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Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

Trent squeezed Margo's hand back. "I came here with the prettiest girl, I think that's a pretty good accomplishment." He laughed at the skinny dippers. "I've never considered myself trendsetting, guess I did so inadvertently." He grabbed a beer from one of Cole's teammates. "Thanks, dude." He took a long pull of his beer. "Hm. Not bad."

Robin took a beer from the teammate, smiling shyly. She only took a small sip, not wanting to reveal that fact that secretly, she couldn't stand beer.
Margo shook her head. "Thanks, but naw. Wine girl. And you don't get to call me newbie since I'm older and you look like you're 13." Margo said with a playful grin.

"Well, this one has some spice." The guy said, pretending not to be offended by her comment on his age. Celina circumvented her way back to the group, on the shoulders of some hunky giant football player. He tossed her down, flipping her on to her feet as he did. "Having fun, kids?" she asked with a smirk, taking the beer that had been offered to Margo and downing it.

"Well we just got here. But I hear music, and I am going to dance." Margo said, running over to the speakers and getting down on the grass to do the worm. She was ridiculously good at it and all the drunk guys and girls thought it was hilarious. A few guys got down to try and do it themselves, only succeeding in face planting in the grass. "Only dance move I can do that doesn't resemble a pole dancer. Because Boston." She laughed a little shamefully.
Geoff couldn't fall asleep. He felt like something was going on, something important. He got up and put some clothes on. He walked out his door, and down the stairs. He grabbed his keys, they were hangin' up. He walked into the garage and drove around. He saw some people hanging out. He pulled up. The roar from the engine was probably the loudest thing there. He got out and saw Margo. "Hey long time no see!" He said jokingly.

Tag me if I have to see it
Margo turned and smiled. "Hey, I was wondering if you would show up. Haven't seen you around campus. You know Trent. And then there's Julia, Celina, Cole, and Nathan." Margo introduced.
Trent nodded at Geoff. "Hey, dude." He glanced over at Celina to see her reaction to Geoff's arrival. He leaned in closer to Margo. "We'll let them mingle- I think she's met her match. Wanna dance?" He took her by the hand and led her back to the group of people, running up to the guy running the laptop and asking him to put on one of his favourite dance tracks, Footloose. Sure enough, all the drunk people started laughing and dancing along to the classic song, and he pulled Margo into the group, grinning as he did so.

Robin wiggled her fingers at Geoff in greeting, but as she did, she saw someone sitting apart from the group of partiers, reading. She wondered if she should go talk to him. She set her beer down on a flip-cup table nearby and pulled the wine from out of her bag. She grabbed an extra solo cup and pour some in. She offered some to Julia. "Like some?"
"Oh and Robin! Sorry Robin." Margo said with a grin before being pulled to the dance floor. "Footloose?" she asked with a laugh, raising an eye brow. "You going to go dance your feelings out in an abandoned factory? How are you not a theater kid? Or gay? Are you looking for a beard?" Margo teased with a grin, but did her best to keep up.

"Hello Geoff." Celina said with a grin, eyeing him up and down. Of course, she eyed everyone up and down, and she still had a lot of plans for later tonight. "I have never seen you here before. Are you new, or a freshmen?" She asked him.

Geoff grinned back at her. "Actually I moved from Maine… and I'm a senior. He said eyeing her down as well. "I'm sorry I don't remember meeting you… I've meet Margo and Trent… but not you… which also brings to mind how do you know me?" He said looking at her legs then moving to her face.

Tag me if I have to see it
Celina raised an eyebrow, was he slow? Margo just introduced them. "Margo introduced you to everyone. I'm Celina. I run this place." She said with a hair toss. "Maine? That's cool. Heard that's where a lot of the gays live." she said with a chuckle, not-so-subtly trying to figure out if he was straight.
(OOC: Sorry I've been MIA- Busy helping with orientation week at school!)

Julia looked at the wine Robin was offering her and finished the last swig of her beer before accepting it. "Thanks." she said with a smile. "I'm not picky when it comes to alcohol." she grinned, though after a sip of wine she could tell that it was of a reasonably high class variety. Julia noticed the flip cup table "Wanna play?" she asked, though she had a feeling that Robin wouldn't be one for drinking games.

Cole eyed the new-comer suspiciously as he wondered how on earth amidst all of the tending to newbies he had completed during the last two days he hadn't managed to meet this guy. He noticed that he had Celina's attention, though in fairness, what guy didn't? He quietly drank his beer, not joining into any particular conversation, but aware of all of them. Cole couldn't help but to scoff when Celina mentioned she 'owned the place'. "Whatever helps you sleep at night." he muttered.

"All hail Queen Celina. Long live the queen." Nathan said jokingly.
Ooc: nbd! All my friends are orientation leaders too. Classes start tomorrow. :/

"And this is the court jester." Celina grinned, gesturing towards Nathan, pulling him into an affectionate, well, affectionate for Celina, hug. She was fond of Nathan, in sort of a you're adorkable kind of way. But let's be real, Celina went for macho assholes who looked good as arm candy. Although she supposed there was always an exception, she herself was no where near finding it. She planted a kiss on Nathan's cheek then laughed, grabbing herself another beer.

OOC: Yuck, I don't start until Thursday!

Nathan laughed at Celina's remark "I can live with that." he grinned, letting her give him a hug and kiss his cheek before she wandered off to grab another beer. He caught Julia watching him from where she was standing with Robin and she looked a little apprehensive. Nathan sighed and turned away to find something else to drink, quickly. Julia Harper would always be important to Nathan, they had gone through a lot of 'firsts' together since they started dating in 9th grade, but unlike for Julia, their break up hadn't been a 'last' for Nathan. Ironic as it was, considering she was the one who broke up with him, Nathan had been a lot less heart broken than her and had gone on casual dates with many of their mutual friends, though he still wasn't really ready to make any kind of commitments.
Geoff followed her, and laughed at her comment. "Yeah there are a lot of gay people in Maine, and in fact I know a few of them.... But I am not., Babe" He said. "Nice to meet you jester." He said with a little laugh after. "Anyway. I was wondering one thing... What your hair would look in my convertible going about 80 down the Highway... Would you care to show me?"
Celina raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Sorry honey, but I'm a lot more work than that. Some might even go so far as to call me 'high maintenance'. You want me, you have to work for it." Celina told him with a laugh. She watched Trent and Margo dancing like fools to some ridiculous musical and rolled her eyes. Children. "I want to go swimming. Nate that is certainly your element. Come life guard all the drunks." she joked, and invited Geoff along too.

Geoff nodded. She was hot, and he would work for that."yeah sure." He said. He walked over to his car. "You guys want to ride?" He said as he pointed towards his car. "You got to tell me where to go."

Tag me if I have to see it
"Dude, are you blind? There's a lake less than a football field away, where'd you think we were gonna go?" Nathan laughed. "Noobs." he added, shaking his head in disapproval. "Let's go!" Nathan said enthusiastically, not dwelling on Geoff's mistake. He casually put his arm on Celina's shoulder and steered her towards the lake, assuming Geoff was capable of following. "I'm sure I'm still sober enough to rescue one of you, but if you both go down we're screwed. I'll still manage one, but the other is on their own, and if the choice is between a pretty girl with whom I'm good friends, and a random I barely know- I don't like your chances buddy." he grinned, all in good fun, as he turned around to look at Geoff.

They reached the small strip of sand that covered the ground immediately around the lake, well, really it's a large pond, but forever it has been affectionately known by all of the Rockwell residents as 'the lake', so the misnomer remained. It was really quite small and uninteresting compared to the vast white sandy beaches with perfect waves that Nathan spent his summers at, but there was a certain charm to the clear, cold, flat and tourist-free waters of their little lake. Nathan kicked his flip flops off by a log and tugged at his t-shirt until he pulled it over his head. He tossed the t-shirt on top of the log and ventured over to the water. There were a few people swimming already, but they were barely visible and over closer to the dock. Nathan suspected some kind of kissing and other such things would soon occur, but the rest of the lake was empty and they were far enough away that it was not awkward to go swimming.

Nathan walked into the water up to his knees. "Fair warning. It's pretty cold, I'd suggest just running in before your brain can decide to be rational." He said to Celina and Geoff. He shivered slightly, even after a week of morning swims to the island in the middle of the lake, his California-boy thermometer told him that he was crazy to be in the water.

Geoff ran his hair threw his hair. "Damn I am Blind." He said before following them to the lake. He took of his shirt and took everything out of his pockets, and wrapped them in his shirt. His ink was a barely visible, but you could tell that there was something there. He didn't want to get his stuff wet. It was a perfect rational, you wouldn't want to ruin something that you had worked so hard to get. He laughed at Nate comment. "First, Maine has so many lakes, rivers and ponds that I know how to swim, plus I have had to learn from being thrown in the water..." He walked into the water. "Second, watch what you say, Brother. I haven't had anything, and yet how many have you had?..." He walks out for a second. Only a second. After that second he ran into the frigid water. He laughed. "You think this is cold!... Hah." He laughed. "This is warm compared to swimming on the east coast, where you could see icebergs floating by." He swam out a little.
"Quit playing 'my horse is bigger than your horse' boy, I'm sure you both have fine stallions." Celina joked, then stripped out of all except her bra and panties and dropped into the water, careful not to get her hair or face wet. Mascara running into your eyes was a real bitch, and her hair looked too perfect to ruin. "So you boys going to come and watch me triumph over the newbies at the auditions tomorrow?" she asked them, swimming out to where they were and treading water.
'Oh you want to see what I got.' Geoff thought. She waded out towards them. "Audition? For like a play, or for something else?" Geoff wasn't really a guy who did plays. He didn't mind watching them. He knew a little about them, but he just wasn't the kind of guy to get up on stage. He looked at her. He could only see her figure. He was staring at her, and it was easy to tell. After about ten seconds he shook his head. "Yeah sure... But this is a two way street... I go to your audition, then you go to my football game."
Celina raised an eyebrow. "I go to all the football games. I'm the captain of the cheer squad." Celina laughed. "Fought off all the now senior girls for it at the end of last year. I just look better on top of the pyramid. Can't be helped." @dakup
"Then your going to get to see me in action..." He said. He dipped his head in the water. It was a mild, nothing like some of the polar plunges he had been apart of. "I was suppose to be team captain for my senior year, but we moved out here." He moved a little closer to her, he was in arms range. "I will have to see this pyramid... So I can judge for myself."
"Sure, watching wannabe theatre majors crumple under the stress of performing on stage could be fun." Nathan agreed. "Or, even better, I could improvise my way through an audition to tick off the director." he joked. Public embarrassment wasn't a concept that existed to Nathan. "Okay, there buddy, keep it pg, eh?" he commented.
Geoff turned to face Nathan. He winked, he wasn't planning anything. He certainly wasn't planning on dunking Celina in the water. He wasn't planning on doing anything. He was only moving. Now that Nathan called attention to him he now had to something about it. He backed off, and backed off into the deeper water. "Come on chickens!" He yelled moving in deeper and deeper.
Celina looked at Nathan and wrinkled her nose and pursed her lips, clearly disliking the nature of this guy. To Celina there were only a few types of people in the world, and in the jock category there were jocks who just acted like jocks, they had their stipulations but were otherwise okay. And then there were the jocks who were downright assholes, and it appeared as if Geoff was the latter. "Yeah, no. I'm done here." Celina said simply, swimming away and climbing out of the water. She grabbed her clothes and used her shirt to dry off, then dressed and walked off to find some company more suited to her specific qualifications. She found Julia and Robin again, but essentially ignored Robin. "God that guy was an asshole." she said, stealing Julia's drink and taking a swig.

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