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Romance Rp

Alex smiled and crossed her legs as she continued to war. She had finished her skittles and moved on to recess cups.
Andrew had a smile on his face the whole time the movie was playing. It was a very entertaining film plus it had Morgan Freeman it. Who doesn't like that? Ever so often he would look at Alex then go back to the movie.
Once the movie ended, Alex yawned and finished off the last of her food. She stood up slowly and stretched, cracking her neck.
She smiled following him out and nodded in agreement. "It was amazing," she said with a small giggle as she went to his car.
She got in and gave a sad sigh. "I'm not ready to and I don't want to but I know I have to or my aunt is gonna end up grounding me," she explained with a shrug.
"How bout we hang out tomorrow? Since it will be Saturday. " Andrew said with a smile. "How does that sound? " He pull out the parking lot and headed to her home.
"Or we could hang out tonight. I forgot it was Friday. My aunt had to leave town earlier today for a business meeting or whatever. So it's not like there's any authorities figure around my place," she said with am evil grin.
"Well Okay then. " Andrew said with a smirk on his face. He pulled up at her house and got out the car. He walked to the other side and opened her car door.
Alex blushed lightly and got out. She went to the front door and unlocked it, going inside. Turning the lights on, she smiled and sat on the couch.
He closed the car door and followed. "Nice place you have here." He said looking around with his hands in pockets.
Alex stood back up and smiled. "Thanks. I prefer my one back home, but I settle," she said with a small giggle. "I'm gonna go change, these shoes are killing me. I'll be right back," she said with a small smile. She ran upstairs to her room and changed into bright yellow shorts and a black batman tank top. She put on her matching batman knee high socks and smiled running back down
Andrew sat down on the the couch when, she went up stairs. He played with his finger til she came down. He look at her smile. Uuuhhh.... Calm down Andy stop thinking dirty. "You look um.... comfortable. " he said trying not to observe every inch of her.
"I am comfortable," she said laughing a bit at the look on his face. She put in The Nightmare Before Christmas and smiled sitting down next to him as she turned the tv on.
He looked at the tv and felt nostalgic. "I haven't seen this film in years" he said with joy in his voice. "I love this movie. "
"It's my favorite one. Like watch it once a week kind of favorite," she said with a wide smile. Turning her attention to the movie, she rested her hands in her lap.
Andrew controlled himself through the film and didn't look at Alex inappropriate. At a young he knew to respect woman and not look at them as objects. He never really had a problem controlling it until he met Alex.
Alex blushed lightly as she watched the movie. Once it ended, she sat in silence, a smile plastered on her face.
She nodded without a word as she looked over at him. Her smile slowly faded as she hesitantly leaned in and kissed him. Pulling back quickly, she looked down and turned bright red. "Sorry," she murmured softly.
Andrew turned red slightly when she kissed him but, right then and there, he lost control of his hormones. He tilted her chin up gently so, their eyes met and said softly "Don't be." He then began to kiss her passionately.
Alex blushed even brighter than before as she felt the need to control her breathing and kissed him back. She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, feeling a bit more nervous than before.
Andrew wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed his body against her's. At this point he wasn't thinking ,he was just acting .

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