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Romance Rp

Alex immediately blushed and laughed slightly as she sat back. She smiled looking out the window and yawned softly.
When he pulled up at the house he noticed his father car was there. He sighed internally and got out the car. He then snuck into the house.

Andrew went upstairs without making any noises and made it to his room. He then changed into a some casual wear.


After checking himself in the mirror, he walked downstairs to find his father drinking coffee.

"Hey Son. Tell me why I came in the house this morning with you not here?" His father said with a stern look.

"Oh... uhh...I was with Steve and Nick. They want to hang out but, I lost track of time so, I slept over Nick's house." Andrew said as a reply.

"Hmm... Very well. Are you leaving again? "

"Yeah... I have to help Steve with his... book report. No biggy"

"Alright but, next time tell me first. Remember you're still a minor. You can't be up all hours of the night yet."

"I know. I'll tell you next time"


Andrew left the house making sure his father could not see his car. He then got into his car and left the neighborhood. "Phew" he said with a small smile on his face.
Alex laughed a bit and kicked her feet up on the dashboard. She sat back and closed her eyes before opening them once more and looking out the window.
"So, Where you wanna go or see?" Said Andrew with a smile as he drove through the streets of their town.
Smirking slightly, Alex drove straight to her home. She got out, leaving the dress and ran inside, straight to her room and closed the door, locking it.
"Uuuhhh... " Andrew said with a slight stutter. She just took the wheel of my car.... He touched his head, chest, thighs and arms to see if he was still alive. He sighed in relief then looked out the window and noticed he was at her home. He got out the car and walked inside still a little off from what just happened. He walked up the steps and called her name. "Alex?" He went to her door and tried to turn the handle but it was locked. "Hm? What's going on" he murmured to himself.
Alex giggled softly at her antics and sat silently on the bed, staring at the wall. She heard her name followed by a knock on the door, and she smiled, getting up rather slowly. She made her way to the door and unlocked it before slowly opening it and pulling him inside, knowing her aunt would be home soon. She kissed him once before sitting back down.
"What was that all about?" Andrew said with a curious look on his face as he slowly walked up to her.
Smiling, Alex stayed silent until he got close enough to her.she started rocking back and forth before getting up and pushing him out of her room, closing and locking the door with a laugh. She went to her clothes and started looking through them. She changed into a pair of red pajama shorts and a superman tank top. Finishing, she walked back to her door and opened it. "Hi," she said simply, the smile never leaving her face.
After being pushed, Andrew looked confused. He didn't know what was going on. It felt like he was being punked. When she opened the door, he hesitantly said "Uh... Hey"
She smiled pulling him back in and closed the door. "Are you confused?" she asked giggling softly.
Andrew caught off guard by the kiss but, got into it real quickly. He closed his eyes and started breathing through his nose as the kiss became more intense.
Alex blushed and giggled softly before kissing down his neck, leaving a trail of little hickeys.

~~Time Skip~~
Alex blushed lightly and closed her eyes, determined to take a small nap. She smiled before yawning softly and curled up into a ball.
Andrew silently chuckled under his breath and quietly got out the bed then left the room. He didn't bother putting on pants since Alex and him are the only ones in the house. After leaving the room, he head to the bathroom.
Alex woke up awhile later to the sound of a car door shut. Her quickly and clumsily got up before going over to her window and peeking through the curtain. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped before she pulled her eyes away. She quickly got dressed and ran her fingers through her hair.

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Andrew came back from the bathroom moments later still not wearing anything . "Are you alright, Alex? You look like you saw the devil." He said raising his eyebrow ,looking concerned.
Alex started picking clothes up off the floor and threw his at him. "get dressed," she said simply before running out of her room and down to the living room. She sat down on the couch and started watching some random channel on tv.
Andrew did what she said and got dressed. When walked down stairs, he figured that her Aunt was heading home or is outside .
Eva's aunt walked in the door, practically red in the face. Eva smiled sweetly and stuffed her hands in her lap. "Hey, you're back early," she said simply with a small giggle.

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