Roleplay (in school)

Her eyes where still lit up. "Yeah it was" she answered with few gangs hanging from behind her smile. She blinked few times and kept on staring. She wandered what was inside the envelope and she was dazzling with questions but kept them to herself "was it not supposed to be there?" Her smile quickly faded and she tilted her head to the side.
After a second of thinking, he explained what the 'mission' really was. "Even the blood was the result of magic" he began to Worry
"Then the blood was real too. Allergies only react to real things."

she seemed to have her sneezing gone now. She started being curious all over again and wondered why the real blood or the footprints and even letters where there. She had a confused look on her face as she listened to what the fake mission actually was. 
"How much blood was there? The spell of fake blood was only a room i n the attic" he said, now very worried for the family
Lucas awoke and grabbed a pen and notebook. He then began to walk around the school. Doing what the leader of the group that kidnapped him.
Thana sighed and looked at Luck.  

"If you need me sir I'll be walking around the school." She said and left.  She then accidentally bumped into Lucas.

"I'm sorry." She said quickly.
"Well pretty much everywhere" she looked over somewhere else."it was mostly on the inside though. The outside only had that splash and footprints that trail off" she explained. She tried hard to remember everything. "I only found theses two." She looked at the photo and the envelope.
Luck' face dropped "oh no, the family! D-did you see and bodies?" He asled Miku

Luck quickly said "im not of, i am soo on!" He then winced at his world
Thana tilted her head.  

"Um maybe we should take you to see the nurse.  Something doesn't seem right." She said looking at Lucas.
"Calm down calm down. I haven't seen the bodies" she said remembering again "what's with the family?" The question popped out of her mouth without her even trying to hold it back.  
Cloud remained calm during this whole ordeal. He was surprised that it was supposed to be fake but not that much. He had believed that the danger was real from the beginning so it wasnt hard for him to think that the items werent fake. The question would be though who would actually target the teacher? Hmm. He would most definitely have to go back and check that list of addresses. But maybe the HM even lied about the fact about the family hating her too. At this point all he knew was that the danger was real and the threat was out there somewhere. He listened in on the conversation the people in the room were having and gathering more and more information that he could use to find the mystery person.
"I need to know right now if you two-" he looked at Miku then at Cloud-"have anything more, od left anything at the house! " he quickly asked them both

 Lucas shook his head "n-no I fine n-no nurse needed !" He said and began to back up
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"What's tour deal dude?  We meet last night and even then you backed away.  I don't bite.  So please tell me what's going on." Thana said and crossed her arms.
(im usually able to figure out what u are saying when  u have your typos but u cant figure out what "kr" is)
(There I fixed it )

Once she said that lucas thought he found a way out "well, i only ever seen one demon and it emded with me selling my soul. So sory but even though you said your half demon it still frightens me" he knew Aion woukd not approve but he couldn't speak to him right now, hell he didnt even know if his 'powers' worked right now.
Thana frowned.  

"I see.  But you didn't have to avoid me like the Black Plague." She said and glanced at the ground.  

"Guess friendship is off the table with you." She said.
"That you will have to ask him" she pointed at cloud but still kept her eyes on H.M "so what are you going to do now? It is turning out to be a real murder case." She said seriously. "What now?" She restated her question again. She wasn't that easily a,used by any murders and usually when she did saw a murder, she never did anything about it. She remained still and frozen waiting for a reply. It was so silent, you could hear a pin drop or a fly flying. She wasn't amused but was tempted to know.
(something turned up Irl, ill only been  on now late morning/noon for the next three weeks)

"if this a real murder then I'll handle it" Luck announced then looked at cloud "do you have anymore notes or what not?" he asked him


Lucas sighed as he began to calm down "Im sorry, just been a rough day for me." That wasn't a lie, unlike half the shit that came out his mouth.
He looked at the headmaster who seemed very stressed and told him"Yes I think i might have found something in a message on the kitchen counter. Its in my pocket now here it is if you would like to see." He handed the message to him and said"At first i thought it was just a random letter but then i noticed the hidden message read every second letter of each line and its a distress call." he said calmly.
" a distress call?" he got out a piece of paper and a pen. He then began to wright every second letter of each line and it said........

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