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Realistic or Modern Rogue Experiments

cleo lott / / exp 0667

"um u stole it out there so its pree much ur own power" "yea if she goes after u then she cray"
Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 ||

"Yeah... but if you weren't near me I don't think it would have worked.. so uh thanks. And yeah, but it's whatever. I'm going to go take a shower, and try to get all the dry blood outta my hair and off my body. See ya" I say as I leave the kitchen and go to the bathroom to take my shower.

OOC: i'm leavin now bc tired so ya byebye see u all in later am
cleo lott / / 0667

"wait lexa gurl. u know........... when u got here last night she was walkin around & she went in her room & hers is right by mine & she was talkin to herself & sayin how nasty ur face looks & she sounded really jealous cus i think she wants to be the hottest chick here" i sound v believable with my lie.......... just tryin to start shit cus its fun
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Magdalena Eastwood ◇ 2113

I raise my eyebrows a bit and decide to not get any further involved in this. I don't know any of these people or the facts. I leave the kitchen and take myself and tea to my room.
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cleo lott / / exp 0667

"ok but it was soooooooooo rude i was even super offended cus she has said soooo much shit about everyone" i get a lil annoyed & i try to find someone who will listen & believe my believable rumors.
Damien Greyson // Experiment 0010

I walk over from the woods I had learned a thing or two by my own means of seeing what these powers could do.. I look at Jameson and scoff "see, even I can figure my powers without you" I said opening the door without touching it "teamwork... sounds more like a disaster to me" I added heading inside
Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 ||

"Oh, well that was rude of her. I don't like her, and I think it was a little crazy that she tried to attack me."I state to Cleo, then walk out for my shower. Once in the shower, I scrub off all the blood, mud, and other dirt from my body. I finish, and I go to my room and change into a loose white shirt, and black athletic leggings. I walk out and try to find the rest of the experiments, to get more answers. I see Damien, and walk over to him. "I'm Lexa, I don't think we've met yet" I say nicely.
Yuri Exp. X 0001

Yuri wuld wake up from his small nap and he is not dizzi anymore only thing he feels is his back hurting from rasing that truck.I wuld change mi cloath to a long sleev shirt,and some Black jeans and wuld go to the kitchen and get a glass of water
OOC: Sorry, feel asleep..

Emiele Santana | Experiment 0077 |

I snicker at the fight that went on as I went inside. "Apparently, she's a super therapist. Something like Empathy." I say. I take my usual counter seat, grabbing a fruit. "Seriously, we need some bonding or stuff. I suggest sleepover. Guys with guys, girl with girls. We'd still be in bed, but ya know, one room, if Jameson wants to get smart." I say.
Lexa Grey || experiment 0017 ||

"Well, she can't resist my memory manipulation, because those aren't illusions." I laugh
Damien Greyson // Experiment 0010

I look over at her "Damien." I add with a straight face.. "0010" I mumble before opening the door as I gently move my hand to the side
Damien Greyson // Experiment 0010

"Magnetic Field Manipulation also known as Controling Electromagnetism" I add "yours?"
Lexa Grey || experiment 0017||

"Mind imprisonment, memory implantation, and superpower manipulation" I say back.
Vivienne Sinclair ♦ ♦ Experiment 0918

Vivienne walks into the kitchen grabbing a toasted bagel from the rack. That Lexa girl is way to overly confident, it will be her downfall, she thought and climbs up the stairs to her room, sensing hatred of her around her. Well...isn't that sweet. What sob story did she say or lie to get everyone worked up about me.
Damien Greyson // Experiment 0010

"not bad" I added walking inside the room I was sleeping inside I then pull out certain nails and what not and make them levitate above my hand. Eventually I do some gentle motion with my fingers which made the nails slowly spin..
Lexa Grey || experiment 0017||

I stand in the doorway, watching him work his powers. I raise my eyebrows, impressed, then walk away. I wasn't hungry, I wasn't dirty, but I was bored. I go in my room and sit on my bed, and proceed to close my eyes and think about what has happened these last two days.
Vivienne Sinclair ♦ ♦ Experiment 0918

Vivienne walks into the bathroom washing out the dry blood from her hair and wraps a towel around herself. She then grabs the first aid kit in the cabinet behind her and fixed up her nose. Once finished, Vivienne walks back to her room and got dressed in her sweats.
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Yuri Exp. 0001

I wuld go to the Stabel and prosid to train as i dint seem nothing too do,i wuld train with mi electrokinesis as i havent used it yet but i wuld shoot lighning bolts at the dummis and miss every single 1 of them
Damien Greyson // Experiment 0010

my stomach eventually growls "damn it..." I say as the nails fall to the ground. I then head to the kitchen and find something to eat. I take a bite from a simple sandwich and look around still thinking on what could had happened to us
Vivienne Sinclair ♦ ♦ Experiment 0918

She threw the towel across her room and lay on her bed pulling out a journal to write down her progress.

Today I met a girl, her name was Lexa. She has mental powers like me, however she has too much pride on her shoulders holding onto that kind of power. We got into a fight, and I managed to expand a bit my empath powers. I absorbed the emotion around me and channeled it into a power. Amazing! The first step to empathetic mimicry, I can't wait for tomorrow.

Vivienne jotted down last few things of the day and placed the journal underneath her mattress.

OOC: Heading off again. Bro needs comp
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Emiele Santana | Experiment 0077 |

I hop off the counter, grab a mask, stuff it in my pocket, and head to my room. I need to be alone for a while. I hop out of my window, leaving a manipulation of me snoring. "That should do it. I don't want them to think I was abandoned. Going to the edge of the woods, I look back at the house. Everything feels so tense but peaceful. I need to work on making my powers go longer. I make an eagle, a mouse, elephant, and tiger. The Elephant lasted three minutes. the tiger four and a half, the eagle seven, and the mouse thirteen. The smaller, the longer.

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