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    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

Robin laughed, feeling more and more at ease by the moment. "It's the only thing I can drink. I have had... not that great of a history with hard liquors, if you know what I mean." She smiled and nodded. "That sounds good to me. I uh, will warn you though, I don't have much in the way of 'party clothing'- just a bunch of skirts and stuff. I'm sure we can improvise though!' She said cheerily.

Trent looked at Margo and suddenly noticed a shift in her mood. Figuring it was something either Robin or he had said, he quickly changed the subject. "Margo was telling me yesterday that they put on plays and musicals here. Maybe you two should go out for it."

Robin's face brightened up. "A musical? That could be so much fun! You should try out too, Trent!"

He shook his head. "No way, Robin. You know I stopped that-"

"But you'd be so good at it!" She kept going, not taking his hint. "You sing so well and I remember loving seeing you perform with your old band and-" She finally noticed Trent's "Zip it" glare and blushed again. "Oh... I guess I shouldn't have mentioned that. Still, you should try out!"
"You sang? You were in a band? Shut the front door." Margo said, ignoring the glares and jumping after the topic like a dog with a bone. "I heard Celina mention the musical was Chicago. Come on Trent. One of us could get the female lead, and you could get a part, and we could murder you!" Margo encouraged. "You sing? Really?" she said again, astounded. "I play ukulele, let's jam!" she said, only mostly joking. "I can't even right now. Why didn't you tell me! We had a whole long conversation about our separate interests and you forget to drop that awesome bomb? Disappointed, Trent. Disappointed." she said in a mocking tone, then smiled. "I heard the other play was A Doll's House, I would kill to play Nora. Plus I always loved that playwright, Hedda Gabler was a masterpiece." Margo mused, confusing herself with her own jumbled topics. "You really sing!?" she asked again, pulling his plate of food away so he would look and acknowledge her.
Trent turned red, a little embarassed and secretly furious that Robin had let it slip that he used to be in a band. It was... a touchy subject with him. Very touchy. But he couldn't help but be a little bit flattered by Margo's interests. "Yeah, I uh, I used to. Couple years ago. Never formally trained, or anything. I had the band for a few years in high school. We split up before I came here. I guess I didn't think to mention it, my bad." He pushed back the bad memories associated with the split into the darker corners of his mind. He cleared his throat. "Chicago, huh? I remember that show. Though I did hear a random rumor floating around that it might be Rent, too. Maybe the director is pretty indecisive. Either way... well, I don't know. We'll see." He tried to take the attention off of himself and poked Robin. "Anyway, she's the little songbird here. She sings so well, it's pretty amazing."

Robin smiled and shoved him playfully. "You only ever hear me in the shower. Although there are some great acoustics in there." She turned back to Robin. "Well, whether or not my stubborn brother decides to join us, you and I will definitely be there at the auditions. It'll be fun!"

Trent nudged her. "It will be, so long as you don't incur the wrath of Celina. There's already some tension between her and Margo, although I'm sure Margo could take her any day in any category."
"Name the time and place." Margo said with a grin, regarding Celina. "Both shows are great. Is it terrible that I've never seen Rent? Really, I started watching it one day, and my brother walked in and told me they all die of AIDS, then stole the remote and put on the patriots." she said with a shrug and gave Trent back his food. "Mt brother is a.... Charming... Individual." she said simply. "Although I guess he's alright. He kicked the shit out of a guy I dated once because he roughed me up." she mentioned casually and averted her gaze for a second. "He will certainly never procreate." she stated, then wondered how she got off on that tangent. It was weird sharing parts of her life like that with people, especially people with much more means than she. She wasn't even sure they could relate to most of the things that were so normal to her. Abusive relationships, unsafe neighborhoods, armed robberies, young toughs thinking they were so cool and girls who were tougher than nails because of it all. She hoped she hadn't shared too much, or freaked them out in any way. She liked them, and she tried very hard not to let her past define her. "Anyway, I'd be happy with either show." she decided, bringing the conversation full circle. "Anyway, I smell and should probably shower. You guys wanna hang out after? We could explore our separate musical talents together." she said, waggling her eyebrows playfully.
"Oh no, not at all." Trent said, suddenly becoming animated about the show. "Rent's an incredible story. It's about rock and roll, and love, and loss, and the struggle of creativity against practicality. You would love it." He quieted a little when Margo talked about her brother and her awful ex boyfriend. "Sounds like the asshole deserved it. I would've done the same for Robin, no question."

Robin gave him a look. "Well you won't have to do it, since you scared off the one guy I brought home to meet mom and dad."

Trent shrugged. "He was a jerk, Rob. You just couldn't see it, I did you a favour." He turned back to Margo. "Sure thing, that sounds good to me. Me and Robin will check out when and where the auditions will be."
Margo smiled and waved goodbye, clearing her plate and heading off to shower. She got to her room and closed the door behind her, but before she knew what was happening she was wrought with heaving sobs, a startling breathlessness and an ache she had so convinced herself was over. It only lasted a minute, it only ever did. When she collected herself from the floor she wiped her eyes and looked up, closing them silently. Sometimes it just hit her, hard and random. Something would remind her, someone's shampoo hair smell, the way another person smiled, and she was reminded all over again of the aunt she would never see again, the aunt who was really more like a second mother. And this time, like most times, she wasn't even sure what triggered it. She pulled herself together gruffly, silently chastising herself but also glad it hadn't happened in front of anyone. That would have been a pain to explain. She quickly stripped and undid her braids, then wrapped a towel around herself and grabbed her shower caddy. She hummed to herself to keep her mind steady, then when she was in the shower she belted it. Just some random Sara Bareilles song that came on her Pandora station, but it was enough to cheer her up despite the depressing nature of the lyrics themselves. When she got out she went back to her room and sighed, feeling a little resigned. She wrapped her hair while it was still wet around her fingers, making her curls that much more prominent, then let it air dry. She dressed fairly nicely, in a floor length red and white striped dress and flip flops. She grabbed her ukulele and headed outside, deciding she could text them from the green if they didn't find her soon. She sat on the grass, relatively alone, and hummed while she strummed a few chords.
Trent watched Margo leave, and Robin watched Trent watch Margo. When he finally looked back at her, her eyebrows were high and she had a big smile on her lips.

"You like her, dontcha?" Robin teased gently, and quietly, so no one else could hear. Trent shrugged.

"Don't get too caught up in the whirlwind romances you like to create, Robin. I've known her for a day." He paused. "But yeah, she is pretty nice." He glanced at his clock and started. "Shit. I have to go to practice soon." He turned to the group. "I guess I'll see you guys at the party?" He turned to Robin and gave her another hug. "See you around, sis. Don't hesitate to keep in touch, alright? And make some friends!" And with that, he dashed off to the dorms.

Robin got up as well, figuring she could sneak off and start on the new book she'd been itching to read. "It was nice to meet you all. I'll see you around?" She smiled at everyone, picked up her tray, and put it away near the collecting bins. As she started to walk out of the caf, she passed by a table filled with giggling girls, and one particular one, with dark hair and a fierce air about her, accidentally knocked her expensive looking sunglasses to the floor, right in front of Robin. She quickly picked them up and set them down in front of the girl. "Here you go." She said shyly, and started to walk away.

Trent finally got to his room, stripping off his casual clothing and throwing on his gear- an under armour workout shirt, shorts, and sneakers- and grabbing his gym bag, holding his cleats and his other football equipment. He left the dorms and started to head towards where the football field was. On the way, he saw Margo sitting in the grass, and he went up to her and nudged her with his toe. "Can you play 'Eye of the Tiger' on that? I need motivation for practice."
Cole and Nathan were introduced to Trent's sister Robin, and chatted for a few minutes over breakfast with her, but both began to tune out when her Trent and Margo started talking about theatre. Nathan wondered if he would be any good at plays, he was usually bored out of his mind when he was forced to watch them in English classes, but maybe they were more interesting to actually have a part in.

Cole, on the other hand, showed absolutely no interest in the topic at hand. Typical. If the conversation wasn't sports or current events, he usually didn't care to be a part of it. He sat quietly and ate his bacon and eggs as the three of them began to speak of the merits of specific plays. He came back to attention as Margo mentioned her brother protecting her, and nodded firmly in agreement when Trent mentioned protecting his sister. It wasn't often that Cole got the chance to protect his sister, for one thing, she usually made better decisions than he did, and two, their dad's parenting ensured that she was more than capable of dealing with most problems herself. Still, he always kept a close eye on her, particularly when boyfriends were of concern. He smirked a little thinking of his abrupt declaration to Nathan that he better keep his hands to himself, when he and Julia began to be friendly in 9th grade. He and Nate had come a long ways from that point, from barely knowing each other, to being really good friends. Cole almost wished that Nate was the only guy he had to be concerned about, but he was pretty confident that Julia had had enough of him and that there would be no reunion anytime soon.

Cole frowned slightly as Margo continued to talk about her past, it didn't sound like she had the most pleasant life. He felt he probably couldn't relate to most of it, but it was also unfortunate that anyone had to deal with it. Not too long after Margo's tangent, she suddenly decided to go shower, and once she left, the group quickly dispersed until it was only him and Nathan left. Cole wasn't surprised, they hadn't been an active part of the conversation and it was probably easier for new students without many friends to meet other rookies.

"Wanna go play some Xbox in the lounge?" Nathan asked, as the two of them walked over to drop their trays on the conveyor belt that moved them into the kitchen.

"Sure. NHL 2014, NFL 2012, PGA Tour 2011, or FIFA 2014?" He asked with a grin. "Sorry, there are no competitive swimming games." He said with a laugh, mocking Nathan's chosen sport. Nathan shoved him into the wall in light hearted retaliation.

"Let's play Surf's Up." Nathan replied jokingly. "I hear the graphics are epic for a game based off of an animated movie." He continued as he and Cole began to walk out of the cafeteria.

They walked by Celina and company's usual table, which was conveniently located close to both the door and the cafeteria line, so that they could watch and comment on just about everything anyone did. Cole noticed a girl with long wavy red hair bend down to pick up a pair of sunglasses and hand them to Celina. It took him a moment to realize that the girl was Robin. "Uh oh, this won't be good." he muttered to Nathan and veered over closer to the table. Nathan looked confused, because he never saw any harm in a joke or bad intentions in anyone, but followed his lead.

Next to some of her friends, Celina looked like the world's friendliest person. If she didn't like you, you were made well aware of it, but some of the others were sneakier about things like that. Of course, as Celina seemed to be the 'captain' of the group, anyone she didn't like was quickly a target by all. Cole didn't doubt they would jump at the chance to humiliate an unfamiliar rookie, particularly when they were together in a group, alone, most of them were fairly decent human beings. The gang might turn away other girls, as Margo had earlier mentioned, but never two guys, so he didn't feel any awkwardness as he and Nathan walked over. Cole saw some curious glances from some of Celina's friends as they walked over, Cole wasn't the type to be bothered in their affairs and Nathan only went out of his way to stop at the table if there was a joke involved.

"Hey Celina, I see you've met Robin." He said with a smile, addressing her in particular but nodding at the waves from her other friends, as Robin turned to walk away. "Trent was just introducing us over breakfast, this is his sister. She arrived late." He explained, hoping that he and Nathan's presence would eliminate any unwelcome comments on Robin's first day at Rockwell.
"Sister? Cute. I just thought maybe the newbies were breeding, there are so many." Celina said with a wicked grin, but offered her hand to Robin in a friendly enough manner. "Here to keep Trent in line? Watch him with that Margo girl, is it too old school to mention she's from the wrong side of the tracks?" Celina asked, then laughed. Her laughter of course created waves of laughter from her lackeys.

Margo jumped and looked up at him, smiling. "Naw the ukulele isn't very good for amping up, more of calming down. It's too mellow. Are they closed practices? I got nothing better to do, unless you want me to help out Robin." Margo suggested, leaning back on her hands and looking up at him.
Robin started at Celina's comment, but shook her hand when she offered it. "It's nice to meet you. I guess we'll be looking out for each other, I mean, that's what brothers and sisters do, right?" She ignored Celina's last comment and turned to the boys. "What're you guys up to?"

Trent laughed. "Oh well, it was worth a shot. If you want to come along, you definitely can- I didn't know football was your kind of thing, though." He paused as she mentioned Robin, but he shook his head. "Nah. I think I gotta let her do her own thing. She hates it when I start babying her, which, I'll admit, I do a lot. C'mon, lets go." He said, offering her his hand to get up and starting towards the field.
Ooc: this game needs a villain, and I am all too willing to let Celina play it. Give me villainous ideas! Being mean is hard, I don't know how the bullies do it.

Margo shrugged as he helped her up and smiled as she walked next to him. "You caught me, football isn't really my thing. But you are." oops, she hadn't means to say the last part out loud. "But I mean you watched me ride for a bit, only fair to return the favor. And football is way more entertaining to watch than any equestrian sport." Well, she thought that was a nice save. It was very unlike Margo, to stutter over the right thing to say. She was used to being the calm, cool and collected one. Damn she felt like she sounded so stupid. If she wasn't at Rockwell mainly for her impeccable grades she would consider herself a grade A idiot.
OOC: ooooh, love triangle! that's always a way that girls like to get back at each other, by infringing upon the guys that the other girl likes, regardless of if they even like them. and maybe there'll be competitive drama with the play? prank war! :P just a few ideas!

Trenton blushed a little. So, his sister's hunch had been right. He gave her a grin, maybe for too long. "Glad to hear it Margo. I gotta say, you've certainly caught my interest, too." He laughed at her last comment. "I don't know about that. Watching people ride horses- specifically, you- you guys make it seem so graceful, effortless. Football is just a jumbled pile of testosterone and sweat. Although, I suppose it's a bit more graceful than rugby. That is a literal pile of testosterone. Everyone just jumps on each other, it's brutal.
Ooc: All good ideas! But her meanness needs to branch out from just Margo. Can she mess with Robin?

Margo blushed at the compliment and shouldered her ukulele with the strap. "Football is fun to watch, and I always liked rugby. Rugby is just football without pads. Leaves less to the imagination." she said with a wink and laughed. It wasn't weird to Margo that Trent confirmed he also likes her. She was used to boys liking her. The fact that she liked him back, well, that was weird and had never really happened with a boy to her. "I'll be the only little cheerleader there with a ukulele. You're welcome, expect encouraging upbeat songs." Margo grinned. "Well." she said, changing the subject back again to their mutual like. "We owe each other a ride of some sort. If we threw a meal in there, some people might consider that a date." she said shyly, looking up at him and smiling.
OOC: Go for it! I created Robin to be a little bit vulnerable- easy prey for people like Celina :P

"Hah! I'll be expecting to hear you chant. Let's go.... er.... what's even the mascot for this school? My last high school was a beaver, that certainly got a lot of jokes from the upperclass men." He paused when she mentioned the idea of a date. He hadn't yet told her about the messy breakup that had led to the breakdown of his band, and the loss of a few of his closest friends. He wasn't sure if he was ready for that. And yet...

"Well... Why don't we move it from considering to something resembling reality?" He could hardly believe the words coming out from his mouth. "I'm not saying we hunt down Makeout Reef, but... yeah. Go for a ride, grab a bite, I could see that being fun. Whaddya say, Margo?"
Ooc: Roger that!

Margo smiled and nodded. "Sounds great." she agreed, and continued to walk in companionable silence next to him. She decided it would be a bit much to mention that her last relationship ended in her switching to this school in an entirely different state. Of course, the issues that ended her last relationship wouldn't be an issue with anything that concerned a boy. If people decided to chase her out of school for dating Trent, it would be for reasons she could probably handle instead of just blatant homophobia. When they got to the field Margo took her seat on the bleachers near a couple other girls who appeared to be the girlfriend crowd. She sat with her ukulele and watched the practice with mild interest as she strummed along to one of her favorite ukulele songs.

"You're taking on more and more fledglings aren't you boys? Don't trust any of them, little bird, the boys here would chew you up. Its a good thing, you're hot." Celina complimented in a way that didn't really sound like a compliment. If this were Mean Girls, Celina would be Regina George. She had this school in the palm of her hand, and loved it. "Well I can't very well leave you unattended with these hounds. Bye bye ladies." Celina called to the girls and they all waved. "So, boys, what are you up to?" she asked with a wicked grin, repeating Robin's previous question to them.
Trent grinned back at her. "It's a date, then." They approached the field and he gave her a quick hug before he dashed off to the field. All the other players were warming up, stretching, and talking amongst themselves. A few of them gave him funny looks, and another outright stared, but it was no matter to him. He was fast approaching a very big, very muscular, and very imposing guy talking with the defensive lineman. He came up behind him and slapped him on the back. "Teddy! I didn't know you went there." The guy, Theodore Stevens, nicknamed Teddy for his hulking figure contrasted with his kind personality, turned around and smiled. "Hey, Trent! I could ask you the same question. How've you been?" They shook hands and Trenton laughed. "Got sent here by the almighty dictators back home. Managed to grab a small scholarship, looking forward to playing. How's the team doing?" One of the other lineman, a burly guy with thick eyebrows, grunted "We've been downhill for the past two years. Doesn't help that all our best players keep graduating. You look like a QB, am I right?" When Trent nodded, the guy laughed. "Good luck trying to nab the leadership from Chris McPriss over there." He nodded toward a mean looking guy, about the same size as Trent, with wavy blonde hair and big green eyes. "His parents donate tons of money every year, so he's had a QB position on the upper year team since 10th grade. Bullshit if you ask me-" They were silenced as the Coach blew his whistle and ordered them to start doing drills. "See you guys around." He called to the lineman, running over to where the QB drills were. He did his passing and running drills as well as he could, ignoring the glares he received from Chris and throwing glances at Margo whenever he could.
Margo smiled at Trent and started playing a really uplifting beat, of course, they were all uplifting on a ukulele. She kept it quiet, not wanting the coach to yell st her for distracting the team, but she started singing a clever tune about watching boys in tight pants tackle each other, and she earned shocked laughter from the surrounding girls. Just then some guy ran up and leaned against the side of the bleachers and winked at her. "Hey there. I'm Chris, and you're new." he said, his eyes skimming over her, and she frowned at his obvious sleaziness. "While we are stating the obvious, I'm also holding something that could be used to inflict some blunt force trauma." she retorted and Chris laughed. "Oh baby, you promise?" he called, loud enough to attract attention from other players who started snickering. Margo raised an eyebrow and the coach came over, yelling at Chris to keep it in his pants and get back to his drills. As he left he made kissy faces at Margo, but what was even weirder what that the other girls seemed to think she was lucky for receiving that kind of attention.
Geoffrey hullman:

Moving day, brown boxes and styrofoam peanuts. It was a new day, and a new home for Geoff. His mother wanted to move, and she got a better job offer out near Rockwell. It worked out great. She would have a new job, and a new house to go with it, plus this house wouldn't remind her of her late husband, Geoff's father, too much. It wasn't a bad looking house either.

It was in the woods. There was a nice big oak tree that had a swing hanging from one of the branches. There were nice green lawns on all sides of the house. Not to mention the greenhouse that is opposite the garage. Geoff's mother would be spending a lot of time, she took up gardening up after his passing.

The house itself was white with black shutters. When Geoff pulled into the gravel driveway, the first thing he notice was a giant moving truck, and after that was a nice porch with a roof overhang. He could see a couple of couple of chairs and maybe a table on it. Then there was the front door, it was red, it looked like it didn't fit, but it kind of fit in. Geoff walked in the door, into the kitchen.

The kitchen had a feeling of country. The walls along with the cabinets, and the floor were oak. The counter tops were a solid granite. The stove which was on the wall to the right, was stainless steel. On the other side of the room was a couple of pantries, and a fridge in between them. To the right of the door was a giant window, it had a nice view of the giant oak tree. To the right of the stove was a arch that lead into a hallway.

The stairs to the second floor was on the right, in the hallway. There was a little cubby hole cut into the side of the stairs. At the other end of the hallway were three doors. One on the left, the right and one that lead outside. The archway on the left lead to the living room. The door on the right lead to Geoff's mothers room.

In the living room there was a fireplace that had a outline of a television. It was ironic because that's were their television was probably going to go. On either side of the fire place were shelves. One side would be good for movies and other stuff, and the left would be good for books. In the middle of the room was a carpet, that had hard wood floors on all sides.

Back into the hallway and up the stairs there were five doors, three on the right and two on the left. The first one on the left was a bedroom, that would become a guest room. The second door lead up to the addict. The first door on the right was a bathroom. It's a nice bathroom, shower, toilet, and sink. The second door was Geoff's room. He'll get to that later. He wanted to explore his new house. The last door was to a room that just needed to be painted.

Back to the kitchen and out into the garage, through a door and small hallway. It was a two door garage, so Geoff's 429 boss and his mothers ford fusion would be covered from the weather. There was also enough room to put Geoff's triumph in there.

After he was done exploring he and his mother started to unpack. Geoff's mother would work on the kitchen while Geoff worked on the garage. He first unpack all his tools, and put them on hooks, put them on the wall. He then took a couple of jacks and put then on the back wall. Here was another door that lead to the basement. Geoff would check that over. He moved his car, and his mothers fusion to the garage. After that was done Geoff and his mother moved to the living room.

They set up the television in the same place that the outline was, above the fireplace. They put a recliner in one corner, and out the couch next to it along the right wall. The on the other side of the left was the kitchen. Geoff put up a couple of paintings to add some class. Into the hallway, he hung a picture of his father and his memory box. It had a flag, and all his ribbons, and other stuff.

After that Geoff put his room together. His bed was up there, so he wouldn't have to bring that up. Next he put his desk together, it was easy, jus pop in the legs, then connect the cords to the outlet and his desk was ready. After that he put the dresser on the left wall. Both his sax's were in their cases. He put them together, and set them on their stands. He was going to practice after everything was done. He made his bed and put his clothes in the dresser. All the time he had some music going. It was tonight alive's "the edge". It had a good beat, and was a little up beat of a tempo. He hung up a couple of pictures. His room was done. He grabbed his Bari sax. He opened up a window and hung one foot out the window, and hung the Bari sax out. He was a righty, it was his right foot. He started with a blues scale, b flat. After a couple of minutes he began to riff. Then he began to play "out behind the barn"by Gerry Mulligan.
Cole frowned at Celina's last comment, he had little interest in 'gaining anything' by helping the rookies out. If anything, it was her fault he cared about any of them at all, since she was the one that introduced him to them in the first place! He didn't respond to Celina's question.

"Nothing of interest to you ladies, we're going to go back to the lounge to play some Xbox." Nathan said with a smile, seemingly unaware of any hostility because, of course, he thought Celina was joking.
"Well, then it looks like it is just us girls. Have you met Julia yet? She's a doll. And where's Locke?" Celina asked Nathan and Cole, though she doubted they had any idea. Boys never had any idea, and when they did they weren't very good ones. "Of course with me you are in very capable hands." she grinned to Robin.
Trent couldn't help but grin as Margo started to play her song about football players. He almost laughed but managed to bite down on it as he ran past the coach. "Good form, McNeil. Must say I didn't have high hopes for you." The coach said to him. "Go over to the passing drills and.... HEY! MCGILL! KEEP IT IN YOUR SHORTS AND GET BACK TO DRILLS!" Trent glanced and saw the guy known as Chris McPriss flirting with none other than Margo at the bleachers. He felt a surge of jealousy in his chest but he quickly beat it back down. Remember where jealousy got you last time, Trent. He thought to himself as he completed the passing drills. Chris strode back to the drills, looking like a proud peacock. He glanced at Trent, and his eyes narrowed. "The fuck are you looking at, newbie?" Trent looked at him, bored, but he drew himself to his full height. "Nothing. Absolutely nothing." He turned back to the drills and could feel Chris's glare on his back. He looked back over at Margo and threw her a wink.

Robin smiled nervously at Celina. There was something about the girl that bothered her, although she couldn't put her finger on it. "I'm.. sure I am." She turned to the boys, suddenly interested. "What games do you have? More sports like or RPG?" She paused, realizing how geeky that sounded. "Sorry. Just curious."
Margo blew Trent a kiss, mainly to piss off Chris, and it totally worked. His feathers were ruffled, although maybe she shouldn't be making Trent enemies so early on. Mehh well the damage was done, and she was just happy to be a partner in crime. She set her ukulele aside and decided to try and be well behaved, or at least try and see how long it lasted her. She watched the practice with interest, and although she had never been into big manly men previously, she couldn't deny that Trent looked damn good. She caught herself blatantly checking him out, but she figured that's what all the other girls here were doing. Men weren't the only ones who could stare and assess the opposite sex, and for once Margo didn't quite mind the role reversal.

Celina raised her eyebrow as Robin started talking video games, and she inwardly groaned. Where were all these small town, girl next door type girls COMING from? It was irritating, to say the least.
After Geoff was done playing he put his sax back on it's stand. "I'll be back in a couple of hours… I just want to go and check the school out." He grabbed his sunglasses which were thick black raybands. He walked down stairs and into the garage. He got into his 429 and went to the Rockwell. School wasn't in session so he wouldn't be yelled at. He pulled into the parking lot, as loud as possible. It wasn't hard. His car was missing a muffler so it's louder then normal. He could see a football field, and people practicing.

Geoff liked to play, but they already had a team so it looks like he might not be on this years team, but he could shoot for next year. He did see some bleachers, and pretty girl sitting on them. He walked over and sat near her. "Hey, my names Geoff… and I'm guessing your name must be angel… because you do look like one!"
Margo wrinkled her nose at Geoff as if she smelled something foul. "And your name must be asshole because your pickup lines stink. Get lost." Margo told him, standing up and moving closer to the field and making a face at Trent. "Help. Me." she mouthed to him, then smiled encouragingly.
Trent could overhear the guys pickup line, and turned in time to see Margo mouth the words "Help me" to him. Coach suddenly called for a water break, so he got an idea. He ran over to the bleachers, mopping the sweat off his brow with a t-shirt. "Hey, honey- what time did you say you wanted to go meet your parents for dinner? I know we're going to Docello's for dinner but I can't remember when." He hoped he would go along with it- at least, enough to get all these guys off of her. She was really a magnet for guys.... what was the reverse of chick magnet? Dick magnet. He thought to himself, nearly cracking a smile at his own joke.

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