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Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

Margo nodded and put on the helmet, knocking her head against his playfully while she got on. She wrapped her arms around his middle and rested her head on his back, smiling as the world flew by. She squeezed him twice and held on, laughing as he sped up and threw one of her hands in the air. This was the most fun she had had in awhile. If she had known that in transferring schools she would end up riding on the back of a gorgeous, sweet, funny, tattooed football player's motorcycle, she would have saved herself the hassle and transferred years ago. But she supposed it worked out for a reason, and she wished every masshole back in Boston could see how fricken happy she was, and that if it weren't for their cruelty she never would have found this happiness.
The race ended with Cole somehow even losing to Julia and coming in last amongst his friends. He scowled and silently handed Nathan the gamecube controller. Nathan grinned gleefully at Cole's annoyance. "Watch it Cole, your sore loser side is showing!" He laughed and Cole just shook his head.

"Wait a minute!" Nathan said suddenly, turning to Celina. "Are you saying all that bullshit 'one true love' stuff from The Notebook isn't how relationships work in real life?" he asked her. "I thought it'd help my game some." he joked.

"Hmm.. I don't know about all that one true love stuff, but there must be some merit in being kept in a relationship." Julia thought aloud. "Maybe it's just not a thing meant to happen in high school relationships." she added, slightly sourly.
"Nope." Celina said. "High school is just bed practice for college." she grinned, sticking her tongue out and wagging her eyebrows. "I will be getting myself some bed practice tonight. Ow ow!!" Celina cat called and grinned at her first place trophy.
"I think true love is definitely real." Robin said softly, but there was a little smile on her lips. "It just comes in a lot of different forms. Sometimes long lasting relationships start in high school. My parents met when they were fifteen and stayed together ever since. Don't ask me how they did it, but they did." She shrugged as she selected Baby Mario as her new character and selected a motorbike. "It really is different for everyone. But it's not impossible."

Trent laughed as he felt Margo squeeze him, telling him to go faster, which he happily obliged to. The sun was out, the wind was racing against his face, and he had a beautiful girl on the back of his bike. "Life is good." Trent decided. As they rode up next to a red light, Trent saw was looked to be a diner and a gas station on the corner, with a big sign reading "The Little Beaver" near where the pumps were. He nudged Margo and pointed towards it. "How about some food?" He said loudly, hoping she heard him over the sound of his motorbikes engine.
Celina shrugged. "Maybe." she said to Robin. "Although I've always more believed in being compatible over being in love. I have no delusions of love and grandeur. Which is probably why the boys like me." she snickered. "That and my butt." She gave her controller to Cole and stretched. "Go ahead I'll sit this one out."

"Yeah!" Margo yelled, though she was hesitant to give up any situation that required her to hold tight to Trent, but there was always the ride home. They pulled in, parked and hopped off, and Margo couldn't wipe the smile off her face. She shook her hair out of the helmet and hung the helmet on his bike. "Now that's fun. Like taking a rollercoaster as a form of transportation." she smiled and gave his hand a squeeze before releasing, feeling a surge of electricity ignite in her fingertips. As they walked in and got a seat at the bar she continued smiling. "So, why're you at Rockwell?" she asked him, peering over the menu even though she knew she would get the same thing she always got at diners. "Transfers like you and I always have more reasons than just to better our education. If that was the only excuse we would have started there as freshmen." she told him.
Trent smoothly parked the bike in a spot near the entrance. "Tell me about it. Take your thrills whenever you can get them, am I right?" He squeezed her hand back gently. As they were seated and started to look over the menu, he paused at Margo's question. "Well... this will sound like a massive cliche, but my parents wanted to keep me in line and take everything a bit more seriously. It wasn't the fact that I was behind in my grades, I just... well, I went out a lot. And took substances that weren't acceptable to them, unlike prozac." He chuckled a little. "The last straw was when I got this beauty of a tattoo-" He shrugged off his jacket and showed her the pinup on his upper shoulder. "-And they also discovered proof of said substances in my room. I guess now if I think about it, this really isn't a punishment, more so... insurance. To make sure I don't turn out like my brother." He glanced over at her. "Sorry, I'm going on. What about you?"
Margo nodded at his story slowly. "Wow, I wish that when I was bad I got sent away to an awesome boarding school." she said with a chuckle, nudging him playfully and tracing the outline of his tattoo with her fingertip. "Cute." she grinned. She smiled kind of sadly when he asked her the same question. "Well, I went to public school near Boston. And Massachusetts has some of the best schools in the world. That teeny tiny state beats out some of the top nations in the world. Well, anyway, Mass is very progressive and everything I guess. But, I had my first girlfriend and it was all very hush hush. She was raised Catholic, and neither of us were out. And my, well my best friend caught us in the showers one day. And I still don't really get why, maybe she thought I had a big lessssbian crush on her, but she spread all these awful rumors. My girlfriend dropped me like a hot potato, said I forced myself on her. People wrote dyke on my locker and essentially ran me out of the school district. I'm just glad I'm smart. Not to toot my own horn but I am very very smart. School was easy for me, always was. We will see how I do now that I'm not in public. So, here I am, on a full scholarship. I don't have a Facebook or any kind of social networking because damn people find me, and I get so much hate mail. Just sucks because I really loved her, and I know she loved me too. Otherwise I would be in juvie right now for false charges. She didn't let it go that far. Some people are just so afraid of what is different from them, and I've always been different." Margo shrugged then looked up at him. "Wow, sorry. That was a lot, loaded answer for a first date." she said with a nervous laugh and ordered eggs over easy with home fries and toast.
Trent reach for her hand and held in comfortingly, running a calloused thumb over her palm. "I'm honestly glad you're opening up to me. I'm sorry you went through that. It sounds like the worst shit in the world. People can just be assholes, but hey- now you're here among some great, non-judgemental people. And trust me, I'm not gonna be that kind of guy who's gonna ask you for a threesome just because you're bisexual." He joked, hoping to cheer her up. He let go of her hand when the waitress asked for his order, as he asked for steak and eggs over medium, with toast and home fries as well. As the waitress walked away, he felt himself hesitating to speak, but decided to do it anyway. "Listen... um, I know people sound like such self-entitled shit head when they say I know how you feel, but I kind of know how you feel. I had a messy split when I left school, too. Kind of the reason why I'm not so upset about leaving."
Margo smiled at him warmly and kissed his cheek. "Thanks. And I'm always down for a threesome, I've had two." she said with a laugh, so it was hard to tell if she was kidding. She winked at him, then nodded as he mentioned his own split. "Sorry, it sucks. Love is stupid. What happened?" she asked. She figured she gave him a huge juicy part of her past, she could.probably coax out his.
Trent let out a bitter chuckle. "Yeah, love does suck. Well... remember how I mentioned how I used to have a band? Well, we were all really good friends, always had been. We played a good couple of shows together. And, well... I had a girlfriend at the time, about 2 years. Her name was Emma. We were pretty happy together, and she liked to hang out with the whole band when we practiced, and they didn't mind, most of them had girlfriends anyway. But... well, there was this party that we had after a gig at my house, and everyone was really drunk, having a good time, and I realize, Emma's missing. So I go upstairs to try and find her and... she was with Brandon, the guitarist. I walked in on them f*cking. In my room. I... I kind of beat the shit out of him. He had to go to the hospital. " He swallowed hard as he remembered Emma screaming at him to stop, hearing Brandon swearing at him, feeling the ache in his knuckles as they hit his face, over and over. "She tried to mend it together after that, even went so far as to claim that she was pregnant, which wasn't true. Anyway, the band sort of split up after that, the bassist took Brandon's side and the drummer took mine." He let out a breath. "Sorry. That kind of came out in a rush. I've never really talked about it with anyone."
Margo nodded solemnly and gave his hand a squeeze. "I would have kicked his ass too." she said simply. "But at least you didn't go back with her. Once a cheater always a cheater. People don't really change, not really. It wouldn't have worked no matter how hard you tried. That kind of betrayal isn't something you can slap some duct tape on and claim it's fixed." she told him. She gave very good advice when it came to other people, it's just a shame she rarely took it herself. Margo was known to get back with cheaters, and end up with the kind of guys that made her look like she had no self respect. "You're a good guy. You deserve a good girl. Or guy. No judge." she said, smiling softly over her mug of tea.
He smiled back at her. "No judge. You deserve the same, Margo, no matter what those bigoted, homophobic assholes say." He breathed easy as the food came to their table and was set down in front of them. "Looks awesome. I won't lie, I love diner food. Just so simple and tasty." He dug in to his food, very hungry. "So... what're your parents like?" He asked, wanting to get to know her better.
Margo almost gagged in her toast when he asked, then laughed at herself. "Weeeellllll..." she murmured, then sighed. "My mom is great. But my dad left for a few years and had an affair with some old girlfriend in Texas. He claims he doesn't remember doing any of it, and he only came back after I got injured in the fire." Margo rambled, pointing at her leg vaguely. "Him and my brother are both bi-polar, but we never knew until a couple years ago. The women in my family are tough as nails though, healthy as a horse." she said, as if assuring him of her own sanity. "My therapist said that with all the stress I underwent, if I was going to go crazy I already would have. Seems logical to me. My dad and brother are better now, on the right drug cocktail, as it were. But my dad lost his job, and we have been living off my mother's teacher salary ever since." she shrugged. "That's really all old news. Took lots of group therapy to fix all the hate we had for each other with that. My mom and I were homeless for a little while because my dad took the house. My sister was already married, and J.D was in a mental hospital. So for awhile it was just us, living in our car with our dog. We didn't have the cat yet. God my past sounds so depressing when I say it all out like that. Jesus." Margo said, biting into her eggs and mixing them in with the home fries. She told him all of this as if she were talking about someone else, a family she couldn't relate to. Her home life was something she distanced herself from mentally for a long time. She was forced to grow up very fast at just 14. "I actually got my tattoo for my mom. It was a book she used to read to me, and through all that shit she would say it to me all the time. My mom drew it up for me, and my aunt did the tat. I got it when I was 15." she laughed. "She used to live with us, my aunt, until she got married and moved to Maine. She was like a second mom for most of my childhood. I lived with her for a little bit while my mom tried to find somewhere for us to live, then my aunt and her wife died in a fire. I only injured my leg, there aren't even scars anymore. I guess that's the only bit I haven't gotten over. I'm named after her, she was a great woman. I have a great family, and I love them all. Even the crazy ones. But especially my mom." she concluded. "I never talk about all this. I am so fricken sorry." she murmured.
"Jeez." Trent said quietly, absorbing all this information. He felt bad for Margo, but he was unsure as to respond. "Margo, please don't ever apologize for telling me about yourself. I never talk about Emma myself, so I get where you're coming from. I just... I used to respect you, but now that's quadrupled. God, you are probably the most resilient, strong person I've ever met. I can't believe you went through all that shit." He brushed a strand of hair away from her face and tucked it behind her ear. "A toast," He said, not raising his glass but a piece of toast, "To the strong women in your life, especially you. May you continue to take no shit from anyone."
Margo laughed, probably a little too hard. She was just relieved she hadn't scared him away with her word vomit. It was a relief to tell somebody though. Even before the scandal at school her best friend never cared to talk about it, telling her instead to go back to therapy. She guessed that should have been a red flag right there. "Thanks Trent." she said with a smile. "All I need now is an evil twin I never knew I had to come back from the dead, then I got myself a soap opera. Although I like to think I've earned my happy ending about now. What about you and your family? Robin seems nice." Margo asked him. She took his hand and held it, and since she was left handed it didn't even inhibit their eating.
Trent chewed thoughtfully, swallowed, and drank a bit of juice before answering. "Well... my parents are alright. They're definitely hard-asses, that's for sure. My dad doesn't exactly believe in the arts as a means of earning money, so I don't really talk to him about my art. Robin's my younger sister, and she's great. I worry about her, though, that she's more into books than she is into people. Can hardly blame her though, the world's so full of shitheads that it's hard to find the good ones. I have an older brother too, his name is Jackson. He's a great guy, but my family kind of disowned him. He dropped out of university after getting into drugs and is currently in rehab, and my parents never talk about him. I still talk to him, he's a great guy, getting back on his feet, he just got mixed in with the wrong people. It happens. We don't have a lot of extended family, just some relatives out in Wyoming." He shrugged. "Not that much excitement, to be honest. The rents aren't too keen on me since they saw me going down Jackson's path. I can't change how they feel."
Margo nodded and chewed on her eggs, listening thoughtfully. "You can't give up on family. Good on you. If your own family gives up on you how are you ever supposed to trust anyone else?" Margo said simply. As crazy as her family was and as awful their hardships, they always had each others' backs, now more than ever. "Well, your parents made you. So they can't be all bad. Let me meet 'em. My exes used to call me the parent whisperer. I actually still talk to a few of their moms, and one of their dads." she laughed.
"I agree with that." He chuckled when she brought up meeting his rents. "Don't worry. We're just on the first date, so you won't have to worry about meeting them for awhile. Besides... if you're the parent whisperer, these guys may be your unsolvable case. They're tough to crack." He polished off the rest off his food. "I'm sure your 'rents would adore me. How much is it to buy enough cover up for your whole body?" He joked. The waitress came by and picked up his empty plate. "Anything else?" She asked, slightly bored. "Pie. Surprise me with the flavour." She walked off, and Trent drank some more juice. "You looking forward to this party tonight?"
Margo giggled. "My parents aren't ones to judge. Very liberal, my aunt married a woman and was a bike riding tattoo artist. They're chill." She grinned, then shrugged. "Yeah I guess. Always up for a good time, though it sounds a bit like a frat party. And guys are dicks at frat parties. Just isn't usually my crowd. I prefer to drink wine with the art and theater geeks and discuss politics. I'm an old soul." she grinned. "That girl is going to spit in your pie." she said, nodding to the bubble gum chewin, lip gloss smackin, high pony tail wearin waitress in a too short skirt and apron.
"I agree with that. Although there are some merits to a rager. Personally, no bush bash will ever, ever beat the crazy atmosphere of a music festival. Everyone's just loving the music and having fun, it's incredible. But for tonight, I say we blend in amongst the party plebeians and then sneak of with some of that wine, preferably somewhere moonlit. I'll attempt to seduce you with my knowledge of tattoo styles and drawings." He grinned lopsidedly at her. The waitress came by with his pie, which looked like chocolate cream. He lifted the bottom of the crust as soon as the waitress was out of earshot. "No saliva, we're golden." He took a big bite and smiled dreamily. "Mmm. Sugar." He offered her a forkful of chocolate filling, crust, and whipped cream. "Wanna taste?"
Margo raised her eyebrows when he mentioned moonlight and seduction. "Well, I am now looking forward to this party very much." she grinned, then ate the fork full of pie, getting cream on her nose. She laughed at herself and swallowed, wiping her nose with her napkin. "What do you even call dessert after breakfast? Is it still dessert? Or is it like a weird combination of brunch and dessert? But brunch is already a combination of breakfast and lunch, so calling it brunert is like having a cousin-brother." Margo rambled, then stopped herself. "Dude, I don't know where my mind goes." she said with a laugh, pulling out her wallet. "Relax I will let you be a gentleman, but I got tip." she said, putting down a five.
"Whatever it is, I call it delicious." He laughed. "You're cute when you ramble. Thanks, I wouldn't want you to damage my pride this early on." He pulled out a twenty and laid it down on the table, figuring the waitress could just keep the change. He got up from the table. "What do you want to do now?"
Geoff was driving around the town. It was basically pitch black out. He took a left, onto the road that he lived on. "Man... It's pretty dark out." He looked at clock that was on the dashboard of his car. It was 8:30 Pm. But it felt close to 11:30, cursed jet lag. He drove home, and pulled into the garage. His mother was home. He walked in and saw that the living room was on. He leaned against the doorway. His mother was on the couch watching a movie about a marie coming home. "Hey..." He said softly. "You should get to bed... You got work tomorrow." He said. She looked, and kind of laughed. It was a kind hearted laugh. "Yeah... and you got school." She said as she turned off the movie. Geoff's mother when into her room and fell asleep. Geoff went up to his room, and fell on his bed and fell asleep.
"I will go wherever the wind takes me." Margo grinned, and almost blushed at his compliment. Her olive complexion didn't really allow for blushing, but if she could she would. She took his hand casually, it just felt nice to have contact like that again. She didn't think she would at least a very long time.
Trent gripped her hand back, and led her outside. It was starting to get a little dark out, the world flush with the bright, dying light of the sun. "Why don't we explore a little before we head back? I personally just like driving around on the bike, it's a good escape." He looked over at her. "Whatever you like, really. I'm easy."

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