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Romance Rp

Alex finished her homework after a while and went downstairs into the kitchen. Not saying a word to her aunt, she grabbed a family size bag of chips and went back up to her room. She finished the bag off before changing clothes and getting in bed, soon falling asleep.
The next day, Andrew awoke feeling pretty happy. He got out of his bed and took a shower then dressed his self in a business casual kinda of look. He had on a red button down and black tie with a black vest. He put on another pair of black paint and some red Jordans.

Andrew proceed to walk down stairs with bag in hand and have breakfast. After having breakfast, he left for Alex's house in his car, thinking she might want another ride.
Alex woke up sighing softly. She forced herself up and got a shower, washing the red streaks out of her hair. When she got out, she put on fishnet stockings and a bright green and black dress. She straightened her hair after putting matching streaks in it. She did her makeup quickly and put on black knee high converse before sliding on her fingerless gloves. She grabbed her bag and went downstairs, going straight to the kitchen. She fixed pancakes and bacon and ate quickly before walking out the door.

(Just an idea of the dress)

When Andrew arrived at her home, he pulled to the side right next to the side walk in front of her house. He unlocked the doors and got out the car. He walked to the passenger side and opened the door right when she walked out the door. "Hey, You want another free ride?" He said with a smirk.
Alex smiled as she locked the door and closed it behind her. She looked down at her phone and typed something before putting it away and nodding. "Sure," she smiled and walked down the driveway and got in the passenger seat. She sat her bag in her lap and swept her hair over one shoulder.
Andrew closed the door behind her and went into the driver side of the car. He got into the car and drove to school. "You look nice"
"Well thank you," she said a bit skeptically. She smiled once they arrived and got out, throwing her bag over her shoulder.
He got the car and locked the car. He was about to walk inside the school with Alex when he was stop by some of his friends. "Hm?"
Alex looked at them skeptically before running her fingers through her hair. She put her gloved hand on her hip and adjusted her bag to stay on her shoulder.
"Man, Where were you last night? " Said Nick looking every more irritated then, yesterday.

"Yeah man, We were suppose to hang out with those girls yesterday." said Steve adding to what Nick said.

"Actually you guys were gonna hang out with those girls. I don't even know the girls. " said Andrew about leave.

"That is the best part." Nick tapped Andrew face . "Come on dude lets go. I got some of that good stuff. " He then pulled out a bag of weed.

"I'm good. I don't do that at school." Andrew walked away.
Alex clenched her jaw. She may have been a troublemaker but weed wasn't her thing. "Yea. At school," she mumbled before walking off, hitting Nick's shoulder in the process. She went straight to her locker in silence and took out the books she would need for the first three classes.
Nick flipped the bird at Alex when Andrew wasn't looking. " I fucking hate that girl. She thinks she is so high and might." said Nick.

Andrew parted ways with Alex to put his bag in his locker and get his stuff for class.
Alex watched Nick flip her off and lost it. She slammed her locker shut and dropped all but one of her books causing them to land with a loud thud. She went over to him, swung her book back, and hit him in his head as hard as she could with it, not care who was watching.
"What the fuck?!" Nick yelled as he looked at her with his hand raised. " You fucking bitch!"

Right then Steve and some other guys hold him back as a teacher approached them.

"Calm down. Bitch isn't worth it." Steve said, putting down Nick's arm.
Alex smirked slightly. "I'd like to see you fucking try!" she yelled before landing one more punch. She turned and walked back, picking up her books. Refusing to glance over her shoulder, she walked away o her first class.
Andrew walked in to his class unknowing of what took place in the hall. He sat his desk and pull out his phone since his friends wasn't in the class yet. He texted a few people until Nick walked in.

Nick sat down and looked at Andrew. "Fuck your bitch." said Nick while pulling out his phone.

"Bitch?" Andrew said with a raised his eyebrow, "I wasn't aware I had a bitch?"

"Emo girl assaulted me."

"You probably had it coming knowing you"

"I didn't do shit. Fuck her, Man."

"Nick. Calm down and don't call her a bitch. You don't know her."

"Tch... Whatever. Still fuck her."

"Sigh... Just shut up."

"Fuck you too, Man"

Andrew just put the palm of his hand to his face and sighed.
Alex sat in the back of the classroom listening intently to the exchange of words. "You're just mad cuz you got beat up by a girl," she intervened with a smirk crossing her face. She crossed her legs under her desk and leaned forward a bit, batting her eyes at Nick. "How could someone that fights as well as you get beat up by an innocent little girl like me?" she asked sarcastically.
Nick looked at her as she said her statements and decided to make a non verbal response. He flipped her off again then looked forward at the board.

Andrew just stayed out of it. He didn't want to end up having to pick a side.
Alex calmly got up, ignoring the teacher's requests to sit back down. She punched him directly in the jaw before turning and walking back to her seat. After picking up her books, she glanced at Andrew once before walking out of the classroom.
Nick rubbed his jaw and said "What the hell is her problem?!"

Andrew watched her as she left room then looked at the teacher who was calling the principal office. He got up from his desk and walk out the class ignoring the teachers commands to sit down. He went looking for Alex through the halls. Sigh... Sometimes Nick is just too arrogant for his own good.
Alex decided to ignore any orders she heard from the principal. She silently headed for her locker and grabbed her stuff. After closing her locker, she started heading towards the entrance of the school.
Andrew looked around the school but, didn't see her. He went to her locker but, she was already gone. What the hell. Where can she be?
Alex let her thoughts wonder to various things, and once she came to, she punched the nearest locker to her, not caring that it was badly dented.
Andrew heard a loud bang from down the hall and headed towards it. He noticed Alex with her fist against a locker. He slowly walked up to her and called her name. "Alex?"
Alex heard her name and jumped a bit before putting her hand down. She looked over at Andrew and sighed softly. "I'm fine," she managed to say before the question was even asked.

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