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Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

"Hey there. Good to meet you too." Julia said brightly to Robin. "The homecoming party will be a blast, you should definitely come." She added, when Celina mentioned it. Trent appeared, he looked like he had just gotten out of the showers after practice, the group all waved at him. Celina started badgering Trent, but she walked over to where her brother was standing, slightly off to the side.

"I'm proud of you bro, you hardly ever concern yourself with other people's affairs." she said nudging his shoulder and nodding towards Robin.

"Someone had to save her from Celina's Pack." He mumbled, so that only Julia could hear.

"Ahh. Now I understand." Julia laughed.

"Yeah Trent, thought we were basically besties, guess I misread the signs." Nathan joked with a grin. "What are you doing now?" he asked. "We're going to play some video games, if we ever actually make it into rez instead of standing here talking to more people! You're welcome to join." he offered.

"What are we playing anyways? I vote a DDR dance party. " Julia joked and her brother groaned. Julia actually didn't care for dancing herself, but it was worth throwing out there because Cole had two left feet and despite being very co-ordinated on skates, he had a hard time mastering the most basic of songs. "Just kidding, I'll settle for some hardcore Wii Sports." she winked.
Trent shrugged. "Just some stuff for the party later. I'm helping her become a bit more musically enclined." He didn't want to mention the musical in front of Celina, in case something weird was going on between them and the musical. "I'll definitely join you guys in a bit. We should pre-drink somewhere, too." He glanced at his phone and texted Margo- "outside the dorm, so is everyone else lol. let me in?"

Robin smiled at Julia. She seemed nice. "Yeah, it sounds like it'll be pretty fun. I'm excited to go. I'd ask you what you'll be wearing, but I'll save that until after the video games." She joked. She fiddled with her necklace, something she did when she was nervous, or excited, or, in this case, both. "Why don't we head out now?'
Margo got the text and grinned, throwing a giant t-shirt over her dress and kicking off her heels. Explaining the makeup would be one thing for the group, she didn't feel like facing anyone in a cocktail dress. She walked down and opened the door. "Yo." she said to everyone, propping the door open with her hip.

"Well don't you look.... Shabby chic." Celina said, gesturing to her ratty giant shirt and made up face.

Margo dismissed the topic with an insubstantial shrug of the shoulders. "I heard video games, what kind? I used to beat my brother at all the madden games, and he would get so pissed. I'm awful though, I take serious delight in the massacre of the undead. Namely zombies. But not like... Slow zombies. They gotta be some kick ass zombies. Left for Dead is a great game, no one can touch me in that game." Margo said with a laugh. "I haven't even set up my Xbox yet, when do you losers find the time?" she teased.
"I don't know!" Cole said with a hint of exasperation. "Girls have to make everything so complicated!" he muttered and shook his head. A simple gaming session now practically required the same planning as prom. He remembered that he still had some things left to take care of for the party tonight, namely, coordinating the booze run.

"Settle down there Harper." Nathan laughed, "We're going to play video games, it doesn't require the brain power of planning a bank robbery or anything." He added with a grin. "But could we agree to get going, we can decide on a game when we get there." Nathan said.

Everyone was in agreement, so they said goodbye to Trent and Margo, for now, at the girl's dorm and walked over to the boy's dorm across the campus. Cole tapped the sensor to open the door and then led the way through the double doors that opened onto the fireplace lounge, which was far more often used for its television than the ancient fireplace. As expected, the lounge was empty because it was a nice day outside. When it was raining it was nearly impossible to use. "Nate, can you set up whatever gaming system you can get everyone to agree on, i'll go grab a bunch of games." he asked and Nathan nodded in agreement, before walking over to an old oak cabinet beside the television, which was jammed full of cords and consoles for Xbox, Game Cube, Playstation and Wii. "Alright, Robin, since you're the fledgling here, you can pick. What are we playing on?" he asked her.
Margo raised an eyebrow as they left. "What bug crawled up his butt?" she asked Trent with a chuckle, but dismissed it as a boy being a stupid boy, as boys do. "Come on." she said, holding the door open for Trent and letting him in. She led him to her room and unlocked it, all her stuff was, for the most part, unpacked. She didn't have a lot of clothes to begin with, everything she owned was a hand me down. But her walls were covered with art. There were portraits, laughing women, stoic men, and flowers, daffodils and tiger lilies. The few nudes she had done were placed in inconspicuous places around the room and were very elegantly done. "So, this is mine." she shrugged, then dug around in her closet for snacks.
After Geoff was done being a show off. He showered off and got the stink off of him. He took the shoulder pads off. It wasn't that they were heavy, but bulky. He waved goodbye to Margo and got in his car and drove off. He made his way into town and just drove around aimlessly. He needed to know the town he was living in.

Tag me if I have to see it
Trent laughed. "When a guy gets his mind set on something, he prefers not to overcomplicate things. Cole just wants to play video games." He stepped inside and followed her back to her room, smiling when he saw all the art on the walls. "This is beautiful, Mar. Love the set up you got going on in here." He quickly pulled out his laptop, booted it up, and sat on the edge of her bed. "Wanna start?"

Robin peered at the cabinet of games, her arm brushing against Cole's as she leaned down to look. Unsure of what platform they would be choosing, she decided to pick one game for each console. She quickly took out Madden 13 for Xbox, Mario Kart for game cube, Call of Duty: Black Ops for Playstation, and Super Smash Bros. for the Wii. "I hope that's diverse enough for the choice department. To be totally honest I'm more of a Skyrim fan, but that's only one player, so it wouldn't have been a good pick." She handed over the game choices to Cole, smiling.
Margo rolled her eyes about Cole. "Well, he won't do well in the real world then. The real world is complicated, all the time. And no amount of money fixes it." she muttered, then realized she made a money dig and smiled apologetically. "Yeah, I did it all. The drawings, I mean. But yeah let's start. Oh, look." she said, pulling the shirt over her head to show him the dress underneath. "This is what I was going to wear. It starts off as a tango, but I think I will have to scrap it all." she said, rubbing her chin. "But let's watch it. I'll figure something out." she said, flopping down on her bed.
Cole grinned "Some good choices, nevertheless." he commented, taking a look at what she had chosen. He accepted the games and held them behind his back. "Pick a number between one and four." He told Celina, and she replied quickly. He pulled the games back out and grabbed the third one. "Looks like Mario Kart it is, but let's play the Wii version, if anyone likes the Gamecube one better, they can just use the Gamecube controller." He said, and Nathan nodded in agreement, fairly efficiently setting up the console. Cole handed out controllers at random.

"I have no idea how this afternoon went from playing sports games to Mario Kart, but at least there's some good company." Cole laughed. "Dibs on being Yoshi!" He added with a grin. "So Skyrim is your favourite game?" he asked Robin "I never much liked it, there are too many choices, I like having a more set path." he admitted as everyone else chose characters. Nathan opted to sit out the first tournament, because obviously you can only have 4 controllers.
Trent's eyebrows raised about halfway up his forehead. "Damn, Margo. What was that line from the Graduate? 'Mrs. Robinson, you're trying to seduce me.' That is a killer dress. Wow." He mimed wiping sweat off his forehead. "If you doing the tango means you're gonna wear that again, I will do whatever I can to make sure that is your audition piece." He joked, then moved over on the sheets to give her some room. "Come on and watch." He pressed play. "We begin with one of the most well-recognized songs in the history of musical theatre- Seasons of Love."

Robin blushed. "That and the Bioshock series. That's kind of why I like those games, having all those choices means you can play it through a second time and have a totally different game." She pressed the buttons on her controller and selected Princess Peach. "And it's also why I'm terrible at sports games. I hate the repetition. Closest I ever got to liking them was Mass Effect, which is kind of like a combo of the two."
Ooc: literally watched rent this morning with my roommate so I could know what I'm talking about. I want a medal.

Margo watched the movie, noting that for the first time she was actually WATCHING a movie with someone and not just using the movie as an excuse to hook up. "Ermagerd I want to be her." she said, the second Mimi appeared. "Mainly because she is so my type. I mean don't get me wrong, Idina is cute but she is a bit of a butterface. When DOES Idina come in anyway?" she asked, leaning her head on his shoulder playfully. "Ya know, if you really want me to wear this dress, you could tango with me. I'll teach you. You don't even have to audition unless you really want to, and you should. If only because you have an excellent speaking voice. Great diction and projection, is that a weird compliment?" she asked, looking up at him with a smile. As the movie went on she watched in interest. She had never really been a fan of musicals, but as far as musicals went this one was pretty good. "I liked it." she stated as the credits rolled. She wasn't the type to be moved to tears by a movie, and if she was it was to something weird like V for Vendetta. "It was good. Raised awareness. Maureen reminds me a lot of me, so I don't want her. It would be too easy, wouldn't be acting. I bet Celina gets it anyway, she is Maureen in real life." she stood up and stretching, cracking her neck with a satisfying snap. "Shall we dance?" she asked with a smile.

"You went for Peach?" Celina laughed, unwittingly showing off her nerd side, as small as it was. "Rosalina is epic, best girl, and she's in the same weight class as Bowser and all those guys." Celina said, choosing Rosalina and an epic bike.
Ooc: Holy crap, you've earned one. That is some dedication!

"Yeah, she's gorgeous. You'd definitely fit the part." He laughed at her playful poking of Idina. "You will know when she is there, trust me." He smiled back at her. "I'll take that compliment, thank you. You know... I was thinking it over. I think... maybe i'll go for it. It would be... therapeutic for me, in a way. I will warn you though, I'm a bit clumsy when it comes to dancing." He got up. "Yeah, Celina's definitely got that drama queen factor. And for the record, you're a hell of a lot sweeter than Maureen." He offered his hand. "Lead the way."
Ooc: haha I figured it was about time I watched it anyway. What kind of theater lesbian am I who has never seen rent? So thank you for giving me further reasons!

Margo smiled at him, then suddenly gave him a giant hug, wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her face in his shoulder. She hugged him for a moment, then gave him a squeeze before releasing him. "That would be awesome, you auditioning. The theater world can always do with some more straight men." she said with a grin. "I guess you should hear the songs I'm going to sing first. "They're short, but the two combined help tell a story. Familiar with Paramore at all? I took two songs off their latest cd." she told him. "Their old stuff was whiny angsty, but their new stuff really grew with them as they aged." she explained to him, pulling up his laptop and finding the two songs. "Here. This one first."


Then when that was done, she searched another. "And this one, because ukulele." she said with a laugh.


"See how the tango fits in the beginning, then it all falls apart." Margo told him.
"Woahhh. Looks like you have some legitimate competition Cole. You're not just up against Julia who will get spun around and race backwards within the first lap." Nathan laughed. Julia punched him in the shoulder before selecting Mario.

"My little Italian plumber won't let me down." She retorted with a grin. Cole had controller number one, so he set the tournament up and soon the screen divided into 4 and the countdown began. Cole took an early lead for their group and got into position 4. Julia bounced off of one wall and fell into the ravine on the other, unfortunately knocking Celina's car flying in the process. "Sorry!" Julia apologized at she was hoisted out of the water. "I really suck at this game."

"It's basically a reflection of your real life driving." Cole joked.
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"That's fine, bullet!" Celina yelled, hitting a box and shooting up ahead. She used the nunchuck, more control. Then she dropped a bunch of bananas. "What makes you think Mario can help you? He can't even keep track of his woman!" Celina laughed.
"Stupid Bullets!" Cole cursed as Celina went sailing past him. "Here, let's make a way for people who suck at the game to beat people who work hard to improve their skills!" He mocked as he dodged a few bananas and chased after her.

"Damn it. I fell off the track again." Julia muttered as she waited to be placed back on the track. Luigi, in first, lapped her. "Hey, at least Mario actually attempts to keep his woman! It's more than most boys do!" She replied to Celina's comment with a grin.
Robin quietly focused on the game, managing to maintain a steady third pace. She hit one of the colorful boxes, and grinned when she got the blue shell. "Incoming!" She shouted gleefully as the shell went sailing forward. Celina easily dodged it, but Cole was not so lucky, getting knocked down by the shell and allowing all of the girls to pass him.

Trent was a little surprised, but then he hugged her back. "Hah, I suppose that's true." He grinned at her. "Yeah, I used to be really into them. It'll be good to hear their stuff again." He listened to both the songs attentively, and smiled at the familiar sound. "You're right, their sound has improved." He shook out his arms. "Well, why don't you show me what you want to do. Walk me through it... or dance me through it, rather."
"Oooo better luck next time." Celina told Cole with a laugh. "Women aren't meant to be kept, Julia, that's Mario's flaw. Plus, he's totally in denial that Peach is having an affair with Bowser." she said, falling behind into second place in case any more blue shells showed up.

Margo nodded. "The dancing part is easy. Believe me, I've never taken a single dance class in my life. But throwing in a few steps makes me look experienced." Margo told him, putting on the first song on his computer. She led this time, showing him the brief tango steps before he was supposed to pull away and leave. "Now you come back in for the second chorus, and there is no more dancing. You aren't even entertaining my delusions anymore. You're trying to get me to leave, then I pull out this." Margo explained, grabbing a squirt gun she had shoved under her bed. "Now we have to stage fight. I'm pointing it at me, you try to rip it away, you get shot instead. Then I sing the last chorus to your dead body. So let's try that." Margo smiled, starting the music over and redoing the tango. "You really aren't bad you know. Football players are generally good dancers." she laughed. The next time she did it she sang, and the song certainly suited her singing voice. She was loud, with great diction, and it sounded fantastic, especially considering she had no training. The song choice suited her, any sweet love song by any other artist would have sounded odd on her lips. She had a voice that rocked and rolled. "Good, great!" Margo said, after the third time. "I owe you so bad. What're you going to sing?" she asked him.
Trent followed Margo's lead as best as he could, trying his best to not trip over his feet. It was actually a bit easier if he imagined it as a football drill instead of a dance practice. One step here, one step there, forward, spin- easy once you got the hang of it. He could help but laugh out loud when she pulled out the water pistol. "No! Please, I'm hydrophobic!" He said, throwing his hands up. They walked through the next part of the tango, Trent admiring Margo's moves and voice all the while. "Thanks. When Robin was little, she'd always play princess games and make me be her prince charming, so naturally I had to learn how to waltz. Guess that carries over." He smiled when they finished. "Great job. You sound awesome, by the way."

He paused when he asked her about his song choice. He hadn't thought of one. He bit his lip, thinking, and then it suddenly came to him. "Well... okay, this is gonna sound so geeky or whatever. But... well, Robin loves the movie Frozen, and one day when she was showing it to me, I heard Idina Menzel do 'Let it Go' and it was pretty incredible. I found a male cover off youtube and sung it a few times before. Here, let me find it." He quickly searched the song on Youtube and pulled it up.


"It's a very empowering song, and it's got a little bit of that rock element in it too, which would help for the whole Rent aspect." He said, once the video was finished.
Margo smiled while she listened. "You're such a dork. But it sounds great. And hey if I brought a real looking gun they'd tackle me on stage, and then I would have to hurt someone and it's just a messy business." she said with a smile, eyeing him almost cautiously. "Well, sing for me." she said simply, sitting up on the bed and crossing her ankles, shoving him off and making him stand. "I am the director. Impress me." she grinned, grabbing a fedora that was hanging off her bedframe and putting it on, then dug around in her purse for a cigar, popping it in her mouth. "I'm a French mobster director. The worst kind." she smirked, then hit play on the music.
Trent laughed, a little nervously. "Whatever you say, boss." He cleared his throat and waited for his cue to start in the music. The opening part began, which was the easiest for his voice, soft and low to start off. He sang smoothly, a little nervously, but as the song continued he felt his voice grow stronger and stronger as he allowed himself to get lost in the music, and by the first chorus he wasn't nervous at all. The much more upbeat second verse and tempo kicked in, and with that a change in voice register. He seamlessly transitioned from a lower to higher voice, feeling more like his own voice with a small rough, rock n' roll edge to it. He wasn't even keeping track of the verses and chorus by that point, he was simply enjoying himself. His voice soared with the melody and so did his mood- he hadn't felt this carefree in awhile. A loud noise brought him back to reality, and he realized it was his own voice, hitting the final high note bang on. He exhaled softly after the last lines and blushed. "How was that?"
Margo stared at him for a moment, then recovered herself and took a dramatic, pretend puff out of her cigar. "Theatric, without being too over the top, mm yes. Masculine and powerful while still retaining the delicate aspects of the song... Mmm yes.... Overall excellent quality, like fine cheese." Margo said in a horrible French accent then grinned. "That was amazing." she told him, taking off the fedora and shoving the cigar back in her purse. She stood with a smile. "Well, I feel very confidant in our abilities for tomorrow. You sound amazing, we both look good, and we still have time to spare before the party. How about that motorcycle ride?" she asked with a grin.
Trent smiled back. "Thanks. That sounds like a great idea. Although, rest assured, you will not want to wear that dress on a bike. Throw on some jeans and a shirt, and meet me by the parking lot in 5 minutes." With that, he dashed out of the room, and over to the boys dormitories. He got to his room, on a bit of a adrenaline high from performing, and grabbed his motorcycle jacket, changed into a pair of heavy-duty jeans, threw on his motorcycle boots, and grabbed both of his motorcycle helmets from his closet. He made his way back out to the parking lot, and waited for Margo near his bike.
"As if I would wear this anywhere ever. Nicest thing I own." Margo muttered to herself, smiling while she stripped and hung the dress up. She changed into a great pair of jeans and a shirt that she could also wear to the party and still look presentable if they spent more time out than planned. She kept her makeup as was, and grinned when she realized she looked good, and older! She could pass for twenty. As the youngest in her family Margo had always been trying to grow faster and well, old habits die hard. She let her hair down and teased it around her head, allowing it to be a little wild. She smiled at her reflection, grabbed her wallet, and ran down to the parking lot. "Hellooo." she grinned to him when she met him in the parking lot. "Looking good." she smiled.
Trent smiled as Margo approached. "So are you. Alright, try this on for size." He tossed her the smaller helmet, and put on his own, sitting on the bike. He gestured for her to sit on the back of the bike. "Alright, so just hold on to my waist, and if you want me to slow down, squeeze once, and if you want me to speed up, squeeze twice? You ready?" And with that, he put his key into the bike's ignition and it came to life with a mighty roar, and they set off. Trent was happy to be on the bike, feeling the wind stinging his eyes, and it was even nicer to have company along with him.

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