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Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

Margo grinned and followed Julia happily, tempted to open her second Snapple of water but deciding to wait. She was a light weight, which certainly saved her a lot of money drug and alcohol wise. "Which, by default, means there is also the potential for treasure." Margo told Nate with a grin. "We aren't playing in the lake right?" Margo asked suddenly. "Because, uh, I can't swim." She said sheepishly. "Sink like a rock, every time. Although I guess dodge ball in a lake would be kind of stupid huh? Or would it be genius?" She contemplated.

Celina followed, keeping quiet for once. She didn't like Margo, but everyone else seemed to, so she would only hurt herself by continuing to give Margo a hard time.
"Nah, there's a big clearing on the edge of the lake. It's where all the parties are, usually. The Rockwell staff know it exists, but surprisingly we get busted very infrequently." Julia explained as she led the way through the forest. It was a surprisingly quick walk to the lake, it sure felt like a marathon when you were stumbling through the forest nearly wasted. Julia had a lot of good memories of the lake, she also had a lot of bad ones, but she pushed the thoughts out of her head quickly.

"You can't swim?" Nathan echoed, and Margo nodded sheepishly. "Sorry, it just seems so odd to me that anyone doesn't know how to swim because I grew up along the ocean in California. Don't worry, there will be no drowning tonight. Nathan Hunter, slightly impaired lifeguard, on duty." he grinned.
Locke thanked Trent for the bottle. "I'm more of a grape person, but I would never turn down a gift from a friend." That being said, Locke greeted the rest of the group as they arrived. Kenzie wasn't there, but she'd probably appear soon. He'd probably re-text her in an hour on two.

"I should have assumed so, but I actually thought we were watching the dodgeball game...oh well."

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Margo grinned, grateful. "Thanks, dude. I'll steer clear of the water though. I don't wish to meet my maker just yet." She told him and laughed at Locke. "Locke the Jock wanted to just watch? I'm disappointed." She said with a grin. "Hey, no one hear from Kenzie?" Margo asked.

"I'll text her again." Celina said and fired off a quick text to Kenzie. @Ryia "Hey gorgeous, we are at that clearing by the lake playing dumb dodge ball. Get your ass out here so I'm not alone with all the athletes." And she sent it.
Locke grinned. His knuckles were twitching already. His first sportslike activity since he had arrived at Rockwell.

"Oh. I'll play. There is little difference between passing and throwing balls to the face. In fact...it seems I can't wait."

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"No problem, dude." Trent looked out at the lake, which was certainly beautiful. "Man, this is nice." He said aloud, to no one in particular. Trenton nudged Margo with his elbow and pointed along the coast. "How cool would it be to ride your horse along the shoreline?"
"Get out of my head." Margo grinned, looking up at him. "Teams? Kenz can always jump in. How many do we have?" She asked, counting. "We'll have an uneven amount until Kenzie comes. And if we're doing home bases, where are they? Julia, Cole, handle it." She laughed, wiping her hands of the matter. She always seemed to lead things wherever she went. But this time she was new, and she would rather have the seasoned veterans handle it. She plopped down on the grass and laid on her back, looking up at the cloudy, moonlit night. She let out a low whistle. "Don't see stars like this in Boston." She murmured.

"You're from Boston? Say car." Celina said with a laugh. She loved Boston accents, they were so weird.

"Paaahk the caaahh in haaaahvaaaahd yaaaaad." Margo droned with a chuckle. "My accent isn't as bad. Both my parents are from New York. The Boston twang never quite stuck. But you, you're from Long Island. My sister moved there, the acrylic nails, the hair, the way you say coffee. You scream Long Island." Margo accused her and Celina raised her hand. "Guilty. Leave it to the theater people to have an ear for accents." Celina grinned, surprising herself by being kind of nice, for her.
Kenzie looked down at her phone as it vibrated in her pocket. She slipped it out and was instantly greeted by the message from Celina. Actually, it looked like she had missed a few messages, including one from Margo inviting her to the same thing. She didn't really want to at the moment, but if everyone else was there she might as well. She quickly got to responding. I'll be there in a few minutes. Don't get too beaten up without me. She laughed at the idea of Celina playing dodgeball, and only laughed harder when she pictured the girl getting nailed with a ball. That would be a sight to see, and definitely one worth going for. She turned to head towards the lake.
"Hey guys!" Cole waved as the group trudged towards him in their dark coloured clothing. Once they were out in the open of the clearing it was relatively easy to discern faces, but dark enough that from a distance it would be hard to see who you were aiming at. Margo cued him to figure out teams. "Hmm... So we have me, Locke, Trenton, and Nathan for guys and Margo, Celina, Julia and soon Kenzie for girls." he thought aloud, making the teams even was hard not knowing everyone's athletic abilities.

"Okay, how about Trenton, Me, Margo and Kenzie on one and Locke, Nathan, Celina and Julia on the other? Each team gets to hide their own 'flag'.It has to be visible, so It can't be buried underground, sunk in the water, or out of vertical jumping distance in a tree. If you get hit with a ball you have to return to your base... and take a drink." he grinned. "If you catch the ball thrown at you- the thrower is out, no aiming above the neck and yeah, all else is legal. How does that sound?" he asked.
Margo grinned and nodded, hopping up and jogging in place. "Awesome. Guess I don't get to kick your butt after all. You're lucky." Margo grinned at Trenton. "Pinnies for flags?" Margo asked, snatching one and grinning at

"Kenzie will be here soon, she just texted me. Oh, there she is!!" Celina said, waving as Kenzie jogged over. "You're on their team." Celina told her sullenly.
"Celina, stop conversing with the enemy. We will win or die trying. Let's just strategize until Kenzie arrives" Julia proclaimed, hooking her arm around Celinas and shepherding Locke and Nathan off. She paused to grab five pinnies, one for each of them and one for the flag. "Alright. We need a good place for the flag. Any suggestions?" she asked, once they were well out of earshot. She looked over at Cole, Trenton and Margo, sizing them each up.

Cole grinned as his sister took off, there was nothing he liked more than beating her. In all honesty though, Julia was going to have to try pretty hard to overcome Celina's non-athleticism. Cole thought he had made the teams relatively fair. "First thing you all need to know is not to underestimate Nathan's speed, Julia's arm and Celina`s sneakiness." he informed Trenton and Margo.
"Speed. Arm. Sneakiness. Got it." Margo grinned. "I ran track for a bit, until I realized it was stupid and horses were faster. But I've still got it." Margo told him. "Plus, I'm a smaller target. Trent, you stick out like a sore thumb." she grinned. "Knowing them, they'll probably have Celina guarding the flag. Won't think we will get that far. I am also really good at climbing trees, no one will think to look up if you want me to be defense." Margo murmured. "As for the flag, Cole you know these woods better than us."

Celina sighed. "But Kenzie IS here, see?" she said, pointing as the girl walked across the field. "Alright, what do you want me to do?" she asked.
"We need to figure out where they're hiding their flag. Since the rule is that you have to return to base to take a shot if you get hit, the best way to do that is to send in one person to tail someone as they go to return to base. Celina, I think that's a good job for you. Nathan and Locke, stay together and hopefully you can find one of them before they you. Celina, hang back a bit and hide, then try to follow whoever gets hit as close to the base as possible. Once you get a general idea where it is, we can plan an attack. It'll probably be easiest to send someone around behind to snatch it, but we'll have to be quick!" she ordered, surprised at how authoritative she could be when it came to a competition.

"Aye aye captain!" Nathan grinned, high fiving Locke.

"I'll run defense back here for now, but we still need a place for the flag." she said, turning on the spot to try and find the best place. What about hanging it off that log by the water? They'll have to run out into the open to get near it and it will make it impossible for them to sweep in behind?" she asked.

"Seems like a decent place to me." Nathan shrugged.

"True." Cole said, thinking of a good place. "Wait, I've got an idea, see how on the other side of the clearing the lake dips further inland? Over there the beach gets really rocky and on the other side is a dock. It's a classic Rockwell make out spot, but hopefully it'll be clear today. They won't be able to see that part of the beach from here, but if we put it on the end of the dock and man you in a tree near it, hopefully you can see people approaching well enough to attack them from above, we'll have to get you some balls quickly though to do so. If we all sprint in and hopefully get you two, you can sprint back to the dock and find a tree to hide in." he explained to Margo.

"Trent, I figured you and I would be the best offense. Hopefully we can just power through them to get to the flag." Cole grinned. @Ryia "Hey Kenzie, are you ready for this?" he asked with a smile.
Margo nodded with a grin. "I'll hide the flag and climb the nearby tree. It will let me see farther too if anyone is coming." Margo agreed. "I won't be getting drunk though if I'm never on the other side to get hit." she laughed. "Though I guess

I shouldn't drink if I am both climbing trees and near water." she grinned.

Celina sighed. "Alright. I'll do my best. Rather sneak around than get hit like you people." she shrugged.
"If I catch the ball they're out, right? Just leave that to me." Locke stretched his arms upward, getting himself ready for the ball massacre. After so many games next to Tom back in school, he was more than capable of catching flying balls out of nowhere. He was, however, kind of sad. Kenzie had been assigned to the other team, and he had been dragged away without the slightest chance of a casual greeting.

"Guess talking will have to wait for a bit. Hope she doesn't dissapoint."
Trent nodded at Cole's plan. "Hit em' hard and fast. I like it, good offensive tactic. How about we both flank em from either side? Here..." Trenton grabbed a stick and started drawing a diagram in the sand, his years of football experience coming into play.

"Okay, so here's you, and here's me. We're on the far left and right of where they'll be. We'll charge dead ahead, and at the last moment-" He crossed the lines over- "We cross paths and do a bait and switch. Sound alright?"
Kenzie waved to everyone as she got close, but went over to her assigned team almost immediately. Once she got there, it seemed like they were already talking strategy. Maybe a bit much for her, thinking this was totally casual, but she could get into it. She heard the question and gave a determined nod.

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be, I guess."

Again, sports weren't her thing, but she'd do her best. As the guys talked tactics like this, she turned to look at Margo with a smile. "Hey again, sorry I was late!"
Margo smiled and shrugged. "No big thaaanngg, girl. Let the boys talk their strategy. I am assuming you'll be defensive here with me. Men tend to like their women to be kept at home." she joked with a wink. "The flag is going to go at the end of that dock there. I am going to be in that tree right near it. I'll have some balls, but mainly I am there for look out purposes. Why don't you hide a little under the dock, and when you hear me yell and hear feet running above you, jump out and nail 'em." Margo grinned. She could certainly talk strategy too.
Having spent years at the school, she immediately knew which dock Margo was talking about. She also knew well that she could hide under it; she's done it before for various reasons. "I like it, sounds easy enough. Let them do all the real work, just pop out when I'm needed." She looked back at the dock just for conformation, then nodded. "I can do that."

Kenzie then looked over at the other team. She laughed to herself when she saw Celina on it, she was invited by celina to keep her company but it seemed like that's the opposite of what she'd be doing. She also saw Locke, who she took the time to wave to, hoping she'd catch his eye.
Locke spotted Kenzie waving at him in the corner of his eye. They were momentarily enemies, but a little wave back couldn't hurt.

Of course, after waving, he gave her a big grin. A thumbs down...and passed said thumb across his neck. Friend time was later, he was pumped for some amicable dodgeball.
"Alright, are you guys ready?" Julia yelled over to the others after it looked like Kenzie had been assigned her role. Trenton and Cole looked up from a complicated dirt drawing. "You know... if you boys are done drawing pictures." she teased.

"So Celina, you essentially want to pretend it's opposite day. You want to avoid being the centre of attention, not catch everyone's eye and be the unsung hero of the game." Nathan joked, counting the list off on his fingers. "Locke and I will do all the hard work." Nathan grinned, not entirely sure whether what he said was a compliment or insult, or even which he was hoping she would take it as.
Celina rolled her eyes. "Dick." she muttered, but nodded and sighed. "Lets get this over with." she grumbled.

Margo nodded. "Boys, save the finger paint to show to your moms later! It's earn your manhood time!" she shouted, bouncing back and forth between her feet and grabbing their flag, ready to go. "Remember to run back and show me your balls." Margo said with a wink at Trent and Cole.
"The opposition seems to be ready. Shall we kick ass or what?" Locke was one stretching his legs. And on that note, he was more than ready to make the other team need some leg stretching of their own. Despite his mild demeanor, he was a bit obsessively competitive. Just a little bit. Hopefully it wouldn't be taken the wrong way, he just hated holding back.
Nathan grinned, casually stretching his arms towards the dusty grey sky. "We can't start the game without an inspirational pep talk guys!" Nathan countered, "Here, I'll do it." he said, clearing his throat

"Roughly fifteen minutes ago, a team was born from near strangers." Nathan started, dramatically

"Celina and I have known you since Ninth grade Nate." Julia interjected

"Like I said, these four people from totally different worlds were united and a team emerged that was, in the words of Aristotle, stronger that the sum of its parts, the synergy was obvious and they quickly rose the ranks to greatness, that team ladies and gentleman, is ours."

"... the game hasn't started, Nate." Julia sighed, rolling her eyes

Nathan continued, unphased "Now here they are, one short drunken game of dodgeball from being champions. The stakes are high and glory awaits. To quote the great Troy Bolton, 'This is the last time to get it right. This is the last chance to make it all night. We gotta show what we're all about, work together. This is the last chance to make our mark. History will know who we are. This is the last game so make it count. It's now or never. The way we play tonight is what we leave behind. It all comes down to right now it's up to us. So what are we gonna be? T-E-A-M Team! Gotta work it out turn in on!" He said completely seriously

"Great moments are born from great opportunity, and that's what you have here tonight, boys. That's what you've earned here tonight. One game; if we played them ten times, they might win nine. But not this game, not tonight." (Herb Brooks) Nathan said in a nearly perfect Southern accent

Julia couldn't help but grin at Nathan's many movie references and memory of sports quotes.

"Let's not forget the wisest words of our era 'It’s not whether you get knocked down; it’s whether you get up.' (Vince Lombardi), "Do or do not, there is no try" (Yoda) "Can't means 'don't want to' (9th Grade Gym Teacher), "You miss 100% of the shots you never take" (Wayne Gretzky) , "it is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities" (Albus Dumbledore), "there's no I in team" and, most importantly, "If you're going to become true dodgeballers, then you've got to learn the five d's of dodgeball: dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge!" (Dodgeball)

"In summary," he finished strongly "we're all in this together, when we stand, hand in hand, we can make our dreams come true! Go Team!" he shouted, pumping his fist in the air.

By this point, Julia had broken down into a fit of laughter and the few of the group,who were unamused just stood there shaking their heads.

"Can we get to the game now Hunter?" Cole shouted and Nathan agreed. The two teams lined up at opposite ends of the clearing, each player was at a varying level of readiness- from braced for a quick start to slouching with their arms crossed, and you could tell that everyone was mentally going over the plans in their mind.

"On my mark" Cole said "3... 2... 1... Dodgeball!" he yelled and the two teams surged forward in a somewhat coordinated group. Cole watched as Trenton outran everyone to be the first to claim a ball, Nathan and Margo were a good match for second. He grabbed one for himself and started kicking balls back towards the team. Cole quickly grabbed two from the ground, "Here Margo" he called, and tossed one of the balls as soon as she was watching. By this point almost everyone had grabbed a ball, but no one had dared to relinquish any by taking a shot at someone.
Margo ran with the balls, then pondered over how to get them in the tree. "Kenzie!" she whispered loudly, then clambored the tree and made Kenzie throw them to her while she was up there. "Thanks doll. You're gorgeous." she said with a wink and her best Celina impression.

Celina sighed and waited.... And waited. She had managed to sneak up and grab one ball, but just one. Well she needed to follow someone back so in the mean time, she would guard the flag. She hid in a berry bush and waited... And waited...

@Emem, that post rocked lol
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