Rogue Wranglers [Inactive]

"Aaaaaand she's off. And still really beautiful. I'm jealous, I wish I had looks like hers."

He was looking into the sky watching at the magnificence of a Phoenix in flight, always a beautiful sight.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Natalie finally calmed down and landed, seconds before hitting the ground turning human again. "Well that felt good." She said walking around the bonfire, watching the flames. She looked at Ken. "Sorry. That's just the only way for me to release pent up energy." She said quietly, her gaze going to the ground. She walked off quietly, continuing to feel the heat of the flames. Why do I have to be so shy?
Ken walked with her, since she always looked lonely when human.

"There's no need to apologise. You look really beautiful when flying. It makes me happy to join the Rogues when I see you like that." He said the last chuckling slightly in a happy manner. It was true that he enjoyed watching her fly. Shame he could never ride on her back, he would end up with a burnt bum.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
"So you're saying I'm only pretty when I'm a fiery bird?" Natalie said with a mischievous smile on her face. Wait. He just said I was beautiful. Aww. Natalie walked towards her cabin even though she knew Ken was following. "So..." She started quietly and sat on the steps of her cabin. Awkwardness.... How do humans deal with this awkwardness? Its just.... Awkward.
Kenneth chuckled at the comeback, it was a good one. "Merely prettier with the flames emblazoned across you than you are usually."

He walked with her.

"I guess I'll see you then for work tomorrow. That is unless you want me in your cabin." He chuckled teasingly.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Natalie contemplated the offer even though she knew it was a joke. "Come on in." Natalie said teasingly, matching his tone. She smiled mischievously and opened the door. "Coming?" She asked over her shoulder as she walked in and plopped down on the couch. She had a TV in her living room, which she turned on and was then channel surfing.
Kenneth raised an eyebrow that she actually accepted the offer. The teasing manner was actually just a sure-fire way of escape if she rejected so he could brush it off as a joke.

He walked in and sat down on the couch, it has comfortable and you slightly sank into it, which he liked.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Natalie felt the couch sink a bit as he sat down. "So... What do you wanna watch?" Natalie asked absentmindedly. She was thinking about what just happened. He just called me beautiful. Many thoughts were racing through her mind all at once. Then the reason dawned on her like being hit by a train. Thats why he's always so nice. But how?
"Just any good criminal intellectual dram-"

He noticed Natalie's change in face expression.

Kenneth waved a hand in front of her, as she looked like she was in another world.

"Hello, anybody there? Or has the phoenix gone to hibernate?"

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Natalie vaguely noticed a hand moved in front of her face. "Huh? What? Oh I'm fine. Just... Thinking." She said coming back to the real world. She never realized how close they were right now. Now her shyness was making her feel claustrophobic. She got a sudden chill and she stood and made a fire, letting the flames lick her hands.
Kenneth chuckled "You do like having that fire whenever to release tension. I wish I could do something like that so easily. Most humans do things like self-harm, which I'd rather not do."

He laid back on the sofa, looking at Natalie. The TV was really boring compared to watching her, a human phoenix.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
"Well to me the fire is soothing. Calms me down. Even if fire is the most crazy and excited thing to ever exist. But that's normally how it is for Phoenix's." Natalie said sitting back down on the couch watching the TV. I miss Mother. She could help me with this. Natalie wanted to eat but she didnt know exactly what humans want. They always change what they want. Always. They can never stick to one thing forever.
Kenneth's stomach rumbled.

"I'm you have any food? I'll eat just about anything to be honest, I'm not a fussy eater at all." Ken chuckled while saying.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Well that answered my question. Natalie smiled then walked to the kitchen. Hmmmm.... Natalie's eyes scanned the cabinet and landed on a box of Cheerios. He poured him a bowl and she went to the fridge to get the milk. She brought him the bowl quietly and sat down next to him.
Ken raised an eyebrow. Cereal was something you usually had in the mornings, but he guessed it will be fine.

As he ate he spoke "So do you eat standard human food or do Phoenix's have their own form of nutrition?"

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
"Human food. But don't make us mad. We'll claw your eyes out." Natalie said with a dazzling smile then suddenly she heard a loud crash. Like something trying to get into the camp. Then suddenly on of the guards burst into the cabin. "Miss, there is a monster attacking the camp gates." The guard said and ran off after she nodded. "Sorry Ken." Natalie said then ran through the door to the gate. She pulled out her coin and flipped it, it turning into the longsword. The camp went deadly silent as the guards waited for her order to open the gates.
Ken ran after her signalling the suit. It being in camp it swiftly came, so he jumped and the suit along with and he came inside.

The visor was displaying suit info, displaying confirmations of suit readiness.

The systems engaged and were ready to be used and he slid out the gun as a naked pistol ready for use. He pulled out mods for it to act like a shotgun, the mods latching to the gun when placed on it. He was ready to load it with different ammunition dependent on the scenario.

"Alright, let's see what we got Natalie. Whatever it is, its pretty brave to literally gatecrash our nice chat."

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Natalie gave the order and the gates slowly opened. Suddenly a medium sized dragon walked through calmly. Natalie drew her breath as she recognized the dragon. "Simon. You're back." Natalie whispered as she walked up to the dragon, her weapon back to a regular coin. She held out her hand and the dragon sniffed it remembering her scent. The dragon laid down on the ground looking up at Natalie with pleasing eyes. "How did you find me?" She whispered looking at her old pet.
"...Simon? to explain?"

Kenneth removed the mods and slid his gun back into the suit as immediate danger seemed to have cleared. It wasn't often one got to see a dragon, less so a friendly one like this.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
"This is Simon. My childhood pet. But much.... Bigger." Natale explained eyeing the familiar dragon quietly. She missed him but her childhood was coming back. And that's not good. Its happening again. Simon only shows up when he knows I need him. There will be a war to either end the world or save it. I need to leave. Now. Natalie whispered something to Simon and he eyed her with question. Natalie just noticed he had a saddle on his back. "Did you brig someone? Or something?" She asked so quietly only Simon heard her. Simon looked into air and Natalie mimicked and saw something she thought she would never see in her life. A Phoenix.
"...That another Phoenix? Today is an interesting day indeed. Dragons AND Phoenix's."

He had the helmet on his suit retract with the visor so he could see it with his own two eyes. It was an impressive sight to behold.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
The Phoenix swooped and landed in front of Natalie and it changed to a woman. Slightly taller and more beautiful. She had slightly darker hair than Natalie, making the woman's look brownish red. The woman smiled quietly. "Natalie. I finally found you again." She woman said sweetly and she smiled. "Mother?" Natalie asked curiously, feeling like she knew this woman.
Ken raised an eyebrow. He was still in his suit but the helmet remained retracted.

"Well she looks the part truth be told. I'm Kenneth, nice to meet ya." He let out a hand for shaking.

While for him not as attractive as Natalie, she still had a certain charm around her, of a more mature nature.
Her mother smiled warmly. "Hello. I am Anastasia. But you can call me Tasia." Tasia said confidently, a quality never inherited. "Mother. Why are you here? How are you here?" Natalie had maybe a million questions for her mother. Suddenly it clicked. Anastasia means she will rise again. The Phoenix rises again. How could I be so stupid? Tasia smiled quietly at her daughter. "Well Natalynn, I rose again and what surprised me was I found Simon again. He had grown so big. But the reason I'm here is that there is a major war about to be started. You know that the Wranglers are mostly made up of humans. Well they convinced the rest of the human population to rise up against the Supernatural world. And now you and I must recruit more supernaturals. Since you have a fairly large size here, we might actually have a chance of winning. Do you still have the coin I gave you?" Tasia explained to her daughter. "Okay one. Don't call me Natalynn. Two. You left me for like over maybe 400 years. Then you just randomly find me? Three, maybe I wanna play with Simon for a bit. I haven't seen him in a long while." Natalie explained then broke out into a smile and hugged her mother quietly.
Ken wondered why she didn't take the hand, but didn't make a deal out of it.

He simply listened to the conversation and bore witness to a moment he felt quite personal in sharing. Should he be here for this kind of thing?

What did make him unhappy though was hearing the news and spoke up.

"Now sorry to interrupt your moment, but if I heard this right, are you suggesting I'm on the few humans there are that actually supports supernaturals? I find my mind stretching trying to believe that."

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?

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