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Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

Vivienne Sinclair ♦ ♦ Experiment 0918

Her head filled pain, she unleashed a painful illusion onto Lexa. Making her feel unbearable pain. From her insides being ripped out of her to a burning sensation. She can sense Lexa's distressed of the pain she is feeling. "I forgot tell you, I create realistic illusions," Vivienne said under her breath.
Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 ||

My third power kicked in almost simultaneously as I felt the slightest bit of pain; then none. I glance at Vivienne, "While I didn't put you down, I did get some of your power. I forgot to tell you, I manipulate superpowers."
Vivienne Sinclair ♦ ♦ Experiment 0918

"How nice," she said and lunges at Lexa. Grabbing her face and smashing it to the ground.

i observe

cleo lott / / 0667

i stand up & i smirk at the fight cus is the best thing ive prob seen so far
Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 ||

Wrong fucking move... Wrong fucking move, I think to myself. My head is bleeding, and scratched up, and for a moment I'm frozen and can't think, and then, I glance at Cleo standing not too far away. I draw from her powers remembering how she burned herself then healed, and feel my head healing. I then lung back at Vivienne, knocking us both down, as I deliver a brutally painful punch straight in her face. My head is still healing, blood all over the place.
Yuri Exp X 0001

Yuri wuld look at the fight as he is still kinda dizzi but atleats some action
Vivienne Sinclair ♦ ♦ Experiment 0918

She pushes Lexa off her and pulls her by the hair, throwing her on the ground. Then kicked her down with all her might. Her empath powers were kicking in, sensing over confidence with a bit of pride beaten down from Lexa. Vivienne kicks Lexa some more and then punches her in the face numerous times.

i get a lil angry cus this is the opposite of what i want but it is good for training & practice

cleo lott / / 0667

i make it cloudy so its a lil darker & cooler
Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 ||

The punches were brutal and painful, and my nose has started to bleed. In full-flesh anger, I roll around, still drawing from Cleo's power, and throw myself back into combat. After practices with the dummy, I was decently skilled. While still on the ground, I knock Vivienne's feet out from under her, I get back up, and agressivly kick her side, so hard that I'm able to send her skimming a little ways off the floor. I then re-pounce, and continue the punching and thrashing.
Magdalena Eastwood ◇ 2113

I stop what I'm doing once I hear the commotion and I jog over to where the fight is going on. My eyes dart from Jameson, to Cleo, Yuri, and the two girls. "Holy shit." I wonder what the hell started it.
Vivienne Sinclair ♦ ♦ Experiment 0918

Vivienne sputtered out some blood and rubs her side. She's angry now. Interesting. She lunges forward and gives Lexa whirlwind kick to the jaw sending her flying a couple steps away. She then tackles her to the ground and punches her a few more times. Vivienne too was starting to get a bit angry. Her empath powers were feeding off the anger of both her and Lexa. This is it, she thought and felt a surge of strength go through her body to her fist. My first step in mastering empathetic mimicry. With this newfound strength she lands a strong punch to Lexa's face feeling the a bit of bone crushed under her fist. Still needs some work...but at least I got it.
Vivienne Sinclair ♦ ♦ Experiment 0918

She was about to give another blow and gets off of Lexa, after hearing Jameson's voice.

OOC: g2g. attending a party tomorrow. Need some rest.
Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 ||

I stumble back from the blow, but still drawing from Cleo, it pops back into place. My one advantage- I'm still healed. My anger and lack of morality take over, as I again, lunge for Viviene, and go after the already pained side. I attack it again and again, refusing to stop. I knock her down, and am on top, throwing punch after punch directly to her face, hearing her nose crunch, at the same time, I am using my knees to thrust pain into her stomach.


cleo lott / / 0667

"finally" i go in & muriel puts breakfast on the table
Vivienne Sinclair ♦ ♦ Experiment 0918

Again pushes Lexa off her and puts her into a headlock. "Didn't you hear Jameson. He said enough sunshine."

OOC: bye!
Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 ||

I easily wiggle my way out, and am standing across from her. "Just because you couldn't manipulate me, doesn't mean you need to go bat shit crazy and attack me. I think I've had enough practice for the day, now if you excuse me, I'm going to have coffee, and eat breakfast. Unless you want to attack me over bagels and eggs, I'm out" I state angrily and stalk off towards the kitchen. I sit down, and grab coffee and breakfast. where I am sitting across from Cleo.

ooc: omfg this so funny i'm laughing so hard rn
Yuri Exp. 0001

Yuri wuld get up as he is not hungry and still dizzi as he wuld head to his room and sleep to get that dizzines of his head

(Gona go aswell need to get some rest from sleepover goodnight all)
Magdalena Eastwood ◇ 2113

"You're doing an amazing job with teaching teamwork, Jameson," I remark with a caustic tone. I head inside and pick up some hot tea. "What was that about?" I ask, referring to the fight with Vivienne, as I sit myself on a nearby counter, casually crossing my legs.
Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 ||

" I was practicing my mind imprisonment,and she got really mad and tried to use her mind manipulation or whatever,but then my superpower manipulation power kicked in, so I drew in some of her power so it didn't work on me, and she got really mad and lunged at me. I was just defending myself" I say in an innocent, yet sinsire tone as I sip my coffee
cleo lott / / 0667

"i thought i heard her say tht she was better than u also" i eat a bagel cus i think i need to diet
Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 ||

I shrug my shoulders, "Well, clearly, she didn't beat me at that fight, but whatever she wants to think, she cant. By the way, I fucking love your power- to be able to heal like that all the time?! That's crazy. I love it." I shove a fork of scrambeled eggs into my mouth. mmm
Magdalena Eastwood ◇ 2113

"That sounds... really ignorant." I sip my tea. "Hopefully she won't go after you again." I slide off the counter and walk towards the doorway, careful with my drink.
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