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Romance Rp

" You're fine? If you're fine, Why did you run out the class room?" said Andrew as he got closer to her. He notice that she had her bag with her.
Because I didn't wanna be near that jackass," she nearly yelled at him. She crossed her arms and sighed internally.
Andrew sighed and looked her with his arms crossed behind him. "Since you're one your way out the building, let me take you some where. I promise it will not be any where super creepy." He said with a small smile.
Alex stay silent for a few minutes as she looked at him. Eventually, she uncrossed her arms and sighed. "Fine but the moment it starts getting too much then I'm leaving," she said before turning and walking out of the building.
Andrew chuckled and followed her out the school. He preceded to walk towards his car and unlock it. He opened the passenger side of the door for her like always.
Alex cautiously got in, throwing her bag in the back seat. She ran her hands over her legs, straightening out the bottom of her dress before putting her seatbelt on and interlocking her fingers.
He closed the door and looked at the school behind them . He sighed and got into the car. He pulled out the parking lot and drove to a secret spot within a forest near their town.
Alex watched outside in silence. She wondered exactly where they were going but shrugged the curiosity off. She noticed the forest suddenly surround them and tried to hide the curiosity that was growing within her.
He drove a little further and out of the forest was a beautiful lake. He stopped the the car fifteen yards away for the lake. He unbuckled his seat and said with a smile " Here we are?"
Alex sat silently and looked at it in awe. She took her seatbelt off and opened her door, getting out before closing it. She walked over to it and sat down at the very edge.
Andrew got out the car. He walked right next to her. "You like ?" He said while loosening up his tie.
"It's beautiful," Alex said softly as she stared out at the water. She watched the small ripples the breeze created then watched them dissipate. She stuffed her hands in her lap as she eventually found herself thinking to herself.
"Hmph, I usually come here to think or just be alone. I found a few years back and I've been coming back ever since. I find it relaxing " Andrew said as he sat next to her.
Alex smiled a bit. "I can see why," she said as she glanced at him. "I might end up having to steal it from you," she added with a small laugh before looking back out at the water.
Andrew laughed a little bit. "Hmph, How bout we share it? It would be much easier. " he said as he looked at the lake.
"Hmmm I'd have to think on that. I'm not much for sharing. Sharing is caring and over half the time I don't give a f***," she said with a small smile.
"Hehe. Okay. " Andrew got up and took off his vest, shirt, and tie. "While you think about I will go for a swim." He then took off his shoes and socks.
"Have fun with that," she said, not moving her eyes from the water. She silently let her thoughts roam to random things, never staying on one subject for to long.
Andrew stretched a little then went into the water. He swam all around the lake. He enjoyed swimming. It felt like a private pool to him
Alex smiled as she watched him. She looked down at her clothes and shook her head slightly deciding it would be best not to get in. She shrugged it off and kept watching.
He swam around for a couple of minutes than got out water. He walk to his car and pop the truck. He took out a towel and close it. He then walked to where Alex was while drying off.
Alex looked at the sky and sighed. "I gotta go or I'll be late," she said as she stood up. She brushed the grass and dirt off her before realizing that she had to show up half an hour early to set up.
"Late for what? " Andrew said while drying himself. He dropped his towel and put on his shirt. He sat down to put his shoes on.
"I have something I need to do tonight at the local bar. The one that minors are allowed in, that is," Alex said, deciding to give away the location but not the event.
"Oh. Sounds fun. What is the occasion? " Andrew said calmly while tying his shoes. He picked up his towel, tie, and vest. He then proceeded to walk towards the car.

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