Roleplay (in school)

Thana got up and went to his side.  

"I might be able to help with bringing your connection back up with Aion.  As for the kidnappers we should tell Luck.  Maybe then we can keep everyone safe if not.  I guess I'll finally be able to take some souls to hell." She said trying to comfort him but she was sure it was failing.
He looked up at her "you can reconnect us? how" he asked, it seemed that was all he cared about, which it was
"Well I'm the daughter of the head hancho himself.  I should be strong enough to call Aion back and re-establish your connection." Thana said.

"as for how well this would be the first time I did something like this.  Yes I summoned demons before but never something like this.  I'll have to go by gut instinct." She said.
"if it will help I could tell you what he is the demon of" he said, thinking that if would help 
Thana smiled and nodded.

"may be a little helpful.  Although I don't know if you'll feel pain when the connection is back up or being brought back." She said.
"Pain is something im used to" he reassured her. He was beat normally so he could stomach most pain now a-days "he is the quote on quote master of the human body" he said. Now he began to wonder how Aion was able to make him make is arms in to weapons. 
"Ok well this should be fun." Thana said with a very small smile.  She sat down next to Lucas and focused on finding Aion first.  Like most demons she can find them but summing is normally harder but she was able to do it.  When she found Aion she made sure that it was the one that fused with Lucas first.
Lucas waited to be instructed to do something or until he heard Aion's voice again.
Once Thana was sure she reconnected the twos connection.  She then opened her eyes.  

"Go ahead and try to talk to him." She said with a small smile as she quickly grabbed the bottled blood.
He nodded 'hello?'


Lucas smiled "it worked" he hugged her "thank you" he said, once he let go he added 'if you anything, come to me" he said 
Thana chuckled.

"no problem.  Just glad I could help.  Next time something like that happens please let someone know." She said and opened the bottled blood and downed it.  What she did took a bit out of her.
"Yea its blood.  I'm half vampire half demon." Thana said and closed the now empty bottle up and placed it on the tray before pulling it close to her.  

"I already told ya who my dad is.  My mom was the queen of vampires." She said and sorta looked at the food that was left on the tray.
"wow, your from high places" he commented "must be kinda ackword to have friends over" he joked 
"Not really it was only my mom and I.  Both of my grandparents on both sides didn't want a damn thing to do with me.  Plus I never had friends really.  Was homeschooled up untill my mom died." Thana said with a small smile.

"I wasn't raised like most of the royals.  Inwas raised as a partly normal child.  I do have the manners of a Royal I just hate using them because people may treat me differently." She said.
"well, for what you did for me and I guess for Aion, you can count us as friends" he said, smiling at her, drinking another sip of water
Thana smiled.

"thanks.  I'm glad you would consider me as a friend." She said.

"oh and imyou don't have to worry me wanting to drink your blood either.  I don't drink from the source." She said and grabbed her sandwich and took another bit.
"that is good to hear, I have enough scars as is" Lucas said then laughed 

You know, pretty soon those memories will have you crash like a sugar high 

'bah, if they haven't yet. Then im fine'
Thana looked at Lucas and smirked.  She could slightly hear Aion speaking but not fully.

"I won't ask how you got the scars.  although I think at some point I may have to drink from the source.  But not yet." She said.
"well, I won't be around when that happens " he said, "say, how long will you live?" he asked
"I honestly don't know.  Both demons and vampires live for a long time.  My grandfather died at 1000 years old then my grandmother 1050.  And that's my moms.  I don't know about the ones on my dad's side." Thana said with a small smile.
Im over 5000 and I know some people older than the concept of time

'you know she can't hear you right?'  Lucas smiled, "looks like your gonna live a long happy life" he said
"Seems so.  Maybe Aion knew my dad's parents." Thana said.

"and I can partly hear what he says but it's not as good as you can hear him." She said.
"thats great" he said then hid his thoughs from aion for a second and thought 'while you get to live, Im gonna be rotting in hell"

Please, your father's age makes me seem like a child  he said
Thana looked at Lucas but was sorta also looking at Aion.

"really?  I thought my dad was in the five hundreds like my mom or close to being 1000." She said then looked at Lucas.

"something is bugging you?" She asked.

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