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Romance Rp

Alex pulled away slightly, feeling a bit nervous. She silently grabbed his hand, simply acting on what felt natural. She stood up and made her way upstairs, pulling him behind her.
Andrew followed her no question asked. It was like he was in a trans. He did look around a little when they made it into her room but went back to her with in a few seconds.
Alex blushed as she locked the door and kissed him passionately, once again wrapping her arms around him when he came back to her. She tensed up slightly, but soon relaxed again, a small smile appearing.
Andrew picked her by her thighs, not stopping the kiss, and laid her on her bed. He moved himself on top of her and got more intimate in the kiss.
Alex broke the kiss briefly enough to remove his shirt. After throwing it across the room, she started kissing him intimately once again as she wrapped her legs around his waist.
The next morning, Andrew awoke in Alex's bed with his and Alex's clothes scattered everywhere around the room.
Alex was sleeping peacefully next to him. She woke up slightly when she felt his movement beside her and smiled a bit. "Mmmhhh good morning," she mumbled softly, not wanting to move.
Andrew smiled back at her. "Good morning to you too" he said mumbling a little. " You had a good nights rest?"
Alex nodded her head slightly. "Yea," she said simply as she finally opened her eyes. She looked at him with a wide smile and soft sigh.
Alex blushed bright pink at the thought and stretched. She snuggled under the covers, deciding not to comment at the moment.
Andrew chuckled a little bit at her face. Her facial expression looked cute to him. He then stretched a little and continue lay down almost drifting back into unconsciousness.
Alex reluctantly got up, ignoring the slight pain in her legs, and walked to the bathroom to shower.
Andrew took a nap but, was awoken by the sound of a shower so, he sat up. He then noticed Alex was gone. She is probably taking a shower...
Once she got out, Alex wrapped a towel around her and went back in her room before looking through her closet. Picking out a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a grey shirt, she laid them out before sitting on her bed and doing her nails, painting them black.
Andrew got out bed and stretched his body. "Uh where is your bathroom? " he said while rubbing his head.
"Next door on the right," Alex said with a smile. She leaned over and kissed him before returning to her nails.
Andrew smiled and said "Thanks" . He then proceeded to go to the bathroom where he uses the toilet and take a shower.
Alex finished her nails and quickly got dressed. She did her hair and makeup before stretching once again going downstairs.

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After taking the shower, he went to her room and put the clothes he had on from last night. Feeling refreshed, he walked downstairs.
Alex went to the kitchen and started cooking breakfast. Once she finished, she fixed a couple plates and handed Andrew one.
Alex smiled widely and sat across from him, quickly eating. "So I need new clothes and I don't have anyone to go shopping with me," she said with a sly smile.
Alex giggled softly and finished eating. She stood up and put her plate in the sink. "Good because Sam's mom is getting remarried and I told her I'd be there and I need a new dress," she said unenthusiastically.

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