazuto stops himself as he notices Matt staring at the girl that had walked in. "Looks like I was jealous for nothing, eh? "Whispered Kazuto this time. "Looks like you already have a crush, guy."
Relief washes over Yoshi, seeing her camera in perfect condition, and she smiles to herself. She sits up straighter than her bent-off stance and finally pushes her pesky bangs out of her eyes. She notices other students but assumes discussion is not that appropriate in the classroom, especially with the teacher in the room. She gazes about at the detailed features and beautiful architecture of the classroom, feeling instantly excited to be here. Someone had worked so hard to design this very desk she sat at.
seraphina watches him get up and walk towards matt, seems he noticed as well how the red headed girl caught his eye she was very cute she had never seen anyone with hair color like that. she started to feel herself growing more self conscious of herself and the pain in the side of her head came back where her scars were but she tried to push it aside.
Matthew whispered back to Kazuto as he continued to check out Yoshi. "It's alright, but shh... Keep it quiet."

His eyes were fixed on the bright-haired female as he admired her bangs. He also noticed her camera, finding it very interesting. A somewhat sheepish smile played on his lips and he decided to stand up and walk over to her for a friendly introduction. "...Er, hello there. I'm Matthew."

His cheeks were slightly pink, though the lighting in the classroom made this less visible.
Alexei tenses up slightly when the red-haired girl sits just a desk away, but turns to her and smiles. He notices another boy has approached her, but decides to greet her anyway. "Good morning," he said. "That looks like a very lovely camera. I mean, I don't know much about photography, but it looks very fancy and professional." He even smiled. Alexei had to admit he was feeling a little awkward, but at least he was trying. She most definately wasn't bad looking, at least. Her hair was a very vibrant color, almost too bright, but it did suit her very well.

He nodded to the other boy and politely introduced himself. "I am Alexei, what are your names?"
Yoshi looks up at the male standing beside her seat, a bit startled out of daydreaming. "Hi! I'm Yoshi." The girl sticks out her hand for a handshake and beams a quick smile. She ignores her own past reasoning of not speaking in class, for it would be rude to ignore someone who came to her.

She turns to the other guy, mentioning her camera and grins. "Thank you... This is my baby!" She pats her camera gently.
Matthew had not noticed Alexei's presence before and he quickly turned for a polite introduction even though jealous flooded his mind. "A-Ah, nice to meet you Alexei. My name's Matthew, but you can call me Matt."

After quickly introducing himself to Alexei, Matthew turned to focus his attention on the female. He found her smile gorgeous and immediately smiled back, his cheeks heating up further. He looked down at her hand briefly before looking down at her face and shook it with just enough force so that it wasn't too firm or too limp. His tone was really smooth. "Really nice to meet you, Yoshi.~"
Kazuto smiles to himself and sits back into his seat next to Seraphina. "Seems he's interested in another girl.. I worried for nothing. "Kazuto whispers the second part of that sentence.
Bobby realized he had placed himself badly. The students who had entered so far all seemed to sit down in the middle and at the end. He had made a poor choice. He turned his tall form towards the other people, but he was still a bit far away from them. He swallowed, and sighed slightly. The girl with the eye-patch was again talking to the boy who had helped her up when she fell. Another boy who had seemed to almost be late (Bobby couldn't remember seeing him in the schoolyard either for that matter) had also joined their conversation.

The bright hair-color of the girl that just entered caught his attention, and he realized he had noticed her outside as well. Her hair was like a big flashing sign though, so it would be odd not to notice. Both the guy who had recently entered and Alexei approached her and spoke to her. Bobby felt too awkward to get up and intersect any conversations, and just turned back to his desk, staring into the board of the desk. Surely this is just the beginning, he thought. Everyone can't possibly have decided for sure yet... Bobby nervously pulled his fingers trough his hair to give it an impromtu brushing. Maybe he wasn't cut out for this.
serphina was lost for a moment in her thoughts and she does the thing she never really realizes she doing, has her hand up on the patched part of her eye. she looekd at kazuto with a face of sadness but realizes that shes gotten into one of those moods again, "a-ah yes..seems so..nice to see that people are already finding others that they might be with for a long time"
Yoshi nods. "Likewise, Matt." She peers around the room, curious as to why people were approaching her odd self. She shrugs slightly to herself and smiles polity again. "So... what do you think of this place? Isn't the structure of this building just amazing?!"
Kazuto grabs her hand and looks deeply into her uncovered eye. "You'll find one to make you happy as well, Don't worry." Kazuto says as reassuring as possible. Smiling at her he begins to blush, once again.
seraphina blushed lightly as she looked back at him, "well..ive never been the pick of the crop..one eye and blind as a bat in the other.." she sighed and but her lip. but thats what they were here for..to meet people who could love them.
Matthew nodded and listened to her closely, clearly showing a genuine interest in Yoshi. He was... attracted to her, though it was simply too early to say anything like that. He continued to smile and looked around the room as she asked the question. He responded with enthusiasm and remained confident.

"Yeah, this place is pretty cool! Very nicely designed and decorated," he replied. He paused for a moment before asking, "...D-Do you mind if I sent next to you, Yoshi?" He was a little nervous at this point.
"Seraphina." Kazuto grabs her other hand as well now. "Don;t worry because if none of the dogs in heat here go for you then I guess I'll just have to take you for myself." The black haired boy smiles to her.
Yoshi nods and gestures towards an empty seat near her. "Seat where you please." She smiles at him, once again, and goes back to her daydream world of photography. She concentrates on taking pictures of a section of the wall design, playing with different effects and angles.
she smiled, she believes he was trying to make her feel better but she wasnt sure if it worked or not, "im sure you will find a nice pretty girl before then kazuto" a small smile forming on her lips. she liked kazuto..in fact she believes she likes him more than just a friend even in the short time they knew eachother. falling for some never takes to long as matt has proved.

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