Rogue Wranglers [Inactive]

Natalie released her mother and looked at Ken. "Most humans think supernatural are freaks. We can't really change their opinions about us but you know we can try." She explained quietly, when she felt Simon nudge her back. "So when do we leave?" Natalie asked Tasia, petting on Simons nose quietly. "In five minutes. Get everything you need ready. Do you want to bring the human?" Tasia asked glanicing at Ken. "Okay. And yes. Ken deserves to come." Natalie said then ran off to her cabin to grab her knapsack. She filled it with spare clothes and made sure her coin was in her pocket. She belted her daggers at her waist and she was ready. She walked back out to Tasia. "So his driving?" Natalie asked noticing reins on Simon. "You are. You did it when you were little, you can do it again." Tasia said with a smile. Simon laid on the ground for Natalie to climb up. Tasia followed. "Coming?" Natalie asked Ken quietly.
It was all happening so fast, but was there he could do?

Good thing his suit does self maintenance...then again his friend was a genius of a technomage.

"Yes, I'm coming. But wait, where are the rest of the Rogues going then?"

He said this as he packed some extra food and drink into a bag for emergency. His helmet and visor came over his head when he was on the dragon.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Natalie watched as Ken got on and considered the question about the Rogues. "They'll be fine. I taught them myself." Natalie said then hit the reins and the dragon lifted into the air. The feeling of flying on the dragon was almost as fun as flying as a Phoenix. "So mother where do we need to go?" Natalie asked Tasia quietly enough so only Tasia heard. "Well Natalynn, that's a good question. But I have a friend who would be a good asset to our army. We need to goto Transylvania." Tasia said with a smile as Natalie frowned at the name Natalynn.
"As in the Transylvania? That's quite the place to go."

He was enjoying the ride. His visor was pointing out different info in the sky like types of clouds and scanned for any possible dangers they could come across while flying.

You never know, might have fighter jets deciding dragons arent among legal sky traffic. Though that would be met with his suit firing on them with precision shots and the fiery onslaught of two Phoenix's and a dragon.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?[/b]
"Yes. The Transylvania." Tasia answered with a smile waiting for Natalie to figure out who we were going to see. "Dracula." Natalie said with major disbelief. Her mother smiled quietly. "Your great-great-great uncle. From your fathers side." Tasia said with a sigh remembering her husband. "Wait wait wait. Dad was part... Vampire? Does that make me vampire?" Natalie wanted to turn her head but she had to keep her eyes on the skies. "No. Not really. Its not something that gets passed down. And Drac didn't want to spread it to his own family." Tasia replied as they flew. It was peaceful.
"You have quite some impressive lineage though. To have the famed Count Dracul and a phoenix in your blood. Though I think I find you being a Phoenix much better though."

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Tasia raised an eyebrow silently thinking about what Ken just said about her daughter. She didn't like the fact that a human liked her daughter. But Tasia herself fell in love with a human. Natalie felt like they've been flying for hours and she felt her eyes droop. Also she hasn't slept for days. They would have to land soon or they would make a crash landing.
"Nat....wakey wakey...."

He waved a hand in front of her.

"Either make a pitstop or sleep while your mum takes the whe-ummm...reins. I don't want to crash straight into something or take a nose dive."

He said in a teasing tone, though he really didn't want to crash and burn. He liked his soul where it was inside his body for the moment if he was entirely frank.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Natalie guided the dragon down to a small meadow in the shape of a circle. She jumped off quietly and examined her surroundings. "Well? What do you think?" Natalie asked her mother quietly. "I'm not sure but its our only clear spot for now." Tasia replied as she went to the Meadows edge to see if she could see any threats.
Kenneth scanned around the area with his visor, switching sights too for any possible enemies.

"I'm only picking up typical small animal life signs here and there. Unless we are being hunted by something disguised as a magpie."

He then let the visor go into his helmet and took a fresh breath air, now that they weren't flying
Natalie smirked quietly and looked at the ground. She could feel power close by but that could just be her mother. Natalie sighed and looked at Simon. "Mom, You've done this quest/war thing multiple times before. Promise me you will NOT abandon me like you did when I was little. Guide me through this. Please." Natalie said quietly so only her mother heard her. Natalie was on the verge of tears but she knew she had to be strong. Never show weakness. Never. "Natalynn. You can do this. The Fates already decided how this quest will go. And knowing you, this quest will succeed." Tasia said quietly but reassuringly like the mother she was. "Now go ahead and get some sleep. I'll take first watch." Tasia added quietly placing a hand on Natalie's shoulder. Simon glanced at Natalie and slightly lifted his wing so she could sleep safely and protected. "Ken, go ahead and get some sleep. I'll make sure nothing comes to kill either of you." Tasia gave a reassuring smile. It wasn't the first time she had to take watch for a group of people and she wasn't going to let her daughter die.

What do you want from me?
Ken nodded as he exited his suit and let it go into standby. If anyone tried to touch it, it would wake Ken because of the link and that he was the only one compatible to it, so Kenneth felt at ease.

He laid next to Natalie and quickly fell asleep. It was a much longer day than any of them intended and it left him tired from all the things they've been doing today. He was, after all, only Human.

He looked at the sky a little bit before falling asleep. He slept soundly and dreamlessly and felt very warm and comfortable next to Natalie. Did she always exude that heat? He couldn't remember and didn't care much right now either.
Natalie fell asleep as soon as she laid down. She dreamed of when she was little. She was in the dark alley with her Mom, trying to escape from the Hunters. The Hunters didn't care if you were a Wrangler, Rogue, or even Human, they would kill you in a heartbeat. Then as soon as they got away, Tasia got stabbed by an escaped convict and she died in the dark alley. Natalie dreamed of crying next to her mothers body as it turned to ash. Natalie then found out that the convict was a werewolf so Natalie had vowed to hunt down every Supernatural so she became a Wrangler. That didn't last long. Suddenly the dream stopped. Natalie could feel the sun on her skin. She opened her eyes quietly to find Ken sleeping soundly next to her.
Ken noticed the slight breath and sunlight on his face, then raised two eyelids to see a nice sunny day.

He bounced up, stretched his body in various ways and had a look around the forest now that the day was bright. It was lush and filled with nature. He was happy to see the suit close to him too, looking just as it did the night before.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Natalie watched Ken quietly. "Well good morning." Natalie said then quietly and stood up. It felt good to have some sleep. Tasia glanced at Natalie. "Natalynn. Did you bring your bow? We may be staying in this spot for a while. So you may need to go hunting." Tasia asked, sharpening a stick with her dagger. "Mom, you're nervous. Fidgeting. Stop." Natalie said quietly then realized Tasia asked a question. "Yea I brought the bow. Just make sure Ken doesn't hurt himself." Natalie said then grabbed her bow and quiver from the saddle bags on Simon. "Well fine. I'll make sure he doesn't get hurt." Tasia said quietly. She wasn't particularly fond of Ken. "And make sure you don't hurt yourself either." Natalie added then walked into the forest.
Ken raised an eyebrow as he got into his suit, keeping his helmet with visor retracted for easier conversation.

"How exactly would I hurt myself? Trip on a rock?" He said in a slightly sarcastic playful tone.

He then let the helmet go over and his visor to bootup checks. All systems were running good and ready to go. He loaded his gun with very small caliber rounds that pierced straight through, so that they wouldn't need to remove a bullet from a animal body.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Natalie glanced at Ken. "Ken I think it would be best if I did this alone. Last time I hunted with someone, it didn't end too well." Natalie said quietly lowering her gaze to the ground. Tasia remembered the hunting incident and placed a hand on Ken's arm. "Trust me. It would be better if you stayed." Tasia said looking Ken straight in the eye. Natalie walked off with her bow slung over her shoulder and her quiver at her hip. 15 minutes of walking and she saw a group of deer. She quietly climbed a tree and pulled a Sniper shot on all of them. "Three deer. Good hunt so far." She muttered to herself as she pulled out her hunting net so she could drag the deer when she made her way back to the others.
"...She accidentally mistake a hunter for a deer or something?" He spoke aloud questioningly.

Ken decided to go a different direction to Nat to avoid getting possibly an arrow bounce off his armour and looked for any animals. After a while he noticed a wild boar, which with his shot he fired at right through the heart. It went straight through with a clean entry and exit. He carried the board back to camp to gut and cook it, then realised they would need to build a fire to cook the meat, so took some wood in the other arm while on his way back. Hunting was something he did often as it was a good way to esnure his suit worked among other things.
"Umm you could say something like that." Tasia said quietly when she heard Natalie coming back. Tasia walked up to Natalie and saw the deer. "Think you got enough? And headshots? Really? They look like Unicorns." Tasia muttered the last part with a playful smile. She helped Natalie bring the deer to the small clearing. Tasia cleaned and gutted all three while Natalie watched. Natalie formed a fireball in her hands and started to occupy herself with it. She got it to form into a bird, a rabbit and many other small animals.
Ken was busy gutting the boar after he let the logs out to make a fire. As he gutted them he used his visor to on the fly check for any careful details the naked eye might miss. Some may call it cheating but he said it was taking advantage of what he had. Because of that it was a quick and simple process.

"Well I got the wood, who of the two of you wants the honour to create a fire from it?"
Natalie glanced up from her fireball to the wood. She flicked the ball at the wood and it caught fire instantly. "Done." She said quietly and made another fireball and continued with her time killing. She made a horse and it pranced around through the air quietly. Natalie felt almost like she was disconnected at the moment. That dream was bugging her. The Wars are starting again. History is repeating itself. But this time, my mother will not die. It will have to be me... Natalie sighed ever so slightly and continued with her fireball.
Kenneth was cooking the boar over the fire and checking for directions for it to cook from at regular intervals. He wondered how this battle would turn out. Would he survive? He was only human, not a phoenix so if he died, it was game over.

It reminded him just how far away he was from Natalie, much as he wished to be closer. But that was it after all, he was only human. Eventually he would die and even if they got together he would only die later from either natural or unnatural causes and leave her alone. It pained him to do that.

Kenneth opened his visor when it said the boar was fully cooked and signed from his previous thoughts. He set the boar to the ground and using his plasma knife he swiftly and easily cut it up.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Natalie could tell that something was bothering Ken. She stood then instantly something became embedded in the ground near her feet. She crouched down to pick it up and saw it was an arrow. "We're under attack!" Natalie said then quietly drew one of her daggers and flipped her coin, making it a sword. "Show yourself!" Natalie shouted to the forest. Tasia pulled out her knife and scanned the woods for the archer. Suddenly a shadowed figure in a black cloak appeared on a branch nearby. "Tasia. You haven't introduced me to your friends." The archer said quietly. He had a bright smile and he jumped down and stood in front of Natalie. "Hello there. I'm Mason. I'm a friend of Tasia. And you are?" Mason said with a flashing smile. Natalie glanced at Tasia. "I'm Natalie Lancaster. Daughter of Anastasia Lancaster. State the reason why you tried to kill me." Natalie said with pure confidence and the look of a killer on her face.
Ken was eating on some of the pork and saw the newcomer. He was too absorbed in his thoughts and food to have noticed the arrows from where he sat.

He turned to where Mason stood and offered him some pork, he seemed friendly enough, even if he was a showoff with the arrow. Then again, its not like Ken never did with his suit. "Pork? About as fresh as you will ever get, unless you are into eating raw meat."

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Mason didn't like the man eating pork. "Wait daughter? Good job Tasia. And I only tried to "kill" you so I could make an appearance." Mason smiled quietly at Natalie. "Mother. Please explain for me. Or else I will kill him." Natalie continued with the killer look on her face. Tasia looked nervous. "This is Mason Jackson. A friend from my past. He's a Fallen Angel. Very good with the bow." Tasia said keeping her gaze on Natalie in case if she made a move to kill him. Natalie put her dagger and coin up but she kept her guard up. "You are terrible at making first impressions. Why are you here?" Natalie asked quietly looking Mason in the eye. "I've been following all of you for a while now. Wait Tasia isn't she the Rogue Leader?" Mason asked eyeing Natalie with curiosity. "Yes. I started the Rogue group." Natalie said relaxing slightly. "Well I am no threat to you then in this war. If you want my help, I will help." Mason said sweetly trying to woo Natalie. "Trust him Natalynn. He's a worthy ally." Tasia said quietly then glancing at Mason. A Fallen Angel? Wow. Thats cool. Wait Natalie. Stop. Be strong. Natalie kept her gaze on Mason. "Fine you may help us in this war. Only because my mother would kill me if I said no." Natalie said with a smile. Mason smiled then bowed like this was a time of King Arthur. "I pledge my allegiance to the Rogues. Thank you." Mason said then finally saw Simon. "A dragon?" He walked up to Simon, examining the mighty beast.

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