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Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

Celina rolled her eyes. "Actually the date WOULD be a second date, Nathan." She told him simply. "Cole and I were sweet hearts once upon a long ago night. Ended quickly though. I was a very fickle mistress." she said with a stretch and plopped back down in her seat with a shrug and continued to sip on her drink. "This game has lost its appeal. Margo, Locke, you get off free, for now." Celina said with a grin.

Margo smiled. "Oohhh too bad Trent, you were too slow." she said with a smile. "Is everyone calling it a night then?" Margo was tired, but she wanted to stay up. This first day turned out pretty awesome, and she wasn't quite ready for it to end. Although if there really was another party tomorrow like Julia said, she would need to sleep.
Cole shook his head at Celina's comment "Not true." he muttered under his breath. "I have practice at 7, so I better get to bed soon." Cole said, pulling his phone out of his pocket to look at the exact time. Despite the dodgeball game being relatively brief, the truth or dare session had ended in the new day.

"Anyone else headed back to the dorms?" he asked the others, stretching his arms behind his head and stifling a yawn. "I suggest none of the rookies try to find their way out of the woods alone." he added.

Julia was mindlessly staring out at the water when everyone started to discuss going back to the dorms. "Lame, you're all heading to bed?" she asked.

Nathan had to admit it had been a long day, his early morning swim seemed like it was days ago, not merely hours. He had to say that the Rockwell school year was starting off surprisingly eventfully. He still had the party to look forward to tomorrow before the dread of the school year actually began.
"Yeah, I think I start up football tomorrow, gotta be up early, too." Trenton stood up and offered his hand to Margo, hoisting her up. He turned to Cole. "I'll be headed that way, too. Let's head out." He smiled at everyone. "It was good to meet you all, really. Hope I'll see you all around."
Margo shrugged and took his hand. "Alright." she said with a tired sigh and started walking back with everyone. She could do with some sleep. As she was walking she untied the bit of shirt from her gash on her back. "Thanks for that. Want it back?" she asked Trent with a ghost of a smile on her face. "I think I have a first aid kit in my room. Worried mother and all." she said, reaching her finger back to touch the sticky, long gash.

Celina led the way back, still sipping her drink as she sauntered. When they cleared through the woods she waved to all the boys and made her way to the girls dorm and headed up towards her bedroom.
Julia decided there would be more time for parties tomorrow and so she reluctantly followed along as everyone trampled through the trees. The girls waved goodbye to the boys and walked along the tree line to their dorm, careful to avoid being seen in the open. The front doors to the residence locked at midnight, so they had to find a way in the back and quickly and quietly sneak up to their rooms. Julia had to admit she was rather exhausted, but luckily for her, sleeping in was an option tomorrow.

Cole led the way over to the boys dorm, but instead of walking to the doors, as the rookies expected, he stopped beside a window that was slightly propped open. "The front doors are locked at midnight, you're lucky you're friends with a senior, otherwise you'd have to climb in your own windows on the second floor." He grinned, pushing the window open and propping it up. He climbed in and flicked on his bedside lamp so that everyone could see what they were doing as they climbed in. When everyone was in, he quietly shut the window and let everyone out the front door. "Now, don't get caught." he warned them and said goodnight.

**** The Next Day****
Margo was a bit of an early riser, even with late nights. She was too accustomed to a barn schedule to be anything but a morning person, it irritated even herself. She checked her gash that she had bandaged and cleaned last night, and it didn't look so bad. So she got up, braided her hair into two short braids, and put on her horse stuff. She walked out in her classic riding pants, knee high boots, and black helmet. She strolled out to the barn, shivering slightly at the morning chill and grinned when she got there. Someone was already there feeding them, as predicted, and she asked which horses were school horses and if she could ride them. She got the go ahead and picked a spunky looking pony that caught her eye, taking her out and saddling her up. When she was on she tested her over a few jumps and got used to her canter, then decided it was autumn, the leaves were beautiful, she wanted a trail ride. So she did, she left to walk to space of the campus on her horse. With the promise to clean up any poop he may leave, she was off walking, trotting and cantering the perimeter of the school in search for a woods trail.

Celina slept, and slept, and slept. She wouldn't rise for another three hours unless wrongfully woken.
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Cole jogged down to the arena at ten to seven, he knew he was going to be a little late for practice, and hoped that Coach Nick was also running behind today, because he didn't want to be stuck with land training as a punishment. He was ready and on the ice with moments to spare, as his coach walked from his office just as he stepped on the ice. He felt a little bit hung over, but the crisp air in the arena quickly woke him up. Practice was pretty straight forward, some shooting drills, 3v2 drills and other things along those lines. It ended painfully with three suicides, but by normal standards, Nick had gone easy on them.

Cole took his time undressing and took the time to enjoy his shower, before heading back up to campus. He was starving by this point, and decided to head straight to the cafeteria for breakfast.

Julia rolled out of bed, feeling rather groggy at about eight. She wasn't really ready to get up yet, but she was also having a hard time sleeping. It was impressive how quickly your body adapts to its surroundings, two months ago people moving around and starting their days wouldn't have bothered her in the slightest, but after sleeping in a big empty house all summer, the noises seemed amplified. She laid in bed, staring at the ceiling for a while until the bright sunshine outside encouraged her to get out of bed. She showered quickly and pulled on a pair of cargo shorts and a t-shirt. She decided against going down to the dining hall for breakfast, so she dug around in her half-unpacked belongings for a box of granola bars. She sighed and decided to try and organize her room, but first she opened her door incase anyone stopped by to invite her to do anything more interesting and she turned on some country music to listen to as she worked.

Nathan was still running on summer time, which involved getting up at 6 for work, so it was no surprise to him when he woke up earlier than most. He was hungry but decided he better shower, unless he wanted the residence advisors and teachers to smell the booze on him. On the way back from the shower, he saw Locke and Trent's doors were now open and decided to stop and ask if they wanted to go down for breakfast together "Hey, I'm going to head down to the cafeteria for breakfast, want to join?" he asked them both.

@Plight @TheOneAndOnly
Margo rode her little pony through the woods and wound up back where they had been the night before. It was even prettier in the day light. She rode around for awhile, cantering through the field and letting the pony wade a big into the water and drink. When they finally were heading back her face was flushed with the exercise and the brisk autumn morning. She rode the horse back to the stabled and grinned, u tacking the horse and brushing her, despite the stable hands insisting they could. She grabbed an apple, unzipped her boots, and took off her helmet. She flopped down on a stack of hay and munched her apple, laying back and closing her eyes and simply enjoyed her morning.

Celina finally woke up and took a very, very long shower. She sauntered back to her room and blow dried her hair and put her face on. When she finally got dressed, she looked fierce as always. She decided she should go to breakfast and try to connect with any other friends she might have missed.
He had a great night, that was for sure. It was a shame Kenzie had to bail, but a party is more than one person. The best part? He had successfully avoided being subjected to obnoxious dares.

That aside, waking up extremely early was integral to Locke's routine. In fact, it's probably why he needed to nap so much. Before the sun was up, he would review anything he had read upon the day before, to keep it fresh in his mind. Today, classes would start. But most importantly, he'd get to practice basketball after classes! He couldn't wait, and what better way to pass the time than to study?

After showering, he had briefly returned to his room to get some things he had forgotten, and Nate had caught him in the act.

"Ah, yes. Give me a minute and I'll join you. You're just in time really, I still get lost in this place..."

"Sure, no problem." Nathan said. "I'll be in the hall, come find me when you're ready." he said to Locke. He wandered along the hallway, chatting with a bunch of people he hadn't seen since last year. He found Adam and Ben, two of his fellow swim team members and they had a nice chat about their summers, while he waited for Locke.
Taking said missed items -a notebook or two- into his bag, Locke stepped out into the hall. Soon, he spotted Nathan speaking with two other guys. Surely, they had met the year before in Rockwell. He took some seconds to just let them talk, the familiar scene bringing back memories of his friends back home. He hadn't read their replies yet, since he wanted to take the time to write back to all of his friends throughly.

But given that just staring would come off as kind of disturbing, Locke made his way towards Nathan.

"Ready to go, Nate. I'm Locke, by the way. Nice to meet you two.!
"Yeah, sure." Nathan replied, after turning to see that Locke was waiting for him. "That's Adam and that's Ben, they're on the swim team with me. And yeah, this is Locke, he's new and a basketball player. Anyways, I'll see you guys at class Monday." Nathan grinned, waving goodbye to his friends,who were on their way to the pool. Trent wasn't ready, but said that he might meet them down at the caf later.

Nathan led the way down the stairs and through the residence hall. "So, what are you planning on doing today?" he asked casually, as they walked towards the large two-story student centre, which held the cafeteria and the library,computers and study space above.
"Right now? I really feel like shooting some hoops. I have not played in days, and I am nearing a state of insanity. It's my drug, so to speak." Locke wasn't even kidding, his legs hurt this morning. They hurt because he had not suffered hellish training. Was he a masochist? He hoped no one would ask, because he was afraid the answer would be yes.

Good thing no one would ask me that on a truth. He pondered, as he stared in awe at the student centre. His jaw may have dropped a bit, even.
Trenton finally finished getting ready, as his stuff wasn't completely unpacked and put away yet, and some things were still a bit hard to find. He jogged after Nathan and Locke, plus the two other guys that had joined them.

"Hey, sorry about that. Had to get all my stuff together." He suddenly noticed what Locke was looking at, and as he turned to the source, he couldn't help but stare, too. The student centre was huge. "Damn. Look at the size of this place."
Celina flounced into the cafeteria and waved to the boys as she went by. "Mornin', gentlemen!" she called with a little wave, then went to sit at a table filled with girls who all screeched when they saw her. The sound was deafening, even to Celina. She flinched and waved, sitting down with the girls while she scanned and tried to figure out what she wanted. Although she knew, what she wanted was never what she got. She always ended up with a fruit salad.

Margo wandered into the cafe, surprised she was able to find it herself. Her hair was still in braids, and she was still flushed and smelling of horse. She figured she herself didn't find the smell offensive, and she wouldn't want to sit with anyone who did. She came in from another entrance and saw Celina first, waving to her and calling hello. Celina waved at her weakly but didn't illicit an invitation to her table, turning instead back to the gaggle of girls she had in the palm of her hand. Margo wrinkled her nose as if she just tasted something sour. She walked across to the buffet, knee high boots, riding pants and a purple tank with her helmet hooked through her belt loop and found some eggs and bacon. She found herself some tea and was about to head back to her room when she spotted the boys. "Why, hello hello hello!" she said, way too awake for so early.
"Hey." Cole said, waving as Margo walked over. He had met up with Nate, Locke and Trent in line and they had been busily trying to decide on the best combination of breakfast foods to devour. He easily recognized that Margo must have been to the barn. The smell made his nose wrinkle slightly, but years of being dragged to shows and matches by his father, in order to support his sister, had reduced the noticeability of the barn smell. "Did you go riding this morning?" he asked. "Sorry, no offense,you just smell like barn and you're dressed to be there. My city slicker senses are tingling." He grinned.

Nathan waved to Margo as she approached, but it was his turn to order, so he turned around to do so.
Trenton nodded his head at Margo's approach, smiling when he smelled the earthy scent of the barn, and laughing when Cole commented on it. "Hey buddy, no problem in stinking. Us men usually smell worse after practices than five barn-smelling Margos ever could compete with. "How'd it go? You feeling hungry after racing around?"
OOC: no clue! Just wing it!

Margo smiled at the boys, her eyes twinkling. "It's just my new perfume, like it?" she asked with a grin, shoving one of her braids under Cole's nose with a grin. "It was great. I found a trail ride, so I could take you on that ride I promised in exchange for a motorcycle ride." Margo smiled. "Mind if I join you for breakfast? Celina all but told me to get lost." she said rolling her eyes.
Trent nodded. "Of course. Wouldn't want you to get caught up in the likes of killer queen." He started to hum the Queen song as he finally got his plate of food- eggs, toast, sausage, bacon, and OJ- and moved up the line. "Speaking of such- you still think you're going to audition for the school show? Have you heard what they're gonna put on yet? Maybe we can find an activity board or something-" He was cut off as he suddenly felt a vibration from his pocket, and he quickly grabbed his phone. " 'Scuse me." He quickly looked at his messages and was very surprised to see a text from his sister. "Just arrived-bags r being sent up to my room. Where r u?" He was momentarily confused until he remembered that his parents had forced her to come to Rockwell too, for what seemed to be the express purpose of making sure he didn't cause any shit. He quickly texted back to her "Welcome to Rockwell, little bird- we're in the caf, at the student centre. Ur not in Kansas anymore :P "

Robin received the message from her brother and breathed a quiet sigh of relief. She unconsciously smoothed her hair back, fumbling with her ribbon, then hastily decided to untie it, letting her hair flow loosely around her shoulders. She nervously started towards the massive student centre, hoping she'd be able to find Trent as quickly as possible. She wasn't excited about having to start over, leaving the few good friends she had behind and having to find new ones. "Maybe I'll just lay low and I'll be okay." She mumbled to herself, finally finding the cafeteria and pushing open the doors. It was swarming with people, and, trying not to show how frantic she felt, she looked around and finally saw Trent, in line with a bunch of other people. She waved to him and approached, coming up to the group and smiling nervously. "Hi Trent. Looks like you've already made some friends."

Trenton finally saw his little sister approach, and smiled when she came up to him, giving her a big hug. "Ah, I was just lucky to run into everyone when I did. Guys," He said, turning to the group, "I'd like you to meet my little sister, Robin. Robin, this is Nathan, Cole, Locke, and Margo."
"Sister?" Margo asked, pleasantly surprised. "You never said your sister went here! Hi!" she hugged her warmly, putting her food down on a random nearby table. "Sorry I smell like horse." she grinned. "Jesus you ARE related, hell." she grinned, looking at their similarities.
Robin blushed as Margo gave her a big hug, unaccustomed to such friendliness on day one. She smiled at the girl. "I just started, and I arrived late. My bad. And it's okay. I did horseback riding for a little when I was young, so I don't mind."

Trent laughed as Margo noted that they were definitely related. "Yeah, we get told that a lot. Our hair and eye colour isn't exactly the same, but we get told that we've got the same shape of face or something." He glanced over at Robin. "You hungry? Here, let me grab you something." He quickly looked back and saw that her favourite food, cinnamon buns, were luckily in the baked good section. He grabbed her one and brought it back to the table where everyone was setting down their food. "Here you go. You must be starving."

Robin nodded gratefully, and immediately took a big bite of her cinnamon bun. "Mmm... mom fed me nothing but her granola up on the way here, the one filled with flaxseeds and millet and whatever? Just because I'm named after a bird, doesn't mean I like to eat like one."
Margo chuckled at the joke, and was touched by how nice Trent was to his sister. Margo's own brother used to put her in a box and roll her down the stairs. Don't get me wrong, she loves her brother, but that sibling bond was never strong with either of her siblings. "Sorry you're late, you missed an epic game of dodge ball. We were the conquering heroes." she said, nudging Trent and Cole. "But there's a party tonight if you're down. If big brother Trent will let you out past curfew." she said jokingly, sitting down with them and digging into her eggs and bacon. Mmmmm cholesterol.
Robin blushed lightly, a bit of pink tinging her pale cheeks. "It's okay. I'm not really good at sports, anyway. I mean, I used to do ballet, but that's about it. My aim is terrible." She smiled at Margo's comment to Trent, and turned to him. "Good to know you were on the winning side, Trent."

Trent shrugged, his mouth stuffed with toast. He swallowed it down in one gulp and then turned to his sister. "I know you're not the biggest on parties, Robin, but you're welcome to come along if you want."

Robin bristled at that comment, and Trent couldn't help but stifle a laugh- when she got pissed she looked exactly like a bird with ruffled feathers. "Who said I'm not big on parties? I'd love to go." She turned to Margo and lowered her voice to a conspiring whisper. "I brought some wine along with me- from our family's cellar. They won't even know it's gone, we've got so much."

Trenton chuckled. "Wow, Robin, this is new. I started sneaking out bottles when I was 15- did you go for the red wine section?" She nodded. "Good on you. They never drink the red, they only have it on for show." Trent turned to Margo. "Looks like this party is gearing up to be pretty good."
"You drink wine?" Margo asked Robin with a grin, then turned to Trent. "I like her already." she laughed, though she couldn't imagine living in a house with a wine cellar. Her own house barely had enough room for the people living there, never mind for a room dedicated entirely to wine. Her own comparatively modest upbringing made her blush to herself and she bit into some bacon and looked up, pretending to find the architecture fascinating in order to hide her sudden shift of thought. "I haven't been to a party, like, a real party, in ages." Margo mused. Of course, that wasn't her fault. No one invited her after the scandal got out. "Can't wait. I'm going to look hot." she said decisively, as if that was that and the sky was blue. "Wanna get ready with me?" she asked Robin. "I'm a bit of a Tom boy, not a lot of girl friends. I don't know how to do anything." she laughed.

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