Rogue Wranglers [Inactive]

Natalie smiled quietly. "Deal. We'll kick some Wrangler butt." She said and realized he was holding her hand. She blushed and looked at the ground. Her fireball creatures came back and just stared at Ken. "I think mom claimed Simon as her ride so if were going to see my friends, we need transportation. I got an idea. But I've never tried this before." Natalie said quietly and released Ken as she jumped down from her branch. She started making a fireball an shaping it into a horse, large enough to ride. Soon enough she had a flaming horse walking around. "Time for the tricky part." She muttered then muttered some words then made the flames vanish. What was left was a black stallion, flame free and ready to ride. "I had no clue that would work." Natalie said, amazed at her work.

What do you want from me?
Ken did a wide grin now that they basically had formed a strong bond look out for each other and got back into his suit.

He mounted the horse with her and said "You know being able to do that, it leaves many opportunities open. Imagine, you could create cake from anywhere." We was hoping to lighten the atmosphere back up as they went on their travel.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Natalie knew her friends were in a cold place so she was kinda worried for herself being a Phoenix and all. "Alright. Ready to goto Alaska?" Natalie said with a mischievous grin on her face. She knew she could control this horse with ease. And they could make it to Alaska in a few hours. The horse broke off into a run, knowing exactly where to go.

What do you want from me?
"Ready as I'll ever be."

He rode with her on the journey. He didn't talk unless spoken to since he couldn't think of anything to say. He did wonder though who these friends were who granted immortality and what sort it was.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Natalie was trying to remember the last time she went to see her friends. It was maybe 300 years ago. She shook her head trying to shake the memory away, as it had ended with fighting. Her own family. 'Wow. We must love to fight.' She thought to herself quietly.

What do you want from me?
Kenneth was thinking about what would happen now. Then again all theorising he did now would seem silly until he knows what will happen when he reached there, since only knowing what it is like will he know. At least he felt happy being what seemed the closest person Natalie had.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Natalie knew they were getting close when she started to feel the chill of Alaska. 'Please still be in the same spot.' She thought quietly as they rode. They soon encountered a cabin deep in the Alaskan wilderness. "This is it. I know it is." Natalie said quietly dismounting from the horse. She walked up to the door and knocked hoping her sister was home. Suddenly a girl slightly younger than Natalie answered the door, wearing a black cloak. She had white hair, like snow. Violet eyes and pale skin. "Narissa. Thank goodness." Natalie hugged her sister quietly and Narissa was surprised to see her sister at her cabin.

What do you want from me?
Ken dismounted and with his helmet on to avoid the cold, had the helmet go into he suit so you could see his head properly.


He waved in a friendly manner to Narissa.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
"Narissa. Please. We may only be half-sisters but you're my family. So please do me this small favor." Natalie said quietly to Narissa. Narissa invited them in and had a quiet conversation with Natalie. "Nissa I know you can grant immortality. Just please give him immortality. Please." Natalie pleaded quietly so only Nissa could hear. "Fine. But only because you're family." Nissa agreed quietly and glanced at Ken. "Do you want immortality?" Nissa asked Ken, she almost sounded like Natalie but she sounded more playful. Less held in.

What do you want from me?
"If you may. After all as I am I cannot protect Natalie for as long as I would wish."

He bowed to Narissa as good manners would have.

He wasn't quite sure what kind of immortality it was, by he was sure he would be told or something along those lines. Almost like a terms and conditions with powers.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
"Now just to make this clear. You never die. At all. That's it. Never dying. Its actually pretty worth it if you think about it. But still. Never dying." Nissa said making sure he wanted this. Then a realization hit Nissa like a bus. "You claimed him didn't you?" Nissa whispered to Natalie quietly. "Yes. He is my human." Natalie replied very sure of her decision. "Okay then." Nissa said raised her hands, palms out facing Ken. She muttered a few words and her hands started to glow. She continued to mutter and the glow increased. "This may hurt." Nissa said before taking one hand and touching his forehead with her index finger. She had granted him immortality but the pain would last a few minutes.

What do you want from me?
"Well we claimed each othe-"

His speech was interrupted by an explosive pain that spread from the forehead. It spread through his entire body like fire. Good thing he was in his suit, as it kept him upright from where he was.

He gritted his teeth and held to the gloves inside his suit that held him with extreme force to bear the pain. It was a tremendous pain.

Then it suddenly....vanished.

Ken panted and rested his hands on his knees from the pain. After that he stood upright and his body felt alive like never before.

He made his suit take a new diagnostic to his body. Everything in his body was...alive. It felt great.

"Well...thank you."

He bowed deeply.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Nissa nodded her head quietly and shooed them out the door. Natalie found the horse still standing there waiting for a command. "So what do you wanna do? Its Alaska." Natalie asked taking in her surroundings. She felt peaceful here in Alaska even though she didn't particularly like the coldness. She broke out into a run an started doing cartwheels in the snow, feeling the cold. "Its frickin Alaska!" Natalie said happily and she finally stopped and sat in the snow.

What do you want from me?
Ken chuckled and ran after her and did a front flip jump in the air, then landed on the snow with his feet slightly sinking into it.

"Well...I don't know what its like here in Alaska so I can't say. How about you show me?"

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
"Well this is mostly what you would see in Alaska. Snow, trees, and cold." Natalie said still sitting in the snow with a smile on her face. It was the kind of smile that made you think oh no what has she done now. Natalie stood and took off into a sprint again, feeling wild and free.

What do you want from me?
Kenneth laughed and chased her. Were they playing tag or something? He ran after her and chased Natalie to where she ran. He debated tackling her but wasn't sure how she would take that playful gesture, so kept running.

For the moment they forgot about the war and just played like there was no one else in the world and it was all for themselves.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Natalie kept running like she was running for her life. She hasn't felt this free for a long time. She could feel the heat in her hands but she willed herself not to burst into flames. 'Oh gosh. If he tackles me, I'll be covered in snow...' She thought as she picked up speed. She was just too happy to stop let alone do anything else. Running was the only way she could burn the energy pent up inside of her.

What do you want from me?
Ken ran beside her and saw her excited face and smile.

He smiled back and decided to make this a little more interesting.

He jumped and with the extra power of his suit, ricocheted off the trees, bouncing around. It was like two wolves on a run because it was just immense fun. They felt so alive.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Natalie started to get too excited and her footprints we're flaming as she ran. She didn't care but she didn't want to start a major Alaskan fire. She stopped in her tracks, the snow quickly melting around her. "I may need to stop or else I may burn down Alaska." Natalie said with a mischievous smile. Her dark eyes seemed to be slightly red, like flames. She sat in the melting snow and started forming fire creatures. It was her only way to let the fire out without burning anything down. By the time she was calm, she had maybe fifteen creations flying around.
Ken thought for a moment.

"Is it...possible to ride on a Phoenix as they fly?" While it seemed a cool idea at the time, he realised then just how ridiculous it sounded, even if his suit was fireproof.

Ken's gaze was occupied at all the various fire creations floating around.
Natalie contemplated the question. "I don't know. I've never tried. But Phoenix's can control how much heat they put out so it may be possible..." Natalie replied still watching her creations. She was thinking about how she made a living horse. Fire can create and destroy. Natalie remembered what her mother always told her when she was young. I could create anything. Anything at all. Natalie looked at Ken and she stood up. "Tell me something to create. Anything. I wanna see how far I can go..." Natalie said, her hands already on fire.
Ken thought for a moment.

"Well to test its extent of capability, a house? That way we can see the extent of your fire for what it is. See how far you can go with things such as furniture and such."

He smiled. It looked like this was her first time really trying for this kind of thing, so this seemed like a good way to measure the extent of her capabilities. It was one of those ways he would look out for her. Now he could look out for her technically forever too.

"Oh also, what kind of immortality do I have now? Is it like a phoenix kind of thing?"
"Okay. A house." Natalie said then started working on making a cabin. It wasn't too big nor too small. Just comfortable. It was still flaming and she made a door, windows, and she walked inside and made furniture. Even a fireplace and a second level. When she was done making an entire house, she walked outside and added the finishing touch. The fire died out from her hands and she took a breather. She pulled the flames off the cabin and what was left was a brick cabin, perfect for living in Alaska. She sat down in the snow, slightly drained from doing such a big project. "And as for the immortality, I have no clue. She said never dying so probably not. Phoenix's die. But they're reborn so they are considered immortal." Natalie replied, amazed at the cabin she just made.

What do you want from me?
"Well I guess this means your flames can do a lot."

Kenneth chuckled and said it in a congratulatory manner. He went inside the house and looked around, it was pretty impressive what she could manage.

Walking out of his suit which he set to rest at a wall he walked around for a bit, then laid down on the large couch that could easily fit another person lying there.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Natalie walked into the house, and saw Ken lying on the couch. "Well then. Make yourself at home then." Natalie with a mischievous grin. She was very exhausted but she had went longer than this without sleep. But she had never tried to make a house before. So circumstances were different. She noticed she made a television so she turned it on and sat on the floor in front of the couch, watching nothing in particular.

What do you want from me?

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