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Romance Rp

"Hm? Alright. " Andrew said calmly. He turned around and leaned his back against the counter. "So. After your last set, You want to go somewhere? Maybe catch a movie or get some dinner."
"That's the thing. That was my last set," Alex said and giggled softly. She finished her soda and nodded. "Yea. That sounds good," she added as she stood up.
Andrew chuckled " Well then " He said as he was tipping the bartender. "Where would you like to go?" He stood up straight and faced her.
"Anywhere is fine with me. Like I said before. As long as it's American land food, then I'm fine," Alex said, laughing lightly and made her way outside.
He walked outside towards his car. "Ok. You ever been to Jasper's Burgers? "said Andrew as he unlock the car.
"I have not," Alex said with a smile as she got in the passenger side. "Is it supposed to be good or something?" she asked as she looked at him.
Andrew got into the car and started it. He looked at her and said "It's heaven between two buns " He smiled then drove off.
Alex laughed as they pulled of and looked out the window. Once they arrived, she got out and stretched slightly, closing the door behind her.
Alex smiled and followed him before walking inside. She looked around at the interior in awe as she murmured, "Woah."
Andrew walks in and said "follow me." He walked to a empty booth while waving at some of employees. He comes here all the time so he knew everyone by name. Andrew sat at the booth and waited for a menu.
Alex followed closely behind him, feeling slightly nervous. She offered the employees a nervous smile and sat down in the booth as she waited as well. She looked around and laid her hand in her lap as the other played with a small section of her hair.
April the waitress walked up to their booth and said "Hello! My name is April and I will be your waitress for today"

She hand them menus. " Here you go. I'll be back in five minutes to take your orders."

Andrew open his menu and looked at all the choices. He was going to get his usual but, he wanted to see if anything new was in the menu. He looked at Alex with a smile and said "Do you know what you're going to get?"
"I have absolutely no idea. What would you recommend?" she asked, finally taking her eyes off the menu to look at him. She smiled and continued playing with her hair.
"Your version of delicious and mine could be two completely different things. What does it have on it?" she asked as a small smirk crossed her lips.
"Well I want that but with no tomatoes, no onions, oh and cheese," Alex said with a small giggle. She say the menu down and looked at him.
The waitress walked back. "Are you two ready?" She said with a smile.

Andrew looked at the waitress.
"Yes." He said calmly. "I'll have the Triple Baconater Supreme with a chocolate shake"

"Okay." She looked at Alex. " And you?"
"The classic Jasper's Burger is fine but with no tomatoes, no onions, and add cheese. And a strawberry shake," Alex said a bit shyly and smiled at the woman.
"Alright. I'll Back in a jiffy with y'all meals" April said as leaving, taking the menus with her.

Jasper looked at Alex.
"I don't get it." He said a little jokingly. " How can beautiful girl like you talk to a slightly above average guy with no game like me ?"
Alex shrugged her shoulders slightly. "Could be the ego the size of a football field, but not the egotistical kind. Could be because I do what I want and you don't need to question it," she said with a small laugh as she sat back.
"Hehe. Note taken. " Andrew said with a smirk. "I got another question. You can sing and play guitar. What other talents do you have?"
"I can draw and write songs. And I can give people makeovers if necessary," she said with a giggle.

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