Rogue Wranglers [Inactive]

Ken raised an eyebrow at the newcomer. This guy had more ego than a professional wrestler that beat up every single opponent in a non-arranged match. He was a bit displeased at the utter rejection of his existence too.

The funny thing was that he could if he wanted shoot him where they stood, with all the talk Mason did. It would have been so easy...but he isn't that kind of man.

He turned to Natalie raising a questioning eyebrow at the mans behaviour "The expression of someone killing you falls a bit flat on a phoenix. It doesn't have white the same impact as on us humans."

Ken cut up the rest of the pork and offered it to Natalie and Anastasia. Hopefully they were more accepting of the gesture among other things.

He aimed his talk more at Mason now "You know you seem very aloof to go for the Rogue cause. What made you want to join?" Kenneth was being his normal cynical self that he was with most people. He wasn't so much so to Natalie being her friend.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Mason glanced at Ken quietly. "I am an old friend of Tasia. And if her daughter is doing anything for a good cause, then I will help if they want me to. And Tasia. Travelling with Humans? Really?" Mason said finally looking at Tasia with disbelief. "It was Natalynn's decision. She wanted the human to come. He could be of use possibly." Tasia replied glancing at Ken. Natalie couldn't believe they were talking about Ken like that so she went and sat next to Ken. "Maybe I wanted to bring my friend. And his name is Ken. Not "the human." Mother how did you even find this fool anyway?" Natalie asked with disgust for Mason. Mason smirked at Natalie quietly. Feisty. Tasia glanced at Mason then turned her gaze towards Natalie. "He was your fathers best friend. We fought together in many wars. You can trust him with your life Natalynn." Tasia said reassuringly. "I'd rather not." Natalie replied and silently denied the pork nicely. She glanced at Ken quietly.
Kenneth chuckled at the complete lack of manners the fallen angel had.

"I take it then they don't teach conversational skills in heaven. 'The human' after all prefers to talk to people by their name and not their race Mason. Besides, what's wrong with being a human? I'm not going to bite your fingers or something. Well, last time I checked I didn't have rabies at least..."

He ran a blood check on the suit.

"Nope, none. I'm healthy for now." Kenneth did a silly wide grin. He didn't mind Masons lack of manners at all since it was nothing new to him. His old technomage friend shared the same trait after all.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
"You want to know whats wrong with Humans? They hunt us. They fear us. They want us all dead. And after my entire family was killed by your kind, I never liked them since. Okay? Okay." Mason was on the verge of blowing up and attacking Ken. Natalie felt power coming off of Mason in powerful waves. "Mason I swear if you even think about attacking my human, you will die a very slow and painful death." Natalie said, then she realized she had claimed Ken as "her human". She only wanted to keep him safe. He was a human and he could possibly help keep this war from happening. Like maybe bargain with the humans. She kept her anger with Mason just in case of the possibility of attacking. "Natalie. Calm down. NOW." Tasia ordered strictly. "No. I will not calm down." Natalie said on the verge of possibly killing someone. "And what is a little girl like you going to do if I attack? Poke me with your sword? Little girl, I have had many more years of fighting experience than you and I could easily kill you in seconds." Mason threatened, his eyes starting to glow golden.
Ken stopped for a moment. He still had the helmet over his head, but it didn't hinder from speaking or hearing.

He then just burst into laughter. He had an arm around Natalie as one typically did when they laughed and held someone as a form of support. He looked towards Mason, who in his opinion needed a serious wake-up call.

"Ladies, please. If being xenophobic like that is going to get you anywhere, it will only win you the battle, but not the war. You are an ineffectual loner. I'm sorry to break it to you, but I think all your years of having hate simmer away has clouded your judgement."

While he seemed in a laughing state, which he partially was from the ridiculousness from the situation. He also though had his suit at the ready for any form of evasive action if any sign of hostility or attack happened, even if the armour could absorb it. His gun was also ready to fire at Masons bow when drawn with a lockon already established for aim. After all, if he was going to do things of a volatile nature, it required preparation and planning. Be ready to deal with possible consequences.

He turned to Natalie slightly but was still in the previously described state. "What do you mean by 'my human'? Do I know belong to you?" His honest smile was visible through the visor.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Natalie slightly blushed. "Sometimes Supernaturals can claim humans. But I will explain more later." Natalie said quietly, keeping her gaze locked on Mason. "I don't think you want to die today sir." Natalie said, feeling a killer rise up from the Phoenix. Mason drew a dagger from the hidden sheath from his hip and lunged at Natalie. She drew her staff from her coin and blocked his strike. They continued on with the fighting, Natalie clearly better than Mason. "You're fighting a fight that will lead to your death." Natalie said while fighting. Only her mother knew this but sometimes whenever she fought, she would get too excited and turn to flame or turn into the Phoenix. Suddenly, her hands erupted into flames and she had the look of a madman on her face. Then she changed to the Phoenix and she used her Phoenix's call and suddenly a wild boar appeared out of the forest and ran straight into Mason's legs, knocking him to the ground. Natalie changed back to human form and took his dagger. "Now I would kill you, but you never kill an unarmed person." Natalie said knowing the rules of fighting. Mason suddenly grabbed her ankle and pulled, making her fall down to the ground.
Ken was watching from slightly to the side, being gentlemanly and letting them have their duel. It went a bit out of control though so he felt the need to step in.

He caught Natalie as she fell and laid her back to standing next to him. He then did a teasing grin before he put on the floor saying "I think you just fell for me."

After putting her down he walked to Mason. He could try to lift Ken but the suit was obscenely heavy. The only reason he could move fast in it was because of the suits strength too. "I think you should rest for now before you get hotheaded and do something stupid."

He had his dagger in his hand clamped with the several tonne grip of the suit. He dug it into the ground and did a cut around his hand with precision. He sheathed the grip and walking off back to Natalie he said. "Play with fire, you get burned. Literally."

He grinned playfully at Natalie next to him.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Natalie thought she was going to hit the ground but she never did. Instead she was caught by Ken. "Thanks." Natalie said keeping her gaze to the ground. Tasia was furious now. "Natalie I think you need to take a walk. A long walk. Come back when you cool down." Tasia said taking Mason's side in this whole ordeal. "Really? He was the one who struck first. And I'm the one that needs to cool down?" Natalie said then walked off towards the woods. She wasn't going to argue with her mother. Natalie kne she would lose that argument anyway. She formed a fireball and started making shapes with it as she walked. Mason stood and looked at Tasia. "Thank you for controlling her. She was being a bother." Mason said with a blinding smile to Tasia.
Ken walked with Natalie, since he thought on her own she may set the forest alight in rage.

"Well...that was interesting. Let's hope he learns to control himself. I have yet to try my suit super strength on someone and I hope he isn't the first candidate. I'd rather we were fighting Wranglers."

He was otherwise quiet while walking with her.

((Right I'm off to sleep, Night))

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Natalie stayed quiet the whole time thinking of how she called Ken her human. She was glad that he didn't bring it up again. She made a small cat out of her fireball and let it walk on air next to her. She sensed a river nearby and she turned to goto it. She never really liked water but the river was peaceful. She climbed a tree and sat on the lowest branch thinking about the whole mess that just happened. I would've been okay with falling on my butt. Noooo you had to catch me. The fire cat sat in mid air and stared at Natalie. "What do you want? A mouse?" Natalie asked playfully to the little cat. She formed a mouse from a fireball and watched the cat chase it.
Kenneth was amazed at how the fire seemed to have a mind of its own and sat next to Natalie just looking at the fire. It was interesting to see the cat and mouse game going on from where we was.

His helmet was down into the suit as he wanted some fresh air. He just watched the fire going around, as he wasn't sure what to say.

Should he say comforting words because of her strop with her mum? Or ask what she meant about claiming humans? The thoughts he had before Masons arrival then preoccupied him.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Natalie looked at Ken. She could tell just from his facial expression about what he was thinking about. "You wanna know more about claiming don't ya?" Natalie asked as the cat continued to chase the mouse. Natalie made another animal. A bird. She let it fly and it flew to Ken. She really didn't know how she explain claiming. Its complicated.
"Well truthfully it was among other thoughts."

He kept silent to see what Natalie would say to him. He watched the bird fly towards him and rest their talons on the arm of his suit. Good thing its quite fire proof...

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
"Oh." Natalie said quietly watching her fire creations. She liked creating the fire creations and these were small compared to what she has made. She remembered one time she created a fire horse in Alaska and rode it across the icy wonderland. Snow was beautiful to her even though she couldn't touch it. Her thought just kept drifting from one thing to another quietly.
"Natalie, I think you're in your own universe again."

He chuckled and saw her face completely lost in her various thoughts. It was an interesting sight for sure.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
"Oh sorry. It just happens." Natalie said, vacant stare, watching the fire creations. "And as for the subject of claiming, like you're my human. I will protect. Some supernatural claim a human if they think the human is worth saving. So mainly its the human gets protection from everyone else." Natalie explained, still watching her creations.

Now that she said about it, it seemed less dramatic then it sounded.

"But shouldn't I be the one protecting you? After all, you're the leader of the Rogues. Having them protect a human above all else. Besides that, a human who will eventually die of old age if not from anything else."

Ken laid back and stroked the fiery bird on his arm.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
"Sometimes we don't mean to claim and the human we claimed, if they die, we die. So I have to protect you. You know what? I think my mother lied to me so I would leave the camp. I should just leave her and Mason here. Take Simon an leave him at the camp. Go on from there." Natalie ramble on quietly thinking of revisiting Alaska.
"That sounds rather rash. I think you should think it over first, considering the responsibilities you hold.

Also the whole dying thing wouldn't matter so much for you as surely as a Phoenix you would be reborn?"

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
"Its not rash if my mother has pulled this before. Just to get people to do her bidding." Natalie said then looked Ken straight in the eye. "Yes I would be reborn. But I don't want you to die." Natalie said quietly as the fire cat finally caught the mouse and happily chomped on his prize.
Ken smiled at her then sighed. He put an arm around her.

"That's the thing though. I will eventually die. I'm not you, or your mother or...whatever Fallen angels are like. I'm no vampire or....I'm just a human. Humans are fragile. Their bones break, illness can consume them and every second a cell dies from the body which will eventually lead to a weak body and then death.

Truth is hard to face, its tempting to run from it. But it will always have the last laugh. Like the parent who said 'I told you so'."

He let go of the arm around her and laid back, looking at the sky.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
"Ken stop talking like that. Please. I know people. They can grant immortality. Maybe. Just please stop talking like that." Natalie looked at the ground and was on the verge of tears. Her fire creatures sensed this change in emotion and just disappeared. Ceased to exist. Natalie wished on some days she could just be alone an cry. But she had to be strong.
Ken wasn't sure about the first part she said, but knew exactly what to do. He got out of the suit and hugged her and rested her head on him.

"Crying is allowed. Its perfectly normal. Keep the dam closed for too long and it will eventually burst. If you want to cry, use this time to do so."

At this moment he didn't care about claiming, immortality or relationships. This was just him supporting someone who desperately needed it.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Natalie was surprised at first by the hug but she soon accepts it and rested her head on him. She stayed quiet for a while as silent tears came. That's how her crying always was, totally silent. You wouldn't be able to tell she was crying till you actually got up close. "Thank you Ken." Natalie said quietly a she stopped crying. She did NOT need her friends talking about dying.

What do you want from me?
Ken smiled as he hugged her. He did think what he said was probably a hard thing to say, but it would help them understand.

Also understand while you keep that constant tough exterior out for yourself, you don't have to do it alone. I am here for you as a support. Don't do all the brute work yourself when you have me with you.

He thought for a moment. The thought was probably ridiculous, but he went ahead with it.

"How about...we claim each other? We will watch each others back, support each others weakness and help the others strength. You said you know people who can do immortality, so why not? We could be the greatest tag team of all time." He chuckled and held her hand for extra effect.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?

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