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Romance Rp

Andrew finished the meal and said "This meal was great. " He walked over the sink and put the plate in the sink. "So, You want to leave now or leave later? "
"Up to you," Alex said with a sly smile. She kissed his cheek gently and leaned against the counter.
Eva laughed lightly and kissed him quickly before walking around him. She looked back at him and said, "You're driving." With that, she walked out of the house.
Andrew laughed a little then follow her out the house. He unlocked his car and open the passenger door for her.
Lex smiled getting in and closed the door behind her. She put her seatbelt on before looking out the window, letting her thoughts wander into uncharted territories.
She blushed brightly as she thought of the events of the night before. She quickly got rid of them as well as her blush and looked out the window.
"You alright, Alex ? " he said pulling into a parking space. He turned off the car and looked at her.
"After last night, never better," she said with a smile, hinting at her thoughts. She got out and quickly ran into the mall before looking around for any dress store she could find.
Alex walked into a nearby dress shop and started looking around for something that caught her eye. "Help me look, pwetty pwease," she giggled softly.
Andrew rubbed his head and said "Uh. Yeah. Sure. I'll help." He began to look around for a dress. It felt awkward. He was the only male in the shop.
Eva blushed light pink and smiled looking down. "You really think so?" She asked, slightly giggling at his reaction.
"Yes" He before closing his jaw. " The dress looks great on you." he smiled at her and walked up to her.
"Well considering you couldn't close your mouth until now, I'd assume so," she said with a giggle before kissing him.
He kissed her back but broke the kiss after a few seconds. "So, since you chose a dress, What else you want to do?" He said while holding her waist.
"Get out of here before I spend all my money," she said with a laugh as she laid her heC against him. She sighed softly and went over to the counter to pay.
Andrew chuckled then followed her to the counter. He tapped a random tune on the counter as she was paying for the dress .
Once she finished, she grabbed his hand and practically ran out of the mall. She got to his car and waited.
"Hm? You seem to be in a rush. "Andrew said while unlocking the car then open the passenger side door.
Shaking her head innocently, Alex giggled softly. "Of course not," she said as she got in and put her seatbelt on.
Andrew raised one eyebrow with a curious look. "Hmmm...?" He said closing the passenger door then got in the driver side. He pulled out the parking lot and head to his home. "I need to change my clothes real quick. "

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