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Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

"Don't ask me, I will always go for truth. I'm serious. No way I'll end up in Trent's position. Good luck with that, by the way. Just think it's half-locker room, half-porn video shooting."

Locke shrugged. The human body, toned through sports training or even daily activities, was a beautiful thing. Nudity, in his opinion, wasn't something to be ashamed of. Sadly, a lot of the world was more conservative...and he didn't wasn't his body ending up in wrong hands.
Trenton paused, then reached back into his bag for his whiskey again. He took a big swig then wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Man. You could have at least asked me out to dinner. What kind of boy do you take me for?" He grinned teasingly, but took off his shirt easily, revealing his sculpted torso and a myriad of sprawling tattoos, all over his body. His shoes were the next to go, and then his socks. He stood up and a look of mock hurt crossed his face.

"You girls are all the same. Only appreciate a guy for looks, and not his heart. When will I ever find someone who wants me for my mind?" He laughed, and yanked off his shorts, leaving him in only his underwear. He tossed his shorts between Celina and Margo, then stretched out. "If anyone wants to join me, feel free." With a holler, he sprinted towards the dock, leaping off the edge and, right before he hit the water, pulled off his underwear and hoisted them over his head, giving everyone the briefest glimpse of his bare ass before he splashed into the water.
Margo laughed and rolled her eyes. "I would but I think I was just blinded by the whiteness of your ass!" she laughed and Celina snorted.

"Alright since Trent is off being naked, I will ask you a question, Locke." Celina said with a grin. "If you had to kiss someone here, who would it be?" she asked him. She figured she knew the answer, it was probably Kenzie. But, Kenzie wasn't here anymore. It appears that she left a bit ago when dodge ball got too intense for her. "Kenzie doesn't count." Celina quickly threw in.
"You." Hell, it was true. Kenzie wasn't around and he didn't know anyone else well enough to care about personalities by this point. Celina had the gall to ask him, so she should probably pay for it by being the target of her own question.

By this point he'd probably kiss anyone, given the circumstances. Maybe he should have said Trent, for some shock value. Oh well.
Celina laughed but didn't seem phased. She seemed like the kind of girl who was used to boys wanting to kiss her. But she owned it well enough. "Now you have to ask Julia." she said with a grin.

Margo got up, a bit tipsy, and walked over to where Trent was. She was still within ear shot, she could still hear the game and participate. She crouched by the shore and grinned at Trent. "Hey." she said simply. "Thought I'd get a better look at your tats while you're so.... Exposed." she chuckled. "And I didn't say how long you had to stay in, you can come out anytime." she told him with a smile, plopping her butt down in the sand.
Should have definitely said Trent. Her reaction was way too expected, and that wasn't the fun of this game. But the night was long, he'd get his chance to get some weird stares eventually.

"As you say, mistress. Truth or Dare, Julia?"

"Easy. Dare. " Julia responded, without hesitation. "It's not that I have too many dark secrets to hide either, dares are just more fun." She grinned, awaiting her punishment. It occurred to her that there was no real winner when it came to this game of general embarrassment and oversharing, but it was fun.

Locke waved his hand at Julia in a dismissive, albeit joking manner.

"Oh, I don't know. Go kiss Trent, or something. The guy must be cold, and you'd do him some good."
Celina grinned and waggled her eyebrows. "Everyone loves a bad boy! Trent! Ya chilly? Julia is coming to warm you up!" she shouted.

Margo laughed at them. "That'll work better than a heated blanket. She's bangin'. Margo said with a wink and got ready for the show. She was maybe a little bit jealous, just a little. But whatever, it was all a grand game.
Julia grimaced slightly at the dare, she wasn't much of a fan of PDA, but she was too proud to turn down the challenge. "Fine." she said, with a shrug. She looked over to find Trenton and saw he was still in the water, by the dock. She took off her running shoes and left her phone and keys in her left shoe before jogging over to the dock. To make her dare more interesting, she decided to do a cannonball off of the dock, before swimming through the freezing cold water to kiss a naked guy. She reached the dock and sprinted to the end, jumping in fully clothed before her sensibility kicked in. The cold water took her breath away for a second and she gasped slightly as she resurfaced before doing an easy front crawl over to where Trent was wading. Once she was adjusted to the water it wasn't all that cold, and the slight breeze above the lake turned out to be colder.

She realized the water was only about chest deep here, Trent was just keeping low in the water to keep warmer.

"Aren't you tired of naked swimming yet?" She called over to him with a grin. "Sorry, but since you have the misfortune of being the object of my dare, i'm going to have to keep you in the cold a little longer. Locke has requested I kiss you." she informed him as she stopped about a yard away.

Cole's jawline had hardened and he remained tight lipped after hearing Locke's dare for his sister. He crossed his arms slightly unhappily, going quickly from 'carefree half-drunk high schooler' mode to 'overprotective older brother' mode. He watched until Julia got close to Trent and then quickly turned the other way, pretending to be interested in watching the stars.

Trent came up for air just as Margo called to him, grinning as he swam a little over, slipping his underwear (now soaking wet) back on as he did so. "Hey, I like the water. I'm a leetle fishie, eh?" He grinned at her.

He suddenly heard the splash of water near him, and as he turned he saw Julia swimming towards her. He turned slightly pink when he was informed of the dare.

"Sorry to inform you I'm no longer fully naked. Can only be cold for so long." He laughed a little, but it died as he swam closer to her, feeling nervous. "And... well, if it's alright with you." Moving quickly, he cupped her face with his hands and kissed her very gently on the lips, a little longer than a peck but nothing close to a make out. Kissings a lot like jumping into the water, I guess. He thought as he pulled away from Julia. "Run and tell your girlfriends that." He joked, and swam towards the shore, getting out of the water as it dripped down his body. He got close to Margo and shook his mop of hair, getting water droplets all over her.
Celina cat called when they went in for the kiss, but was sorely disappointed. "That's it!? That's all you got!?" she yelled then sighed. "Wimps!" she called. "Julia your turn to dare someone!" Celina yelled to her.

Margo laughed and closed her eyes when he shook on her. "Guess I deserved that, for making you swim." she chuckled and handed him his pants that she had grabbed for him when she walked over. "Just a tit bit nipply eh? Looks like you made the breast of it though." she grinned, then laughed at her own bad joke. "Come on, let's go back." Margo said, grabbing his hand and pulling herself up.
Trenton chuckled as he took the pants from Margo. "I bust- trust that you won't judge me." His pun was even worse, and as he hoisted Margo up and joined the group, he dug out his bottle and offered it to Margo. "So who's turn is it anyway? Missed a bit during my aquatic adventure."
"That would be very middle school." Julia agreed, when Trent teased her about running back to tell her girl friends. Julia and Trent swam back to shore. Julia was satisfied she fulfilled the dare, and it was even better that it was only slightly awkward. When she reached the shore she wrung out the hem of her t-shirt. "A poorly accomplished dare is still a completed dare." She shrugged at Celina's comment, noticing her brother's sour look but rolling her eyes.

"Alright Jules, who's it going to be next?" Nathan asked tactlessly, which caused Julia's face to go a much deeper shade of red than her dare did. Nathan hadn't called her by her nickname since the break up last year. He acted like he didn't notice her embarrassment, so she tried hard to hide hers. She told herself that it was irrational to think it was only Nathan's nickname for her, it was the only way to shorten her name, but it still brought back some interesting memories.

Julia took too long to respond to his and Celina's question, but she didn't care. "Umm.. you can go next, I guess." she said. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare, obviously." Nathan grinned. Julia thought for a long minute about what to have him do, Nathan loved the water, so anything involving it was hardly a challenge for him. He wouldn't even bat an eye about showing any kind of affection to anyone. He was very self-confident, so she doubted she could find something that would even slightly fluster him to do to himself. She looked around for inspiration, and then spotted an old tree near the water's edge, the one that the other team had hid Margo in. She smirked, knowing exactly what to ask him to do.

"I dare you to climb that tree and dive into the lake." She said, pointing at the tree. Everyone else probably thought it was too easy of a dare, but they didn't know how much Nathan hated heights.

"Alright." He said, though his confident persona was lessened. He tugged off his shirt and left it with his friends, exposing his toned and tanned upper body, crafted from two months of being almost always at the beach. He walked over to the tree and sized up the best branch to jump from, which happened to be over 15ft. high. He probably should have been afraid of hitting a walk and breaking his neck on the descent, but it was the climb that made him hesitant. He found a foothold and carefully pushed himself up to the first branch, which was only about 3 feet off the ground. He found the next branch one, which required him to pull himself up to. He started to feel dizzy after about the fifth branch and his pace slowed down drastically. He had no idea how he was going to cope with crawling out to the edge of the branch to jump, and shuddered at the thought of it.

Just a few more steps he thought as he approached the branch, at last. He sat on the branch and took many deep breaths to try and calm himself. He was rather worried he was going to miss the water and break an arm, leg or head falling through the branches and landing on the rocks below.

Nathan inched along the branch, pausing every few seconds to calm down. By this time he wouldn't have been surprised if the gang could see the branch shaking from the ground. He made it to the point where the branch overhung the water, but knew he'd have to go a little further or he'd definitely kill himself on the rocks. The branch buckled under his weight at this distance, but thought of jumping was more comforting than the thought of climbing back down. He finally decided he was far enough out and shakily got to his feet, grabbing hold of an overhanging branch for support.

Readying for a dive was actually calming. On three, he told himself, as his dad did when he was afraid to try the high diving board. One.... Two....... Three' he counted, springing from the branch in perfect formation. He aimed well and did a good shallow dive, despite the height. It was a good thing too, the water was only about 7ft. deep here and an inexperienced diver would almost certainly injured themselves on a deep dive. He whooped triumphantly when he resurfaced and swam lengthwise down the beach, back to the others with short powerful strokes. He pulled himself out of the water, somewhat reluctantly.
Margo cheered loudly. "Shit, Julia! That was a crazy dare! Jesus remind me to always say truth with you!" she said, laughing but really relieved Nathan was okay.

Celina grinned, as if she knew he could do it all along. "Nate has this under wraps, no need to worry Margie." she told her, and Margo cringed at the terribly awful nickname. "Well, Celina it would appear to be your turn. Nate, you get to do it!" Margo called to him as he walked back.

"Oh oh, dare me." Celina said with a grin, handing Nate his drink when he got back.
Nathan managed a grin as the others congratulated him, "The Jump was easy." He said vaguely with a smile, and probably only Julia noticed that he was admitting defeat. He caught her eye and she smiled innocently, he would get her back sometime. He was still a little shaken from the climb, but when Margo told him it was Celina's turn he had to buck up and quickly come up with a dare.

"I've got several inches of water shoved in my brain from jumping out of a tree and you guys want me to think." He grinned, and thanked Celina for holding his drink for him. He took a good swig and felt the liquid courage kick in. "Hmm..." he said, as he tried to think of a dare that was interesting, but not cruel. "I don't know guys, does anyone have an interesting one?" he asked the others.
"No no no, you have to come up with it. Only person who got out of that was Trent, and that's because Margo gave him a cruel and unusual dare." Celina said pointedly. "You have to dare me, no one else!"

"Thems the rules." Margo agreed with a nod, trying to make her face solemn but failing miserably. She took a swig of Trent's drink and grinned, feeling warm and fuzzy. She knew she probably shouldn't drink more, there was a fine line between a great night and a crap one when it came to alcohol. "Drink up, you aren't as drunk as me." Margo whispered to him and passed him back his drink. She had to watch herself, otherwise pretty soon she would be recklessly flirting.
Nathan sighed as Celina and Margo ebbed him for a dare. "Alright, alright. I dare you to go make out with whoever you find the most attractive person here, your choice." He said with a shrug. He figured it wasn't a particularly difficult dare to kiss someone, but having to pick her own 'victim' was a truth disguised as a dare. Nathan thought about how it often was the boys who got the short end of the stick when it came to truth or dare, he didn't want to seem like a pig for suggesting something overly explicit.
Trenton obediently took a sip on Margo's orders. "Hey, it's not my fault that I didn't bring delicious snapple." He whispered back. "I like nursing my drinks. If I was getting drunk, you would know, babe." He screwed the lid back on and slid the bottle into his bag. He reached for the shirt he discarded, and started to dry his hair with it. "Besides, this is way more entertaining. I wonder who Celina will choose to be her victi- I mean, who the lucky guy is."
Celina furrowed her brow and looked around. Well, it would really piss off Margo to kiss Trent, those two seemed to be getting a little too cozy. But, she knew it would only create tension, tension she would be blamed for, then resented for. Celina was a lot of things, manipulative, self-centered, and dramatic were a few that came to mind. But she certainly was not stupid. Well Locke had picked her, but secretly wanted him to end up with Julia somehow. Julia hadn't really dated since Nate, and Locke seemed sweet enough. So, she settled on Cole. Cole was cute, and quiet to her loud.

Celina winked at him and sauntered over, plopping herself in his lap and wrapping her arms around his neck. She kissed him deeply and passionately, and girl seemed to know what she was doing. After all, she was an actress. When she pulled away she smiled and stood. "Easy peasy." she grinned. Now, I think Cole I need to truth or dare you. Then we need to dare Margo and Locke because they're the sissies who picked truth. Then let's call it a night. Girl needs her beauty sleep." Celina yawned. "Cole, truth or dare?"

Margo snickered with him then hid her smile in her hand. When she kissed Cole she nodded appreciatively. "Not a terrible technique. Better than your little peck." Margo said with a wink and nudged him to show she was kidding. Margo was an all or nothing lind of girl though. Go hard or go home. No kiss wasn't passionate, no game didn't draw blood. That's just how she was, and it drove all her significant others crazy. Then she seemed to hear Celina. "Wait.... What? I thought I escaped that!" Margo said, but sighed. She was drunk enough now, she could cast aside any modesty.
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"Male objectification." Cole declared after Celina finished her dare, though he grinned and you could tell he really didn't mind.

"Truth." Cole said, deciding he didn't want to be part of the progressively crazier dares that had been asked.
"Wait, why does he get to say truth and Locke and I don't?" Margo asked. "I shared a juicy tidbit with you guys there!" she said and Celina rolled her eyes.

"Because you're new. He already paid his dues. Now be quiet, I'm thinking." Celina said.

"That's a first." Margo muttered and Celina shot daggers her way, suddenly wishing she had kissed Trent instead, tension be damned.

"Well, Cole. Let's think. Oh, I know. Would you go on a date with me?" Celina asked him. Girl had gall, lots of it. She had no problem asking him, or any boy for that matter, out. "Before you answer you should know, I have expensive taste." she said jokingly, trying to ease him. She had been told she came off as intimidating. Although why she simply couldn't fathom.
"Hey, I was just trying to be nice. Plus, her brother was right there. I didn't want to piss him off this early in the game." He nudged her when Celina commanded that she needed to complete a dare. "Nothing you can't handle, I'm sure." He saw the glare that Celina threw her way and stifled a chuckle. "Easy, Mar. Play with bitchy fire and you get buuuuuurned." He whispered to her.
Margo smiled at Trent's excuses and yawned. "I always like playing with fire." she mused. "Well someone better dare me while Cole weighs the benefits and dangers of going on a date with Celina." Margo murmured to him. "Might as well be you. I trust you more than anyone else here. So, dare me. Get me back for making you skinny dip." she smiled at him.
"Good decision." Cole said, acknowledging Trent's comment while he thought about Celina's question. He grinned a little at her comment about having expensive taste, he was pretty confident that wasn't a problem. At the same time, it irritated him that people put so much weight onto net worth at this school. The idea of a date because of a game of truth or dare further disgruntled him. He typically avoided drama like it was the plague, and he couldn't imagine a way in which a date because of a game would end drama-free.

"Sure, theoretically, I would go on a date with you. However, let's also remember that this is a truth and not a dare, so in no way am I contractually obliged to do so." He said with a smirk and a shrug.

"Ouch, that hurt. Brutal way to find out that there won't be a second date, Celina." Nathan said, pretending to be offended, but as usual his sincerity was unbelievable. His bright eyes and over dramaticism were an easy tell, even without his poorly hidden grin as he tried to keep a straight face.

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