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Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

@AngieG - Lol, glad you appreciated it!

Cole looked around to see that everyone had disappeared into the dark forest. He hoped that Margo had made it back to the dock with the flag with no troubles. As he left the safety of the clearing he thought about how much more difficult it was going to be to find people in the dark than he anticipated. He jogged along a deer path for a while without ever seeing anyone and thought about how embarrassing it would be if he was lost! He decided after nearly five minutes of silence that there was no way that his sister's team was staked this far out in the forest, so he doubled back towards the lake. He was watching for any signs of people along the beach when he almost literally, fell on top of Celina, who was hiding in some thick bushes.

"Aghh..." Cole yelled, as he tripped and fell to the ground, which obviously wasn't the best way to be subtle.

"Nathan, Locke:INTRUDER!" Julia yelled from near the shoreline.
Trenton raced a short distance away from Cole, keeping close, but not so close that he would be spotted. Which proved to be perfect, as Cole tripped over someone as he was doubling back to the lake, eliciting a cry of alarm from Julia, informing Nathan and Locke to his presence. A perfect distraction. He raced around the sounds and sprinted near Julia's voice, bursting out of the bushes and onto the shoreline. With a leap and a shot that would've made Manning proud, Trenton jumped up and hurled a dodgeball at Julia's unsuspecting back. He saw a flash of colour on a nearby log- the flag! - and sprinted towards it, vaulting over the log with one hand and grabbing the flag with the other. "Apologies, Jules!' He shouted gleefully over his shoulder as he sprinted back into the woods along the shoreline, making a beeline for the dock where his team awaited.
"...Nate, check on Cole. I'll stay watching for other intruders."

And lo and behold, as he went to quickly check on the flag he spotted Trenton making a mad dash for it. He didn't get the time to shoot before he took it, but he had pre-emptively started running towards his escape route.

It was hard, getting a clear shot , given the stray branches. But he was close enough that he only needed a small opening. With the precision and swiftness of a pro basketball pass, Locke hurled a ball towards Trent's direction!

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"Ah!" Celina yelled, then to her own surprise she burst into laughter and lightly touched Cole with her dodge ball. "Got you." she said with a grin, trying to wiggle out from under him. When she got up she gave him her hand to help him. "You alright?" she asked. She herself had been scratched by a few branches, but it was nothing a bit of foundation wouldn't cover.

Margo could see Trent booking it towards them. "Trent run run Nate is right behind you!!!" she shouted, then with the precision that only years of stupid softball could provide, she found a clearing in her tree branches and whipped the ball at Nate. It soared through the air and as Nate's ball connected with Trent, her ball connected to Nate. Oh well. A split second earlier and maybe she could have saved him.
Trent was getting closer and closer to his team, loving the feel of running through the forest, feeling the wind racing against him- it felt good to get his legs moving. He suddenly heard Margo yelling at him, and as he turned his head to face the danger, he felt a dodgeball hit his back, thrown by Nate, who promptly was hit in the chest by another well-aimed dodgeball. "Noooo!" He cried dramatically, falling towards the ground with an ungraceful thump he looked up at Margo and choked out a whisper. "You avenged my death, oh nobly painted warrior, fleet of foot and strong of arm. Do not...*cough cough* let my quest... be in vain... *cough* take the flag! Fly! Fly you fools!" He tossed up the flag near Margo as he laughed at himself.
Margo damn near fell out of the tree trying to catch the flag and balance her dodge ball. She threw the ball on the ground and tucked and rolled out of the tree, of course that didn't work well. She landed with a thump on her back and knocked the wind out of herself. When she could breathe again she laughed and staggered to stand up and ran to the docks with the flag. "We got one!" she screamed across to the other team, then she did a little victory dance on the dock which included but was not limited to, the running man, the cabbage patch, and of course a few Elvis moves.
"Apparently me, literally, stumbling onto you and getting hit just won us the game." Cole grinned, brushing some dirt off of his shirt after Celina had helped him up. "Sorry about that, though." he added, he felt a trickle of blood and realized he had a few scratches from falling through the bushes, one on his neck seemed to be the worst. He wiped the blood off with the hem of his shirt and he and Celina walked onto the beach to join the others. It was nearly pitch black now, so Cole was careful to step high to avoid tripping on tree roots. It was a bit brighter on the beach, so that you could mostly recognize everyone, even at a distance.

Julia was fuming, mostly annoyed with herself for losing focus and allowing Trent to steal the flag. Locke and Nathan had made a valiant effort to save the flag, but failed when Margo flew out of the tree like Tarzan and sprinted like Usain Bolt back to their base.

"Well shucks, why'd I waste an epic pre-victory speech on you losers." Nathan teased his team. "This must be the worst drinking game I've ever played, no one even had to take a shot it was over so quickly!" he sighed, finally reaching the stash of alcohol and gatorade in the log at their base. He dug around in the dark until he found a beer and flicked it open. "I guess it's only fair to offer you all a drink for a job well done." He said to the other team.
Locke chuckled. Can't win em all, after all. It was a shame, however, that it had all been over with so soon.

"You're just spot on. I'm not even thirsty enough for gatorade. Although I don't get drinking games, frankly. People who win and don't require to take shots just end up...drunk up their asses anyways."

Locke shrugged and took some time to look at the beach. It had been way too long since he had been in one. Would he be judged too harshly for making a sand castle?

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Margo grinned. "You lot are accepting defeat then?" she said with a grin, walking to join the others. She stretched and winced. "Agh." she said, peeling up the back of her shirt and revealing blood running down her spine and seeping into the hem of her cargo shorts. "Well damn." she sighed.

Celina walked back with Cole smiling and glad the game appeared to be done. She grabbed herself a beer, then caught Margo with her shirt up. "Shit, you and Cole both." she said.

Margo nodded and frowned, doubting anyone brought first aid. "Yeah it kinda hurts, my wine from earlier is stifling it though. So. Give me wine." Margo said with a flourish. She was wearing a sports bra, so she just took her shirt off and tried to get a better feel for the cut. Well, more like a gash. She shrugged it off and Celina handed her the last Snapple bottle of wine.

"Here." Celina said with a grin and found a nip of vodka, which she splashed onto Margo's cut.

"Oh you filthy stupid b....right young woman!" Margo shouted at her, then bit the side of her hand while Celina snickered.
Trent approached Margo with a grin, lightly punching her arm. "Way to go, Mar. You did awesome." His eyebrows suddenly furrowed as he saw the blood staining her clothes, and his eyes widened slightly as she took off her shirt to reveal her sports bra, but concern won over admiration. "Crap, you're bleeding. Let me take a look at that." He came up to her and looked at her back. There was a pretty big cut, just below her right shoulder blade. Not wanting to look like a macho asshole by taking off his shirt, Trent ripped a small strip of fabric from the hem of his shirt, and quickly digging through his backpack, found a bottle of water. "Hold still, this might sting." He poured a little water over the cut, then wiped up the blood the best he could with the strip of fabric. He pressed it to the cut, and, rummaging around in his bag, found, luckily enough, some athletic tape- probably left over from football training. He quickly ripped off a strip, and looped it around Margo's shoulder and under her armpit, tying the piece of fabric into place. "There you go. Get some disinfectant on that soon- and I wouldn't suggest vodka."
Locke raised his hand.

"I have a first aid kit in my room. I can go for it and bring it here, unless someone else happens to have one here?"

And for a bit, he stared at Trent. It was awesome, what he did. Pretty gentleman-ish, and it made Locke admire him. But...

"...Sorry, Trent. I should have said it earlier. May your shirt rest in pieces."

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"I'm fine." Cole shrugged, when Locke offered to go get a first aid kit. He was still bleeding, but he had cut himself worse shaving, so he wasn't overly concerned. "Way to take one for the team, Margo." He congratulated her as Trent finished temporarily patching her up. He found his way to the stash of alcohol the other team had, and took some vodka his sister offered him, though not normally his drink of choice. He splashed a bit on his neck, and cringed slightly, but then he felt all sticky.

"There's 7Up in that, you idiot." Julia laughed as Cole Grumbled and took a large swig.

"The win doesn't feel quite as satisfying now that I'm blood covered and sticky." he muttered.

Now that the game was over, Nathan couldn't resist wandering over to the shoreline with his beer. He had been swimming out in the lake only this morning, but seeing large bodies of water still made him a little home sick, even after three years of swimming in this very lake. He looked out to the island in the middle of the lake and up to the starry sky, just enjoying the view.
Margo smiled at Locke gratefully for the thought, then grinned and leaned into Trent, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. "Thanks, doc." she grinned at him briefly, then seemed to remember they were with other people and snapped out of it. Trent was a good guy, a really good guy. She didn't think he could be detrimental to her psyche if she dated him, so maybe she would ask him out someday soon and take it slow. They just got there, no reason to fall head over feet just yet. Although she also felt that if she didn't act soon, someone else would.

Margo turned to Celina and glared at her. "Yeah, Celina. You watch too many movies." she told her and Celina grinned. "Bottoms up, Margo. You'll feel better after a few sips." she said, and clinked her beer to Margo's Snapple and the two drank.

"Thanks Cole, couldn't have done it without Trent. He did all the leg work. All I did was fall out of a tree." Margo smiled. "How did you manage to draw blood?" she asked him.
"The finisher always gets to take the credit for a win." He said with a smile, speaking from personal experience. He grimaced at Margo's question "Nothing particularly valiant, I failed to avoid tripping over Celina, who was hiding in the bushes." He grinned sheepishly. "Mysteriously, I managed to cut myself falling on top of her." he shrugged.
"Ah, so you discovered the pocket knife she carries around then." Margo said with a wink and Celina chuckled.

"I will cut you!" Celina threatened then laughed. She was a lot more agreeable when she was drinking, that much was apparent. "Let's play a game." Celina said suddenly. "You guys made me play dodge ball. Now we play something less dirty and gross. Truth or dare." Celina said with a grin and Margo snorted.

"You said DODGE BALL was so middle school. I haven't played truth or dare since I was ten." Margo laughed at her and Celina pouted.

"Well does anyone have a better idea?" Celina asked, raising an eyebrow and giving off her sassy face.
Nathan wandered back over to the group for a beer just in time to here Margo and Celina arguing about the maturity involved in playing dodgeball versus truth or dare. "Today has been so much like 6th grade summer camp, with the whole meeting new people and capture the flag in the woods things. The only ways we could possibly complete the day on a similar note would be to 1) play truth or dare , or 2) make a campfire and tell ghost stories. Since I can only assume no one brought marshmallows, I think we may be forced into the former." Nathan joked. "Not scared of doing something daring are you Margo?"

"Definitely very middle school." Julia agreed, "Do you remember playing it during the welcome week party in 9th grade?" she asked Celina Kenzie,and Nathan with a grin. "It was sort on an initiation thing we did." Julia added, for the newcomers sake. Julia only vaguely remembered that night, they were definitely much drunker when the game was brought up. She remembered the game as mostly being fun, but it had certainly been an interesting way to meet her new classmates.
Margo rolled her eyes. "Yes, I am. Peer pressure is a dangerous beast to tame, Nathan!" she told him, but laughed. "Fine but at least have a fall back. If you don't want to answer a question or do the dare, you finish your drink instead. Is that fair?" Margo asked.

"Wimp. But fine." Celina laughed and nodded. "Yay! Let's do it. I feel so nostalgic." she grinned, nudging Julia as memories came back. "I believe the last time we played, Julia became the first girl I ever kissed. Unless that was Cole. You two look alike even though you hate to admit it." Celina laughed.
"Fair enough." Nathan shrugged at Margo's compromise.

"I don't remember that." Julia said with a shudder.

"That's because it was me Celina kissed that night." Cole laughed. "That was back in the days when I thought 'hockey hair' was a good style decision. I don't blame you for thinking I was my sister." He grinned.

"You looked like you had been stranded on a desert island for a year, definitely not a good decision!" Julia teased.
Celina laughed at the two and nodded. "Well that makes sense. All these years I thought Julia had unfortunate upper lip hair." she joked. "Okay okay, newbies first. And ladies first. So, Margo first." Celina grinned wickedly. "Margo, truth or dare?" she asked.

Margo sighed. "Truth." she sighed and Celina sighed dramatically.

"Wimp. Fine. How many people have you slept with?" Celina asked and Margo got a puzzled look on her face.

"Ten? No... Nine? Wait, definitely 11." Margo said and Celina almost choked on her drink. "What, I'm bi. So, reasonably, I should have twice as much as you straight people." Margo said with a wink.
Nobody looked as surprised as Celina, but Margo's comment was met with laughs and sputters as many people choked on their drinks. "Impressive." Cole said with a low whistle, and his sister smacked him and rolled her eyes at his immaturity. Margo's comment was met with surprise, but Julia noticed it was also taken without animosity. This really showed a great deal the character and diversity of the Rockwell students.

"Alright, so now does Margo get to pick the next person to go?" Julia asked Celina, who seemed to be the gamemaster.
Trent shrugged at Locke. "No problem, dude." He smiled for too long when Margo kissed his cheek, but managed to shake himself out of it when he noticed everyone started doing truth or dare. He took a swig from his bottle as Celina questioned Margo, then chuckled when she boldly declared her kill count. "Damn, casanova." He whistled at her. He was glad that everyone was so relaxed right now, himself included. He hadn't felt this at ease in a very long time.
"Well we have to keep with the newbies. So, Trent, truth or dare?" Margo asked him with a smile. But really, she was barely paying attention. She had said she was bi, and no one called her a dyke or burst into flames. Progress, progress. Slowly but surely she would get there in her own head. She put on a brave persona, but there was always more churning in that pretty little head. She tried to think about what to dare or truth Trent, but she had no idea. She was just having fun, and happy to be there.
Trent took another small swig from his bottle thoughtfully, then put it away as he pondered the choice. Might as well do something fun to start off the night. "How about dare?" He asked, putting his bottle away.
Dare? Man, people never learnt. The true way to win this game was to say truth every time. After all, he had lived a life with no regrets. Nothing they could possibly ask is something he'd hesitate to answer. Even if said answers could come as surprising.

"This is going to be reaaaaal good, Trent." Locke stretched his arms as he waited to see the upcoming embarassing act. As long as no one had to -kiss- him, at least.
After a pregnant pause, Margo seemed decided. "Go skinny dip." she said with a grin, pointing at the lake. She herself took a sip of her wine. She figured if she slowly drank it and she finally worked up to a dare the she didn't want to do, chugging the rest of her wine would be miniscule. She stretched. "And while you're doing that, you still have to truth or dare Locke." she laughed, smiling at the big lovable jock.

Celina cat called, waiting for Trent to undress. "Let's see the rest of those tats, baby!" she yelled, then whistled.

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