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Romance Rp

Alex blushed lightly as she looked down and shook her head. "They're not that good," she said quietly as she played with her hair,
"I'll be the judge of that." Andrew said with a smirk. April came back with there found and put it on the table. "Enjoy your meal "She said while leaving.
Alex took a small bite of her burger and smiled nodding. She swallowed before speaking. "Amazing," she said simply and took a bigger bite.
Alex laughed and stayed quiet as she ate her food. She sipped on her shake once she finished and sat back.
Alex smiled and nodded slowly. "Very," she said, playfully being over dramatic. She giggled and sat up straight.
Andrew laughed a little and waited for the check. April came back with the check and took the dishes. Andrew pulled out his wallet and took out the cash needed to pay.
"No I can pay for mine," Alex sId as she pulled out her own wallet. She pulled out the cash and laid it down in front of her.
Alex sighed internally and put her money back up. "Fine, if you say so," she said and stuffed her wallet back in her lap.
Andrew stood up and looked at Alex with his hands in his pockets. " You ready to go?" He said calmly.
Alex stood up with a side smile and nodded. "Definitely," she said giggling softly. She turned on her heel and walked out of the building to his car.
Andrew walked out and went towards his car then unlocked it. "So, Do you want to go home or do you want to see a movie?" He said with a smile.
"A movie sounds awesome," Alex said with a smile as she got in. She closed the door and sat her hands in her lap.
"Alright" Andrew said as he was getting in the car. He put on the seat belt and pulled out the driveway then headed to the movie theater
Once they arrived, Alex got out, not waiting on him as she headed inside. She quickly paid for her ticket before he could say anything and sat on a bench.
Andrew followed behind her and bought a ticket. He didn't know if he got the right ticket for the movie but, it didn't matter he could just theater jump. After getting the ticket he walked up to Alex. "What ticket did you buy?" He said curiously.
Alex smiled and stood up. She went to the counter and bought some candy before following him into the room.
Alex sat next to him and did the same. She opened a box of sour skittles and started to slowly suck on them before chewing as she watched the screen.
She laughed a bit and gave him some. She poured a few more into her mouth as she watched the movie.

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