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Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

He could tell that they were a couple. "Excuse me for trying to have some humor." He said with a think maine accent. "Here why don't we start over… my name is Geoffrey hullman. I just moved here from Maine." He might have been cocky but it was his nature."oh you guys looking for another receiver?"
Trent shook his hand. "No problem dude, you didn't know. Trent McNeil, pleasure to meet you. And that lovely thing over there is Margo." He said, gesturing his head to where she sat. "I personally can't vouch for what the team needs, this is my first year playing here and my first practice. Why don't you ask the coach? He's right over there." He pointed out the coach, who was sitting on the benches, scribbling on a notepad.
"Well then it's nice to meet you Trent… and I am sorry for being a pompass ass, Margo." He said with an accent. He cleared his throat and rubbed his arm. His tattoo was smooth. "Alright… well what devision is this school… A, B, or C?"
Margo smiled. "Apology accepted. Sorry for calling you out on being a pompass ass, but not really." Margo said with a grin. "Know who he should really try his lines on?" she asked Trent, doing a hair toss exactly like Celina's then chuckling to herself. "That is a meeting we should arrange. Where in Maine? Maine is gorgeous, I lived there briefly once. Ogunquit." she told him.
"It's A. But apparently they haven't been doing so well." He shrugged. "Up to us noobies to try and bring the team back up." He laughed at Margo's impression of Celina. "Man, that'd be hilarious."
"Oh, Locke went to check out the gyms and play some basketball, I think, and Trent went to football practice, I believe Margo went with him." He replied to Celina's question, curious why she was interested in Locke's whereabouts in particular.

Cole grinned when Robin showed an interest in video games over hanging with Celina, he hadn't been expecting that response. "We were just debating which sport game to play, because we're both jocks at heart, but I have a couple of first person shooter games, racing games and things like that too." he shrugged. "If playing some video games is what you're after, meeting my sister Julia won't be the best plan. I think the only games she'll play are Wii or Xbox Kinect." he laughed. "Though she loves helping people out, so she's a good person to be introduced to." He added with a smile.
Robin smiled at Cole, appreciative of how friendly he was. "Any of those sound good to me. She sounds nice, i'd like to meet her, too." Robin gestured towards the door. "Do you guys want to go now? I honestly don't know where everything is, you're gonna have to lead me around."
"Margo went with Trent? What, are they like, an item after one day? Well I can't blame her, he's hot. Sorry Robin." Celina said and tossed her hair over her other shoulder. "Julia is probably the only girl here who I can tolerate. Real sweet heart. Plus she puts up with my bull shit." Celina laughed, so it was hard to tell whether she was kidding.
"Yeah sure." Cole shrugged, at Robin's comment, still (pleasantly) surprised that there was a girl at Rockwell that would rather play video games with the guys than gossip. Cole iMessaged Julia to ask if she wanted to join them in the lounge, he had been wondering why he hadn't seen her at breakfast this morning.

Sounds good! Just about done unpacking, I'll meet you over at the dorms soon.

Was her quick reply. They started walking out of the cafeteria and Celina commented on Margo and Trent. "I guess it's not really anyone's business what they're doing." He said evenly.

"Rockwell romances among the newbies already, isn't that just scandalous." Nathan joked
Margo rolled her eyes at Cole and sighed dramatically. "Nathan don't you remember being new? It was so lovely, so romantic. Everyone was fresh meat." she mused playfully, nostalgic. "You're lucky." She told Robin. "Hot piece like you, you'll have all the boys crying within a month." Celina told her as if that was a good thing.
OOC: Are they still at practice?

"No shit. I'm from Westbrook, but I went to school in Portland." Geoff was pleased that he meet another mainer. He always liked meeting people from Maine in other states. "What part of ogunquit?"
Ooc: yup!

"Near Perkins. I lived there with my aunt for awhile." Margo said, then left it at that. "Almost done with practice, dear?" she asked Trent with a wicked grin, still playing along. "And dinner with my parents isn't until tomorrow. Tonight is the party." she reminded him with a laugh. "You going?" she asked Geoff.
Robin went a little red at Celina's comment, both about her and about Trent. "I'm not sure if I'd want to do that. I'd like to make some friends before I break anyone's heart." She shrugged as she thought about Trent. "Whatever happens, happens. Doesn't matter to me who he sees, so long as he's happy."

"Alright boys, take a knee!" The coach yelled out at the team, and Trent jogged back to the group, leaving Margo and Geoff to chat. The team listened attentively to the coach. "Alright guys, that was a good hustle out there. That's it for today, we'll be emailing you all what string and position you're on in the next few days. Now get your asses out of here." The team dispersed, and Trent waved to Teddy, heading back to the bleachers. He heard someone clear their throat next to him, and as he turned, he saw Chris looking at him, and he drew a finger across his throat. Trent couldn't help but laugh. "Really, dude?" He called out to him, and not watching his response, he finally met up with Geoff and Margo. "Hey, guys."
"Wait" Geoff yelled. After talking with the two, he walked out to grab his kleets from his trunk. He walked upto the coach. "Hey, I was wondering if you guys were looking for a good receiver, mind if I try it out?" The coach grunted. "You think you can fill some big shoes?" Geoff nodded. "Yeah I think I got what you need!" He said before the coach called the team up.

"Alright boys, we got a kid here who thinks he can fill in Derek's position… so we'll let him think he can. Everyone on the line were going to test him." A couple of the offensive lineman groaned, they were tired. 'Lets show these people not underestimate me.' Geoff thought as he put on the shoulder pads and helmet. He got in the huddle. "We're going to test you on returns and fourth and long. If you can prove you can do that your on the team." Returns first." Geoff exclaimed. They lined up, Geoff got into the back field.

They kicked it off, and Geoff caught it. Geoff started to head for the middle of the crowd of players, but as he was ten feet he cut left. He kept running till he knew that a lot of players were behind him. He made it into the endzone. "That's one test."

After that the coach called out. "Alright, good job… that's one, but throw one is more important." The offensive line lined up. The defensive lined up opposite. "Blue 42 blue 42 hut hut hike." The quarterback snapped back. Geoff started ran about ten feet, cut right. After that another ten feet and he cut left, then turned on the juice. He got deep into the defensive territory. He had cornerbacks and halfbacks all around him. The QB found Geoff and hit him for a 24 yard pass. Geoff jumped up and caught it with one arm brought it in, and landed on his back. He smiled, he had the ball and the yardage for a first down. "Thats how we do it up in Maine, boys." He said.

Tag me if I have to see it
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Margo raised her eyebrows. Geoff was coming off as a bit of a show off, and a jerk, who had terrible pick up lines. He really needed to meet Celina. "You looked great." she smiled to Trent. "I have a song for that Chris guy I need to play you later. It's great, be ready." she warned and stood up, stretching.
Trent was impressed at Geoff's moves- he certainly had what it took to be on the team. Trent's mind started to wander, thinking about what great plays he could pull off with Geoff's feet... if Trent became quarterback. The team cheering for him... a trophy cup raised high in the air... fireworks...Margo cheering for him... shit, he suddenly snapped back to it as soon as Margo started talking. "Thanks. You were certainly attracting your fair share of attention, too. Does that ever get annoying? You know, being the apple of every guys eye without even trying." He grinned. "Oooh, I can hardly wait. How great would it be if I got his position?" He suddenly heard his cellphone go off, and he quickly pulled it out of his bag, and saw that there was a text from Robin. "Off to check out lounge with the group. Met Celina, she's interesting. We passed by the drama centre- the play is A Doll's House and the musical is Rent! Auditions for the musical are tomorrow @ lunch, please be there big bro!! <3 <3" Trent laughed- he knew Robin used the word 'interesting' to describe things- or people- she didn't like. "Hey, Margo, check this out." He showed her the text. "Wanna try out for the world's greatest musical?"
"Well I have definitely heard my fair share of both very clever, and very terrible pick up lines." Margo grinned at him, then read he text and started to panic. "I need to watch it first! I don't even know what part I want! This is so sudden." Margo said suddenly. "I need to pick a song to sing and a monologue to perform. Unless, is it cold readings? I have a song duo in mind that would have worked for Chicago, maybe if I tweak the dance. The dance had a partner! How the hell am i going to find a partner now? Most schools wait weeks! I thought i had weeks to meet someone on the dance team and convince them to dance with me." Margo rambled. "I'm rambling." she said, stopping suddenly. "How can I go to a party when I have so much to do?" she asked despairingly. "Celina probably had something planned for weeks." she muttered. She did NOT do well under pressure.
"Hey, hey, hey! Slow down, Sonic." Trent patted her back. "I have an idea. I have the video recording of the show on my laptop. We have the party later tonight, but why don't we practice before? I'll show you the video, you can show me what song you were thinking to do for the audition, I'll give you feedback, you can help me pick a song, etc, etc. We've got..." He checked the clock on his phone. "...8 hours until the party, 9 if you want to be fashionably late. Plenty of time to rehearse. My sister might jump in on the action, too. Besides, Rent is a rock opera- nearly all the lines are sung, not spoken. So you don't have to worry about cold reads. Just express yourself during your song."
Margo nodded and chewed her bottom lip nervously. "I could use your sister, actually. In my dance another woman appears, and then I shoot the dude, and it's great. So, Chicago. But isn't cheating a thing in Rent too? I could work it out. Yes, let's watch the movie. But, you need to shower first." she laughed and flicked a bead of sweat off his his nose. "Want to meet me at my room with your laptop? I'll get my song shit ready, maybe think of a way to make it singular." she said, thinking out loud.
"No problem. I'll throw her a text in a bit. What, you don't like my manly sweat?" He shook his head, trying to get beads of sweat on her. "Come oooon, it's all natural, babe." He paused. "Yeah, you could definitely work that out. Sure thing, I'll meet you there in a little while." He started to head off, then, on a weird impulse, he turned back and placed a kiss on Margo's cheek. "Pardon the sweatiness." He joked, and then made his way to the dorms. As he did, moving into his room, grabbing his shower stuff, then heading into the showers, he replayed the moment in his mind. And for some strange, sad reason, he thought of Emma. He shook his head, trying to get her memory out of his mind. It had been so long since they broke up, so why was he thinking about this now? A thought with a reason came into his mind as he turned on the water, and it was nearly as sobering as the cold water that hit his skin. Because you haven't felt this way since you started seeing her. He let that thought swim through his head at he washed off, then stepped out of the shower and dried off. As he did, he noticed that penultimate tattoo that he had got for her- a heart right in the middle of his upper back, surrounded by white lillies, her favourite flower. The quality of the tattoo was fine enough, but the memories associated with it were less than enjoyable. That's it. I'm getting it covered up within then next week. ...But with what? He pondered this as he headed back to his dorm room to change.
Margo put her hand to her cheek and smiled, waving while he walked away. She practically skipped back to her room, swinging her ukulele in her fingers and waving goodbye to Geoff @dakup.

When she got to her room she changed, again, and put on a red cocktail dress and red heels for her dance. It was a tango, passionate, but as they say, it takes two to tango. She sighed, but decided she could figure it out once she saw the movie, and show him what she has now. She sprayed on some perfume and smiled at herself, getting all excited over meeting a boy. Jesus, after the last one she wasn't even sure she LIKED boys. Well, identity crisis over. She did herself all up, telling herself it was for the dance number, but really it was for Trent. She pt her hair in an elegant bun behind her head, Bt kept it loose enough so it would fall apart as it was meant to do at the end of the song. She put on her music and started practicing, rusty.
"Those were the good old days." Nathan agreed with Celina's comment. "It was nice not to have a reputation, or a 'history' with anyone." He said with a sigh, genuinely serious for once. Nathan knew that when Julia got to the lounge, he would have to put on his usual 'still good friends' facade, but he let himself feel silently down for the walk over. Nathan liked to try and live a life with no regrets and liked to believe that every experience is a good experience, but his break up with Julia really was something he regretted.

He shook his head and tried to pay attention to where the conversation was going, he decided getting hammered at the party tonight would be a good way to forget his regrets, though those sounded like the words of an alcoholic. What really might help would be to move on and start seriously dating other people.

They reached the boys dorms after a few minutes, Julia was already there, waiting outside. Though everyone of the opposite sex was allowed in the dorm rooms until after supper, you still needed to use your student card to unlock the doors and the girls' student card didn't work on the boys' door and vice versa. Nathan pulled his wallet out of his pocket and tapped the sensor as they approached, which quickly flashed green. "Hey there sleepy head, where were you for breakfast this morning?" He asked with a grin.

"I decided I actually better unpack before school starts, and that I needed to find something to wear for the party tonight." She laughed. "What have you guys been up to, and who do we have here?" she asked, noticing Robin.
"This is Robin, she is Trent's little sister." Celina said, waggling her eyebrows and hugging Julia quick. "Newbie who came a day late." she laughed. "Did anyone tell you about the party tonight, Robin? It's going to be awesome!" Celina said, doing a little dance.
"Hi Julia, it's nice to meet you." Robin said, waving her fingers at her. She turned to Celina. "Yeah, I heard about it. Sounds like it could be fun!"

Trenton made his way out of the boys dorm room, carrying his laptop, ipod, and speakers in his bag, along with his bottle of whiskey in case a pre-drink was planned. As he walked to the girls dorms, he ran into basically the whole group, including his sister Robin. "Hey, the gangs all here. What're you guys up to right now?"
"Showing Robin around. Nothing big, talking about the party. What are YOU doing?" Celina asked, snatching his bag and rustling it a little, hearing the alcohol swish and she laughed triumphantly. "Day drinking with Margo, and you didn't invite us? But Trent, I thought we were so close." Celina said in mock anger, then laughed at herself, handing him back his bag.

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