1. When players &/or GMs don't pay attention to simple details in the Lore or people's posts and it creates these stupid inconsistencies you then have to edit or retcon after the fact, when they could've been avoided if everyone had simply bothered to read through things properly.
2. In group RPs, players who refuse to plot anything with anyone and who, when the RP is started and set up specifically so that the opening scene gives all characters a chance at interaction and involvement, deliberately choose to write their characters away from the scene and everyone else.
3. GMs who, if there is a dispute between players in their RP that starts to make things unpleasant and kill the vibe, sit back and watch it kill the RP instead of doing their job, stepping in, and intervening.
I'm told, and this could just be a rumor—who really knows for sure, that if you create enough lore, you in fact become the problem by in turn adding too many of these alleged small details.