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Romance Rp

Alex smiled getting out. She went around and helped him before carrying them to a spot that seemed fit to her. Sitting them down, she stood back up and took off her shirt and shorts.
"Thanks" Andrew said as he walked towards the site. When he got there,he put down the bags and took off his shirt.
Alex smiled and sat her clothes to the side before taking her hair down. She looked out at the water then around, thankful that it wasn't busy today.
Andrew looked surprised for a second. He thought for sure the beach would be packed since, it was the weekend but, he was wrong. He soon shrugged it off and looked at the ocean view. It was almost as beautiful as the lake he would go to on occasion.
Alex smiled and put on sunscreen before making her way out into the water. She sat down when she was far enough that the waves would go up to her chest. She giggled like a little five year old in a chancy shop.
Alex soon grew silent and looked around. She realized she was the only one in the water besides a few strangers and frowned.
Andrew thought for a moment and saw what he was doing was kinda asshole like. He got up on his feet and ran over to water then went in. He swam under the water and popped up behind her. "Hi " said with a smile.
Alex jumped slightly and let out a yelp. She turned around and her mood instantly changed. She smiled giggling once again and said, "Hiya!" She held her breath as a large wave came.
Alex smiled and splashed around before doing the same. She went further out and giggled when she surfaced.
Alex laughed and wiped her face off. She looked around and frowned, not seeing him anywhere.
Alex laughed lightly and turned around in his arms. She blushed a bit before leaning in and kissing him gently.
Andrew kissed back but, kiss was interrupted by his stomach growl . "Well, That just killed the moment. " he said with awkward smile.
Blushing lightly, Alex looked around at the other people. She smirked, leaning in and whispered, "moments always show up again when no one is around." She giggled softly, not explaining what she meant and swam to shore, stepping out of the water.
Andrew blushed slightly when she said that then, followed her to shore with a smirk on his face. After getting out the water, he went to their stuff.
Alex sat down on a towel and started eating a bag of chips. She giggled softly at her words and put her hair up.
Alex smiled and laid her head on his shoulder. "I don't wanna go to school tomorrow," she said quietly as she looked out at the water.
He sighed and said with a smile. "It's only a few hours out of the day. We can hang out during and after school. It won't kill ya."
"I don't know about that," she said and giggled softly. She wrapped her arms around his waist.

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